Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 182: Javelin and Enterprise

"Hey, I always feel a little shy to say that." Javelin touched his head, his face flushed.

Xinghai sat there, not knowing what to say, just like Rafie said, he had already involved them, this is not because he wants them to leave, he can leave, maybe after he removes them from his mind When the Rubik's Cube became a living ship girl, the inseparable bond between them had already occurred.

"But, not every ship's wife..."


An angry shout from outside interrupted Xinghai's words again, and then Xinghai saw the company pushing in.

"Enterprise?" Javelin looked at the angry enterprise in confusion.

The company hurriedly walked to Xinghai, and then said angrily: "Don't use your hypocritical pity to pity us anymore. Don't you think that you are embarrassed and disgusting now!"


Faced with the company's roar, Xinghai was silent, and looking at the silent Xinghai, the company became even more angry.

"You still have to stick to your principle. Are you really good for us? No, not at all. Let me tell you. You are a coward who dares not do anything!"


Before Xinghai spoke, the javelin on the side stood up sharply.

"I don't allow you to say that about the commander. The commander obviously works hard for us. Why do you say that about him!"

The company looked at Javelin, then at Xinghai, and said: "I originally hoped you could figure it out by yourself, but now it seems that we all misunderstood the wrong person."

After talking about the company, he walked outside, but a petite figure stopped in front of the company.


The company glanced at the javelin and tried to bypass the javelin, but the javelin still opened his hands and stopped in front of the javelin.

"Apologize to the commander!"

Some purple lines began to appear on the javelin in front of the company. It seems that if the company does not apologize, she will use some abnormal methods.

The company took a deep look at the javelin, then turned around and said to Xinghai: "Commander, I was reckless about what happened just now. Now I apologize to you."

The company that was finished walked out again, seemingly not wanting to stay here for a moment, and the Javelin had no reason to stop the company this time, so she could only watch the company leave with resentment.

"The enterprise is also true, how can she say that to the commander, obviously the commander has done so many things for everyone."

After Javelin finished speaking, she didn't hear Xinghai's reply. She turned around and saw the godless Xinghai.


Where is this...

Looking at the busy port area, Xinghai was very puzzled. Wasn't he still in the office just now? Why did he come here all of a sudden, and there were many ship ladies he hadn't seen before.

"Quickly, they are coming..."

"Come, they are already here!"

Following the words of the ship's lady, Xinghai looked in that direction, and then he saw an unbelievable scene.

A tall wall of red fog is pouring towards this side, and various monsters can be seen in the red fog.

"That's Red Mist, how come!" Xinghai said in shock.

Then he saw those ship ladies rushing up.

Subconsciously, Xinghai Xinghai wanted to release a magic circle to attack the red mist.

However, no matter how Xinghai portrayed it, nothing happened. Then he immediately turned his target to his space ring, but he found that he could not connect with the space ring, which made Xinghai stunned.

"how can that be!"

Just when Xinghai was stunned, these ship ladies had already begun to contact the monsters in the red mist, and then Xinghai saw the scene that made his eye sockets crack.

It was completely a massacre, a monster's massacre of the ship's mother.

The special rules of the ship's mother that cannot be injured seem to be gone here. Many ship's mothers were directly torn in half, and a large amount of blood spewed out instantly, which soon dyed the sea red, and even more will be swallowed by those monsters. Go down and become part of that monster.

But even if the battle situation was so tragic, the navy girls still threw themselves into the battlefield without hesitation, as if they hadn't seen the tragic situation of the navy girls ahead.

Xinghai wanted to do something, but no matter how he used magic, formations, and connecting space rings, these things that were originally as simple as eating and drinking, now seemed to be impossible.

"Hurry up and give me a little reaction!"

Xinghai stared in horror at the ship's mother who was going to die one by one, while desperately trying to contact him by various means.

"Has the commander gone?"

Suddenly a voice came, causing Xinghai to be stunned.

Xinghai looked at the target of the sound, and saw that standing there was a javelin, his javelin, and his first napkin.

You want to ask how Xinghai knows? There is no special way of distinguishing, it's just that Xinghai can distinguish her when the javelin is standing there. It is obtained by getting along with the javelin day and night, and it belongs to the special way of distinguishing between them.

"Well, the commander has been knocked out by Rafi." Enterprise standing beside Rafi said.

"Lafite sauce, when I first came to this port area, the commander was accompanied by Lafite."

"It's a pity, but perhaps only Rafi can protect the commander among us."

"After all, they are so mysterious..."


Looking at the conversation between Javelin and the company, Xinghai was puzzled. Why did they... appear here, and didn't they just have conflicts just now? How come the relationship looks so good now?

"Speaking of which are you ready?" Javelin asked suddenly.

"What are you talking about, I am a company, no matter what kind of battle it is, I will not be afraid of it. Even if it is such a tactic, you are not afraid of it anymore." The company looked serious. Holding the javelin.

"Ah ha ha"

Javelin smiled awkwardly: "Speaking of which, I'm really scared, but..."

"As long as I think that this will allow the commander to leave safely, I have no sense of fear." At the end, the javelin's tone became unusually firm.

Listening to the conversation between Javelin and the company, Xinghai felt a bit of a headache. It was obvious that he was not here, and what were they going to do?

I don’t know why, listening to them all talk, Xinghai has a strong sense of uncertainty in his heart, so he immediately ran over to stop the javelin and the enterprise, but...

The javelin and the enterprise passed through him without hindrance, and no ship's lady made any response to Xinghai, as if... he was just an invisible ghost.

"this is……"

In an instant, Xinghai suddenly understood a lot of things, why his magic could not be used, why no one reacted to him standing here, why the red mist that should have been intercepted by the wall of the world arrived here.

This is not the real world at all, but belongs to him, a special one that can deduct future dreams to a certain extent.

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