Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 188: The crisis from the parasitic inscription

Xinghai held Xiao Ren in his arms and gently touched Xiao Ren's head, while carefully thinking about what had happened recently.

After thinking for a long time, suddenly, Xinghai thought of the scene of Xiaoren clutching the corner of his clothes a few days ago, crying and saying not to go, and in the world of dating war, Xiao also once worried that Xinghai would leave her suddenly, then, Is it because of this incident that Xiaoren will become like this?

But just thinking about it here will not produce results, so Xinghai decided to try it out first.

"Xiao Ren, are you afraid that your brother will abandon Xiao Ren?"

Hearing Xinghai's words, Xinghai clearly felt Xiaoren tremble, which made Xinghai feel that he had guessed correctly. Even if it was wrong, it must have something to do with this matter.

So Xinghai immediately asked, "Why does Xiaoren have this idea?"

But Xiao Ren was silent, and did not answer his question as Xinghai imagined, which made Xinghai realize that he seemed a little too impatient.

So Xinghai pondered his tone and said, "Although I don’t know why Xiao Ren thinks this way, but Xiao Ren has been with me for so long, don’t you know me enough? Do you think your brother would do that kind of thing? person?"

Xinghai paused, seeing Xiao Ren still not responding, so he decided to try a strong medicine

"If Xiao Ren has always been like this, then my brother won't continue to like Xiao Ren anymore, he doesn't like..."

"No! Brother!"

Xiao Ren raised her head fiercely, tears like rain.

"Don't...abandon...concubine body, concubine body will...always...behave...don't..."

It seemed that it was because he was so sad that he couldn't catch his breath, which caused Xiaoren to speak intermittently.

Seeing this kind of Ren, Xinghai knew that his words worked, but this kind of Ren still couldn't communicate.

So Xinghai held Xiao Ren's face, and kissed Xiao Ren with a sad look on his face.

"Um... brother?"

Xinghai didn't care about Xiao Ren's surprise, his tongue pried Xiao Ren's lips open and broke into that territory.

Facing Xinghai's offensive, Xiao Ren's eyes widened suddenly, but despite this, she did not make any resistance, and instead tried her best to cooperate with Xinghai.

After a long time, the two people's lips parted, and they pulled out a gleaming silk thread.

And Xiao Ren seemed to have lost all his strength, and fell softly into Xinghai's arms.


Xiao Ren's eyes were a bit misty and seemed a little delirious.

This actually made Xinghai a little puzzled. This shouldn't be enough. Although they did relatively little of this kind of thing, they had done it a few times. Xiao Ren's reaction shouldn't be so big.

"Xiao Ren! Xiao Ren?"

Xinghai called for a long time, and Xiaoren was relieved.

"Hey... brother..."

Xiao Ren moved her face up, as if she still wanted to kiss Xinghai.

Xinghai grabbed Xiao Ren's face and said helplessly: "Okay, let's do this later, will you listen to me now?"


Xiao Ren nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that Xiao Ren agreed, Xinghai asked again: "Why did Xiao Ren have the same idea before?"

Hearing Xinghai's words, Xiao Ren seemed to wake up all of a sudden, and her face became sad again. After a long time, she slowly said, "Because...because the concubine felt careless before, her brother would leave Xiao Ren. Leave forever and ever."

Xiao Ren's words stunned Xinghai, because Xiao Ren's words suddenly reminded Xinghai of the parasitic inscription on his body just now.

Is it the cause of that thing?

No, there is Rafi's hunch, not good!

Xinghai suddenly put Xiaoren down and rushed directly into the laboratory.

As soon as Xinghai opened the laboratory, Xinghai saw the Purifier who was about to come into contact with the parasitic inscription, and Xinghai shouted: "Stop!"

At the same time, Xinghai directly grabbed the Purifier with magic power and dragged her back.

But that parasitic inscription suddenly seemed to come alive, directly breaking through the layers of blockade set by Xinghai, turning into a stream of light, and rushing towards the Purifier.

Xinghai instantly issued a defensive circle to block the Purifier, but the parasitic inscription only broke through the defensive circle set by Xinghai.

Damn, did that person specifically target me too?

However, it was this small block that allowed Xinghai to control the Purifier and the parasitic inscription to a certain distance and successfully entered the protection circle of Xinghai.

As long as you enter this circle, the parasitic inscription can no longer be attached to the purifier, because as soon as you enter this range, the parasitic inscription will be caught by the star sea and can no longer be blamed.

The situation... seems to have stabilized.


But the next second, Xiao Ren's voice came from the door of the laboratory, Xinghai turned his head in horror, and then he saw Xiao Ren standing at the door of the laboratory.

It seems that Xiaoren also walked in because he was worried about Xinghai.

The parasitic inscription reacts a bit faster than Xinghai. The moment Xiaoren stepped into the laboratory, it rushed towards Xiaoren. Now it only needs some more energy, as long as it can absorb some more energy. , It can be transformed into a complete body, by then...

Xinghai also found the movement of the parasitic inscription, but he was still a step slower, so he could only watch the parasitic inscription rush towards Xiao Ren. At that moment Xinghai was almost desperate, because he seemed to have seen Xiao Ren. The ending.

But in the next second, Xinghai unexpectedly ended.

Xiao Ren grabbed the parasitic inscription in his hand, but the parasitic inscription hadn't been able to escape.

"Brother, what is this? My concubine feels so disgusting!" Xiao Ren grabbed the parasitic inscription in one hand and said with a look of disgust.

However, although Xiao Ren hated the parasitic inscription, she did not let go, because she was not sure whether this was an important experimental material that her brother needed, and behind her was the laboratory door that was not closed. If she let this thing out all of a sudden That's not good. So despite being very disgusted, Xiao Ren still grasped firmly and did not let go.

The scene in front of him almost stunned Xinghai. This was the first time he saw anyone who could grasp the parasitic inscription with his bare hands without using any abilities.

You must know that as long as you have direct contact with the parasitic inscription, then the parasitic inscription will activate your own abilities, so as to get into that person's body and begin to parasitize.

Xinghai thought this way before, and looking at the appearance of the parasitic inscription, it seemed that it was going to be the last game, so the next host would be absorbed by it instantly and died directly.

This is also the reason why Xinghai was so desperate before.

But now, the parasitic inscription seems... it seems that it cannot invade Xiao Ren's body, and can't even escape from Xiao Ren's hands. The parasitic inscription is like a small bug in front of Xiao Ren, and is generally harmless.

Is this Xiaoren's talent or Rafi's handwriting?

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