Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 185: Discipline and awakening

Xinghai has repeatedly read Lafite's information and plans many times, always thinking about the feasibility of these plans in his mind.

But he watched for a while, and suddenly sighed: "Am I really going to do that? What am I hesitating, and what am I afraid of?"

After sitting like this for another night, Xinghai felt that this was not an option, so he decided to talk to other ship maidens to see their thoughts.

Because the last thing is over, now the port area has basically stabilized, so these ship ladies also have time to do what they like.

Xinghai was the first to find the ship's wife, such as Comet, who happened to pass in front of him.

Although I felt very puzzled as to why the commander would suddenly approach them, they still followed Xinghai without hesitation.

Xinghai took them to the cafeteria, ordered a few desserts, and asked, "What do you think of me."

He seemed to feel that it was a bit wrong to say this, so Xinghai immediately added: "Don't worry about anything, just say it boldly, I won't be angry."


The girls pondered for a while, and then Xinyue took the lead and said: "If you insist on speaking, maybe the commander is a very powerful person, but don't think I am praising you."

"My idea is almost the same as the crescent paste." Comet said.

"It means... Commander, so do I." Little Swan said cautiously.

"Yes, the commander is very powerful..."


Xinghai looked at the babbles of the girls, and felt that he was mostly unable to ask, so he tentatively asked: "Are you... afraid of war?"

As soon as Xinghai's words came out, the entire dining table became quiet, no wonder, after all, the topic now is much heavier than the previous topic.

A dignified air permeated the dining table, which made Xinghai regret it. He shouldn't have raised this topic at the beginning.


At this time, the tweeting with the dessert broke the dead silence and eased the atmosphere a lot.

"War is terrible..." Little Swan said.

"But if we don't fight back, our current port area will be in danger." Xinyue continued.

"Yes, so the commander must use us well and try to protect our port area." Comet said.


Xinghai glanced at a few girls, and then said: "Then I will have these questions. I will treat today's dessert, so I don't need to record it on the account."

"Yeah, really?"

"The commander is great!"

"I haven't had dessert for a long time..."

Because of the shortage of supplies in the port area, such things as snacks in the port area of ​​Xinghai require dessert coupons to redeem.

At the beginning of each month, each ship’s mother will receive a batch of dessert coupons belonging to them. Generally speaking, ship mothers who have been on missions will have extra bonuses. Therefore, the dessert coupons are in the ship’s mothers of Xinghai Port Time is a very hard currency.

The girls on the ship are all girls, so they often run out of dessert vouchers at the beginning of the month, and now it’s the end of the month. I guess these girls haven’t eaten desserts for a long time. No wonder they do. So happy.

Xinghai looked at the excited girls, smiled, and walked out of the cafeteria.

Although he had received answers from the girls, he still couldn't confirm his belief in his heart by this point, so he had to ask other ship's mothers.

After many inquiries, these ship maidens generally had a good impression of Xinghai, and no ship maiden would be completely afraid of fighting, so Xinghai felt a little at a loss.

In the end, he was absent-minded and went to the beach after talking to the company last time. To Xinghai's surprise, the company was standing there, as if waiting for someone.

Feeling the approaching Xinghai, the company glanced at Xinghai, and then said: "You are here to pull, Commander."

"Are you waiting for me, why do you think I will come here?" Xinghai asked suspiciously.

"This is from the intuition of the soldiers." The company replied.

"Now that girl is not there, I think we might be able to have a good talk."

Xinghai frowned when he heard what the company said, and said, "What are you talking about?"

The company looked at Xinghai with a sharp gaze, and said, "Of course it is about your cowardice and irresponsibility."


Feeling the sharp gaze of the company, Xinghai didn't know what a guilty conscience was for a while.

"Commander, you have asked those sisters, so do you have an idea in your mind now?" the company asked.

"Did you see what happened today?" Xinghai asked.


The enterprise nodded, "That's natural, otherwise how could I run here for no reason."

Now Xinghai understood that the company did not rely solely on intuition to come here to wait for him, but came here after seeing Xinghai's actions and making judgments.

"So, what are you going to say?" Xinghai asked.

"I want to ask, Commander, when will you really face us." Enterprise Road.

"What do you mean by this?"

"It means it literally." The enterprise said: "Maybe other sisters have this feeling more or less, that is, the commander does not treat us as a soldier at all, but as a moving porcelain doll."

"Many commanders, you seem to be protecting our orders. In my opinion, they are useless. Not only can they not protect us, but they may even cause harm to the sisters."

Xinghai frowned and said, "I don't seem to have given such an order."

"No, you have."

Speaking of this, the company paused, and then said: "It's the way you encouraged the sisters to improve their experience through combat exercises, instead of letting them fight the sirens."

"But isn't this level also improved and safe?" Xinghai retorted.

"Yes, the level is up, but what about the actual combat experience?" The company stared at Xinghai, "What will happen to the battlefield in this situation, the commander will not understand such a simple truth."

Hearing this, Xinghai was silent. He seemed to only think about how to prevent the ship ladies from being harmed, and ignored this.

"And Commander, have you noticed that you have changed?" The company said suddenly.

"I don't know where you went while you disappeared, but you changed after you came back, Commander."

"You don't have the previously shrewd feeling, as if the overall situation is completely in your hands. Now you cringe in everything. Many times I don't know what you are thinking, Commander."

"If it weren't for the inseparable connection between us and the commander, I would doubt that the commander had you been compromised."

In fact, Xinghai suddenly woke up after hearing the company's sentence that you changed.

Indeed, after carefully reflecting on his own behavior during this period, he found that he really seemed to have changed.

He became the self who had just come into contact with these things, cringed, and feared everything, but it was just that kind of self that made him have painful experiences time and time again, and created him one irretrievable regret after another.

If it weren't for the company's words, what would such Xinghai do that would make him regret for life?

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