Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 186: conspiracy

"Thank you, Enterprise." Xinghai bent down and said sincerely.

Seeing the sudden change of Xinghai's momentum, the company was a little dazed.

When the company has not recovered yet, Xinghai said again: "Okay, I will thank you for what happened today. I still have something to do now, so I will leave first."

After talking about it, Xinghai quickly left, leaving behind some dazed enterprises.

I just... did anything?


After Xinghai left, he went straight to the office. At this time, Javelin and Z23 were not in the office, so Xinghai went directly into the laboratory because he wanted to verify one of his conjectures.

In Xinghai's laboratory, there is also an instrument for detecting parasitic inscriptions, but the power of this instrument is much higher than that of the infirmary.

Xinghai stood up and activated the instrument. A blue light hung from the instrument to cover Xinghai's body and began to scan.

A few seconds before scanning, the instrument sounded a "di di di" alarm, and the blue light also turned red.

Seeing this situation, Xinghai's face suddenly became ugly.

"Damn, I was actually hit."

This instrument is used to detect parasitic inscriptions, and the reaction of the instrument now proves that there are parasitic inscriptions on Xinghai.

Although Xinghai’s face is ugly, he did not immediately make the next move, because this inscription has been on him for so long, and it is estimated that it is difficult to find out by himself. It happens to be able to borrow the effect of this instrument to eliminate Drop this parasitic inscription.

Over time, the red light gradually condensed into a bunch, which means that the parasitic inscription has been locked.

But Xinghai's complexion not only didn't improve, it became even more ugly.

Because this beam of red light is constantly moving, it means that the parasitic inscription is constantly moving in the body of Xinghai, and the movement of the parasitic inscription means that the parasitic inscription is about to evolve into a complete body, and it can return to the owner immediately Or-bring the master over.

And this inscription is probably left by that person in Xinghai's body during that battle. If it is dragged on for a while, with Xinghai's current state, once that person comes, I'm afraid he will not escape.

As for why the parasitic inscription did not stay on Lafite, it was because Lafite was an artificial god, and her body was very sensitive to any foreign objects, so she was afraid that one of them would be discovered.

But Xinghai is different. Using some coincidences and special conditions, Xinghai can't perceive this parasitic inscription at all. Don't you think he is doing very well now?

"Damn it."

Xinghai carefully took out this parasitic inscription, and then sealed it with a stronger seal. Now he finally knows that those parasitic inscriptions will appear in this world. Most of them did not come by coincidence, but were parasitized by Xinghai. The inscription is attracted.


At the same time, outside the endless starry sky.

A man hiding his whole body in a black robe said in a weird tone: "Oh, hehe, did you finally find it? It's really slow, it's almost a bit, it's a pity..."


"Hey, man, you have encountered something bad recently. Tell me quickly to make me happy."

Just when Xinghai's face was ugly, the Purifier suddenly leaned over and said with excitement.

In the past few days, the Purifier suddenly discovered that Xinghai is actually quite good at talking, except that the things in this laboratory did not know what methods were used by this human so that she could not touch anything, and at the same time could not get out of this laboratory. There is basically no problem in doing other things, so she gradually became a little presumptuous.

Unfortunately, the Purifier often doesn't look at other people's faces, so she provokes Xinghai when she is angry.

"I suddenly remembered that I still had an experiment that I didn't do." Xinghai said with a smile while looking at the Purifier.

Looking at Xinghai's expression, the bad premonition in the Purifier's heart appeared again. She turned around and wanted to run, but was suddenly held by Xinghai.

"I think you will be willing to help me with this experiment."

"I do not……"

"No, you are willing."

Xinghai pressed the purifier's lips with his index finger and said word by word.

Seeing Xinghai's ghostly eyes, the Purifier could not help but nod his head.

Seeing the purifier nodding his head, Xinghai smiled and said, "It's great for me to cooperate with you so much. Don't worry, the experiment is simple and it doesn't hurt at all."

Then Xinghai threw her into the cultivation tank in the desperate gaze of the Purifier.

I heard that on that night, people passing by the lecture hall heard extremely tragic screams.


"Well, this is the last project. There are no other projects."

Xinghai said this while writing something on the document with a pen.


But the Purifier did not speak, just kept sobbing in a low voice, which made Xinghai a bit speechless.

He obviously didn't do anything to the Purifier, but only used a few special detection arrays. Because of the strong effect of these detection arrays, the users may feel some pain.

But there is no purifier that is so scary, or is it that the purifier is too sensitive to pain?

But speaking of it, after the Purifier untied her long ponytail, there was a gentle beauty when she draped her hair. Of course, that was when she didn't speak or do anything.

"Well, your clothes are wet. You can change them in the closet over there. Just go and wear them." Xinghai entered the data into the computer and was about to go out.

"Hai, what are you doing?"

Hearing Rafi's voice, Xinghai turned his head and saw that Rafi was standing at the entrance of the laboratory.

Xinghai was about to say something, but he saw Rafi staring behind Xinghai with sharp eyes.

Xinghai looked back and saw the weeping Purifier sitting on the bed wrapped in a blanket, and there was a white lab coat on the ground beside him.

This service scene is like Xinghai did something ulterior to the Purifier just now.

Thinking of this Xinghai hurriedly said: "Lafite, don't be angry, I didn't do anything. Just now I just asked the Purifier to cooperate with me to do a few very ordinary experiments."


Lafite did not speak, but walked out silently. Seeing Xinghai shouted badly, he also hurried out to explain to Lafite.

With the door of the laboratory closed, the Purifier sat on the bed and sobbed for a while, at a certain moment, her sobbing stopped abruptly.

Then she walked off the bed and said with a smug look: "Hey, don't let you suffer a bit, how can I be worthy of my name as a purifier."

"But what exactly these seals are? With our Siren's level of technology, there is no clue at all, and..."

The Purifier glanced around.

"The level of technology here seems to be higher than our Siren."

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