Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 187: Xinghai's decision

The purifier looked at the various instruments around, carefully observing.

But no matter how she observes, the precision of these instruments is not like what should be possessed in this era, and there are also those weird methods.

The Purifier tested it, and she really had no power at all now. Although she had heard the human commander say before that, she retested it herself when there was no one.

Because she couldn't touch the various instruments in this laboratory, she tested it with the bed where she slept in the laboratory.

It was a single bed that was not too heavy in theory, and she seemed relaxed when the human commander came in, so she wanted to lift it up and try it.

But the result disappointed her. The bed that didn't look too big was unexpectedly heavy, and she couldn't move the bed half way, let alone lift it up.

Later, she did many different experiments, but without exception, they all failed. The power that once belonged to her seemed to disappear, and none of the siren orders that were memorized in her mind could take effect. As if...as if...she is really a human being.

After tossing for a few days, the Purifier gave up the idea of ​​escaping. Anyway, she is doing well here, so she doesn’t have to run around every day like before, and she can also let the humans bring her some humans that taste good food.

Apart from being too boring to be in this laboratory, there seems to be nothing short of it.

This is what those humans often say-take a vacation!

As for his own safety, the Purifier is not too worried.

Because of the peculiarities of their siren leaders, they are not afraid of death at all. Even if they are dead, they can replace their bodies in their base camp, so she doesn't feel half afraid.

It can be said that as long as they don't destroy their base camp, she is immortal, and there seems to be nothing wrong with staying here like this.

However, that ship mother...

In the Purifier's mind, the same shipwife as Lafite or something else appeared just now.

That's because the ship's mother has not only the aura of the ship's mother, but also other weird auras, and the weird power that hit her with a punch before is completely different from the strength of a ship's mother.

If the ship mother only has that kind of strength, and she can get her own ship outfit, maybe she can fight the ship mother, probably...


As soon as Xinghai came out of the laboratory, he found Lafite sitting in the position he used to do, with his fingers crossed, put his chin on it, and then looked at Xinghai with a very sharp gaze.

For some reason, Xiao Ren was also sitting on the sofa beside her, but she still sat there quietly as before, seeing Xinghai neither happily running over nor yelling.

"Lafite hopes that Hai will have as little contact with the siren as possible." Rafie said while looking at Xinghai.

"Why?" Xinghai asked suspiciously.

Lafite glanced in the direction of the laboratory and said, "That siren is very dangerous. Although she should be very weak, the sense of danger she brings to Lafite is increasing every day."

"But isn't she sealed by us?" Xinghai asked suspiciously.

"I don't know" Lafite shook his head and said, "I always feel that something bad will happen to her."

Hearing what Rafi said, Xinghai was silent. He seldom saw Rafi look so uncertain. Could it be that there was really something wrong with the Purifier, or that she was pretending to paralyze them in this posture?

Xinghai had many guesses in his mind, but none of them were certain, but this did not prevent him from deciding to monitor the purifier's mind more closely.

And now, Xinghai has more important things to discuss with Rafi.

"Lafite, I have decided on that matter." Xinghai said suddenly.

"Sea?" Rafi looked at Xinghai suspiciously.

Xinghai walked to the office window, looked at the port area below, and slowly said: "I want to make this port area unique to me, and at the same time, it can assist my forces."

Hearing Xinghai's words, Rafi's eyes released a sharp light.

"Hai, have you really decided?"

"Yes, I decided."

Xinghai turned around to look at Lafite, his eyes firm, without the slightest drift.

"Well, Lafite needs to do some preparation."

After talking about Lafite, she turned and left. At the moment she left Xinghai and Xiaoren's sight, Lafite, who had never had an expression, showed an unspeakable expression on her face, which seemed to be a cry of joy, even though this expression was almost It disappeared after an instant, but it did appear on Rafie's face, but no one saw it.

Lafite went to make preparations. Although Xinghai didn't know what preparations Lafite had to do, it was definitely helpful to Xinghai's next plan.

Next, it's time to solve the next thing.

Xinghai turned to look at Xiaoren, who smiled at Xinghai.

Seeing Xiao Ren's smile, Xinghai was silent for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Ren, do you want to come and hug brother?"

Hearing Xinghai's words, Xiao Ren seemed to be moved, but he didn't know why, so she endured it and didn't make any movements, and just sat there like that.

Seeing that Xinghai frowned, he walked over to sit next to Xiao Ren, then directly hugged Xiao Ren, and forced Xiao Ren to sit in his arms.

"Xiao Ren, are you still angry with your brother?"

"I don't have a concubine. No matter what my brother does, my concubine won't be angry." Xiao Ren said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Xiao Ren’s answer, Xinghai’s brows deepened. He knew that Rafi must have discovered Xiao Ren’s anomaly, but Rafi did not take any action, presumably because Rafi wanted Xinghai to solve this problem. After all, this was caused by Xinghai, and only Xinghai could solve the problem.

Xinghai had been hesitant about how to treat the ship maidens in the port area before, so this matter has been left unattended by Xinghai, so it has been delayed until now, but now, I am afraid that this matter is not as good as before. solved.

Xinghai doesn't know what Xiao Ren thinks now, but no matter what Xiao Ren thinks now, what Xing Hai hopes to see is the lively Xiao Ren who would act like a baby to him and also have some small willful Xiao Ren.

And unlike now, like a puppet, Ren is perfect everywhere.

But Xinghai didn't have a clue as to why Xiao Ren became like this. He didn't believe that it was all the reason for his previous fight. There must be other factors in it.

Because only a few factors can be mixed together to create a Xiaoren like this one, and what Xinghai has to do is to find out all these factors.

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