Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 183: Illusion and the future

A long time ago, Xinghai discovered that he had a special ability, that is, under some chance coincidence, Xinghai would enter an illusion from the future.

But this illusion is usually not a good thing. What happens in the illusion is often the kind of thing that makes Xinghai very painful, so painful that it can't breathe.

As for why this future is deduced rather than predicted, it is because this future can be easily changed. Perhaps Xinghai's accidental sentence, an idea, or even what others have done can change this deduction. Coming out of the future.

After all, inferring the future is to use all current information to calculate what is most likely to happen at that point in the future, rather than what will happen, so it is relatively easy to change.

But foreseeing the future is different. Foreseeing the future not only has to pay a great price, but also cannot tell other people, otherwise you will be subject to the so-called scourge.

More importantly, the predictor cannot intervene in this future, so the person who can predict the future generally transmits information like others through other means as much as possible, but he cannot do anything himself.

Moreover, this predicted future, to be honest, is basically impossible to change.

Xinghai met so many people who wanted to change the future during the journey of the dimension. They got a bit of information from the future through various means, and then in order to prevent the ending that they did not want from appearing, they worked hard and used it. By all means.

However, the success that Xinghai has seen changes the future, but only a few people, and most of those people still have the ability to go back to the world or return to the past, seizing the glimmer of hope in the constant failure, and finally successfully changing the future. .

This shows the difficulty of a changed future.

Xinghai doesn’t know whether this time is a deduction or a prediction. Based on past experience, most of this time will be a deduction, but Xinghai will not take it lightly, because if it is not good, the thing that appears in his dream is It will definitely happen.

Because this is the lesson he exchanged with blood and tears.


Back to now.

Xinghai watched step by step towards the group of monster javelins and companies, desperately trying to stop them, but as I said before, now Xinghai... is just a spectator.

"Obviously... it's just an illusion... why... I am so sad..."

Xinghai watched this scene, obviously it was only deduced by his special ability, but why... why is it like he has experienced it personally.

This painful feeling does not seem to be a fake thing at all.

Soon, Javelin and the company came into contact with Red Mist.

""The final mode! ""

In their mouths, Xinghai heard an ability that was completely impossible to appear in them.

Then, under Xinghai's desperate gaze, a series of changes began to appear on their bodies.

A layer of golden light instantly enveloped them, golden lines crawling all over their bodies, three pairs of golden wings spread out behind them, and a golden halo appeared on their heads.

At the same time, the clothes and ship outfits on their bodies have changed, all of which are mainly white and gold, which is more in line with their current temperament image.

Looking at it from a distance, it was like two angels floating in the air.

"How come... it is actually... the final... mode..."

Xinghai almost squeezed this sentence out of his teeth, and something that was absolutely impossible had happened before his eyes.

The final model is a special ability derived from a true god. The source of this ability is that God will impose a punishment on stupid creatures, and those who execute this punishment are called final angels by the creatures.

Because the level of this ability is too high, Xinghai has not seen any existence other than artificial gods that can release this ability.

Even if it is an artificial god, after using this ability, the artificial **** will be completely damaged or even disappear.

But now, Xinghai actually saw this ability in Javelin and Enterprise.

"Monsters, take this blow that blessed all the sisters in the port area."

The javelin yelled, raising the gun directly to the red mist.

With the tip of the javelin as the center, the javelin is like a drill, directly destroying everything on her way forward, and even the space that the javelin rushes through is distorted.

The company didn't speak, but just pulled the bow silently. A golden arrow suddenly appeared on the full bow, and then the company aimed at the place with the most monsters and let go.


I saw a scene that looked like a nuclear explosion, and the red mist and monsters in that area disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scene where the two girls wiped out the monsters like cutting grass.

"It shouldn't. If it's just like this, you shouldn't use the final mode. Both Lafite and I can handle it." Xinghai murmured.

Suddenly, Xinghai noticed that the surrounding scenery seemed to be blurred, and then something seemed to appear in the sky.

Xinghai looked up subconsciously, but when he raised his head to look at the figure in the sky, his eyes went dark in the next instant, and then he saw the javelin with a worried look in front of him.

What was it just now?

"Commander, don't scare me!"

The javelin made a cry of crying, turning Xinghai's thoughts back to reality.

Xinghai looked at the tearful eyes of Javelin, and quickly said: "Ah, I have nothing to do. I just lost my mind just now."


Javelin wiped his tears and said: "I thought the commander, what was said by the company, is really great now that there is nothing wrong."

Hearing what Rafi said, Xinghai couldn't help but smile and said, "Well, I'm not that vulnerable yet, and the company is also for my own good, so it can only be considered strict at best."

"But that would be too much," Javelin muttered.

Regarding the Javelin, Xinghai thought he hadn't heard it. After all, this matter was caused by him. It's better to find time for them to reconcile.

But the illusion just now...


Today, because of that illusion, Xinghai was always a little absent-minded. Fortunately, there was nothing important, so nothing went wrong.

However, Xinghai's state made Javelin in his eyes, and she still complained about the company. If she wanted to say that it was not a company, the commander would not become like that.

However, thinking about the scene where I stopped the company before, the Javelin is still a little afraid. If it really starts, I'm afraid I can't beat the company at all. The company is such a powerful shipwife, and she is now a wounded, even fighting. The ship mother who can't carry on.

Thinking of this, Javelin's mood fell again.

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