Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 180: Lafite's disgust

"It seems that I might have caught an incredible thing." Xinghai smiled as he looked at the sea of ​​fog surging below.

"Hai, do you want me to do it now?" Rafi said lightly from the side.

"No need to"

Xinghai stopped Rafi’s next move.

"Let's wait and see to see how capable this thing is." After speaking, Xinghai paused, "But you still have to be careful, there may be very weird things inside."


Raffi nodded.

Because she is an artificial god, there should be very few things that can affect her, but the red mist below still makes her feel very uncomfortable, and she has an idea of ​​wanting to destroy all the red mist below. , So Lafite has the question just now.

As time goes by, the eyes bound by the magic of the stars have been screaming, and the sea of ​​red mist below is boiling more and more fierce. From time to time, you can see the monsters squeezed out of the red mist, just like all the surrounding areas. All of the monsters gathered here.

"Let me see, what tricks you guys play." Xinghai muttered to himself in a low voice.

At a certain moment, it was as if someone had sounded the horn to charge. The monsters that had been hiding in the clouds all rushed out at once, aiming straight at the sea of ​​stars.

Xinghai didn't panic when he saw this scene. He smiled slightly, and a huge silver circle appeared at Xinghai's feet, and a silver light curtain hung down.

The monsters that encountered these silver light curtains all came to a standstill, floating in mid-air just like that, as if time had stopped.

Obviously, I have seen that the front comrades are under control, but the monsters below are still rushing upward.

This situation caused Xinghai to frown. Is the eyeball he grasped so important, or is it possible to manipulate those monsters?

Now that there is too little intelligence, Xinghai can't know the truth behind this. Xinghai looks at his eyeballs, but finds that the big mouth full of fangs and teeth on his eyeballs is gone, instead, it is the black pupil.

However, there seemed to be a trace of mockery in that pupil.


Rafi’s sudden shout made Xinghai regain his senses, and then Xinghai saw a huge shadow appearing in the red mist below. The size of this shadow even exceeded the range of Xinghai’s magic circle, and it was getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid that the size of this thing is simply unimaginable.

Perceiving this scene, Xinghai made a prompt decision, grabbed Rafi's hand and rushed to the sky, of course he did not forget to take the eyeball away.

At the moment when Xinghai flew to the sky, the huge shadow under the sea of ​​red mist rushed out and directly slammed into Xinghai's magic circle.

Because there were other monsters in front of it, those monsters all turned into fleshy meat under its collision.

After these obstacles in front of it disappeared, it did not lose its momentum, and the silver light curtain hanging from the Xinghai Magic Array did not cause any influence on it, and then this behemoth came into direct contact with Xinghai's Magic Array.

Xinghai's magic circle trembled, and it was smashed directly without blocking it for a second, turning into a light spot in the sky.

But this block is not useless, at least it reduced the momentum of the behemoth a lot, and after continuing to rush upwards, it could only helplessly fall back into the red mist. This one made the red mist roll. It's more intense than before.

Xinghai looked at the huge monster that had fallen back again. He breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously, he looked at his hands and drew a magic circle, looked at the magic circle for a long time, and then showed a wry smile.

Unexpectedly, he has become weaker now. Although he didn't pay much attention to the magic circle just now, but the monster just used brute force on his magic circle, but it still destroyed his magic circle. If placed in the past, an attack of this level is absolutely impossible to destroy his magic circle.

"Sea, it's nothing."

Raffi on the side seemed to notice the loss of Xinghai, she floated over and hugged Xinghai lightly.

Being hugged by Rafi, Xinghai's originally a little lost mood improved slightly.

Xinghai sorted out his emotions and asked Rafi who was holding him: "How is the intelligence collection?"

Hearing Xinghai’s question, Lafite let go of Xinghai and said: "Lafite has collected a lot of information, which is almost enough, but if you want to learn more, you need more information."

"Is that so?"

Xinghai frowned and said, “It’s too dangerous to go on like this. It’s very possible that there are even more terrifying monsters hidden in the red mist. If there is something we can’t deal with, it’s not good, so we Leave now."


Lafite nodded and said, "Let Lafite do one more thing."

"What are you going to do?" Xinghai asked suspiciously.

"Destroy them." Rafi said lightly.

After Lafite finished speaking, a huge phantom appeared beside her. This phantom looked like the shell of a spaceship, but it had many traces of being destroyed by war.

"Annihilation bomb, reload."

"Lafite, you won't come for real, are you?" Xinghai looked at Rafite, somewhat surprised.

The reason why Xinghai is so surprised is that the annihilation bomb is a very powerful special weapon for galaxy-class space battleships. It only needs one to tear the shield and armor shell of galaxy-class space battleships. It can be said to be the killer among the killers.

But in the same way, under the extremely powerful power, what followed was the fact that extremely high cost and extremely low output.

Coupled with the previous battle, Lafite’s current inventory of annihilation bombs is definitely single-digit, but now, Lafite actually wants to use one here.

"Lafite, wouldn't you use this thing here to affect that world, and do you hate these things so much?" Xinghai asked.


Hearing Xinghai's question, Lafite suddenly stopped her movements, and then after she pondered for a while, she said: "Lafite has calculated it. This will affect the protective shield of that world."

"Did you never think of this before?" Xinghai asked angrily.

Hearing Xinghai's words, Lafite was silent, and then tilted his head again, not daring to look directly at Xinghai.


Seeing Lafite's appearance, Xinghai sighed helplessly. He seldom saw Lafite having such incomplete calculations. It seems that Rafite really hates those things in the red mist.

As for why Lafite hates it, Xinghai didn't ask, because he hates such things, do I need a reason? I'm afraid that a slightly normal person will find it difficult to accept these things after seeing the appearance of these things.

In this case, Lafite can use it as long as it doesn't affect the wall of the world.

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