Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 181: Escape of Xinghai

Lafite finally thought about it, but gave up the idea of ​​using annihilation bombs.

Such precious things should not be used in this kind of place, and it may also cause new changes in this world, so Lafite chose a much lower-level erosion bomb.

Corrosion bombs mainly work on the energy shield, because the mechanism of this special bomb type is not very effective here, but there is no other more suitable for Lafite.

After that, Rafite's loading and launching caused the cloud sea below to burst into red vortexes.

And this is the attack method of the erosion bomb, which first absorbs the surrounding energy as much as possible, and then bursts out at one time.

Rafie left with Xinghai after dropping the erosion bomb, and didn't care about the outcome of the battle. After all, the densely densely populated below were all monsters of that kind. If such a few special missiles were to go down, the battle would definitely be impressive.

Not long after, Xinghai and Rafi passed through the wall of the world, and everything around them returned to normal.

Xinghai looked at this wall of the world, thinking carefully.

Now it seems that this wall of the world only has the ability to resist the red mist and the monsters in the red mist. Apart from that, Xinghai has not seen the other functions of the wall of the world.

But it is this simple effect that brings to the world a huge effect.

Xinghai couldn't imagine what this world would be like without the walls of this world, maybe everything in this world would be assimilated by these red mists.

It can be said that this wall of the world is the last line of defense in this world.

In this way, it may be possible to explain how the first batch of crimson came from.

At first, a group of sirens discovered this weird wall of red fog, and then they sent the sirens to explore it, but what they did not expect was that the sirens sent into it were assimilated into crimson by the red fog.

And more importantly, these crimsons should be able to come into this world through the wall of the world, and then batch after batch of sirens were assimilated into crimson without knowing it, and gradually formed the current deep red. Red disaster.

Although this is just a guess, Xinghai estimates that the actual situation is not much different from his own guess, so what should he do now?

"Raffi, what do you think I should do?" Xinghai asked Raffi a little blankly.

"Hai, Lafite thinks that Hai shouldn't let them go, and shouldn't keep them hidden." Lafite said slowly.

Rafite's words made Xinghai's breathing short.

"Raffi, you... why do you say that?"

Rafi looked into Xinghai’s eyes and explained: “They are a species with great potential. They also have the strength to develop upwards. Moreover, we also need more power to help us. After all, we were defeated by the human sea tactics. under."

"Or, Hai, you still have to continue to escape, but will Hai really escape? Hai, you have already drawn them in, and now none of them can escape from the center of the storm."

"You think you are protecting them now, but when they die in front of you in a more miserable way, Hai... do you still think so?"

Lafite’s words caused Xinghai’s breathing to stagnate. Lafite is the person who knows Xinghai best, and she knows exactly what Xinghai is thinking.

In fact, these words of Rafi had already concluded in Xinghai's heart, but he had never been willing to admit it.

Being naked by Rafi now makes Xinghai wonder what it feels like.

"This kind of thing is not good without their consent, and their appearance is probably..."

"They will agree!"

Before Xinghai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Rafi, and then Xinghai saw Rafi's firm eyes.

"Hai, you may have forgotten that Rafite is also the ship's wife, so Rafite knows what the ship's women are thinking. If it is to protect the sea, Rafite believes in their determination.

"Ahaha, let's talk about this kind of thing later." Xinghai said haha, "Let's go back now. If they find out that the two of us are not there, I'm afraid the port area will cause trouble again."

Xinghai turned around and left.

Rafi looked at Xinghai's leaving back, eyes full of loss.

"There will be no chance in the future, Hai..." Rafi murmured.


Xinghai returned to the port area. After closing his eyes into the laboratory, he sat in his office, saying nothing or doing anything.

Sitting in this way is all afternoon, until it gets dark, there is no change in Xinghai.

After spending a while with Xinghai, Rafi fell asleep on the sofa. If it were the usual Xinghai, he would have carried Rafi back to the bedroom.

But now Xinghai was so messed up by what Rafi had said before, and he didn't even find Rafi asleep on the sofa.

It was not until the next morning, when the alarm clock rang, that Xinghai came to a surprise. At this time, he found Rafite sleeping on the sofa. Then he blamed himself for being so careless, and then he pulled Fei took her back to the bedroom and covered her with a quilt.

After doing everything, Xinghai returned to the office.


After a while, there was a knock on the door, Xinghai pressed a button on the table, and the office door opened by itself.

The one standing outside the door had become the Javelin of Secretary Xinghai again due to illness.

Because it was very early, there was nothing to do. After the Javelin came in and greeted Xinghai, he went to a desk dedicated to the secretary ship to sort out the previous documents.

Xinghai stared at the javelin after the javelin came in, and didn't move at all for a long time.

After a while, it seemed that the one stared by Xinghai couldn't stand it, and Javelin said in embarrassment, "Commander, do you have anything to do?"

Xinghai looked at her, was silent for a long time, and then said, "Javelin...Are you afraid of death?"

"Hey, why did the commander ask such a strange question." Javelin said in confusion.

"You don't need to know the reason, just answer me." Seeing that Javelin did not answer his question, Xinghai increased his tone.

As if shocked by Xinghai's tone, Javelin froze for a while before cautiously saying: "If you really want to say it, this kind of thing is still terrible!"

Hearing the words of the Javelin, Xinghai seemed to be relieved, and at the same time he said in his heart: Look, let me just say, how could there be someone who is not afraid of death? some……

"But for the commander to... to die... to sacrifice, I think there should be no problem." Javelin said the most terrifying words in Xinghai with the most delighted expression.

"I know the commander, you are worried about me. I think I can live a long time, and even if it is a sacrifice, I must sacrifice to protect the commander so that I don't have any regrets, hehe."

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