Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 189: Xiaoren's fight

Seeing Xiao Ren's act of grabbing the parasitic inscription, Xinghai was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted, and said to Xiao Ren: "Xiao Ren, keep that action first, don't move."

Xinghai stunned the Purifier beside him as he spoke.

Xiaoren nodded when she heard Xinghai's words, but the disgusting expression on her face became thicker, as if she was holding something very disgusting.

Xinghai walked over and set up several magic circles beside Xiaoren, and then said to Xiaoren: "Okay, you can let go."

Xiaoren immediately opened his clenched fist when he heard the words, and then immediately rubbed his clothes desperately, seeming to want to wipe off some dirt on it.

And the parasitic inscription immediately fled out the moment Xiao Ren released his hand, as if it found that it had no chance to stay here.

However, Xinghai had already laid a net of heaven and earth, so the parasitic inscription was controlled by several magic circles of Xinghai at the moment it appeared.

The parasitic circle ran wildly in those circle, but there was no way to get out.

Seeing this, Xinghai breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this ghost had a precedent for escaping the Xinghai magic circle, although I don't know what method it used, the previous magic circle definitely cannot be used, so Xinghai used a brand new magic circle.

These magic circles have never been exposed in front of others, so the possibility of being targeted is quite low.

But before Xinghai's breath was finished, he saw this parasitic inscription affixed to his magic circle and began to corrode the magic circle little by little.

Suddenly, Xinghai understood how this parasitic inscription escaped the formation he had previously laid.

This is troublesome, isn't it effective for fixed magic circles and effective for all magic circles? Xinghai smiled bitterly in his heart, this ability is too restrained, can I only find Rafi now?

Xiao Ren looked at Xinghai's frown and said worriedly: "Is this thing important to brother?"

Xinghai looked at Xiao Ren, and then sighed: "It's not that it's important to me, but this thing is dangerous. You can't let it out casually, but now I can't trap this thing."

Xinghai told Xiaoren about this matter, not only because he wanted Xiaoren to get in touch with this kind of things, but more importantly, he felt that Xiaoren might be able to come up with a way to deal with this parasitic inscription, after all, Xiaoren just controlled perfectly. Do you live with this parasitic inscription?

But immediately he sighed. There is nothing he can do. Xiao Ren can't possibly do it. After all, Xiao Ren was only transformed from Lafite, coupled with Xiao Ren's original ability, so he is small in level. Ren must be more than one level lower, so Xiao Ren probably can't do this.

"Since it's dangerous, can't it be eliminated?" Xiao Ren asked suspiciously.

Xinghai smiled bitterly when she heard Xiao Ren's words

"That kind of thing, if it can be done, don't look at this thing so small, in fact it is very difficult to destroy."

"Eh, can I let Xiao Ren try it?" Xiao Ren said eagerly.

Seeing Xiao Ren's cheerful look, Xinghai thought for a while, but agreed.

It doesn't hurt to let Xiaoren try, in case she really succeeds, and there is no need to worry that this ghost thing will escape.

Just now, Xinghai set up more restraint magic circles around here. Although this ghost can corrode Xinghai’s magic circles, the speed is really unsatisfactory now, so Xinghai feels confident and boldly lets Xiaoren. Go try.

Secondly, at this moment, Xinghai is not good at rejecting Xiao Ren, and this is a good opportunity to untie Xiao Ren's heart, how can Xinghai give up.

In summary, Xinghai agreed to Xiaoren's request.

Then Xinghai stepped aside, wanting to see what Xiaoren should do.

After Xinghai agreed, Xiaoren immediately summoned a simplified version of his ship.

The simple version of the naval outfit doesn't have that big base, except that there are several turrets on Xiao Ren's body, which are similar to other naval ships.

Seeing this, Xinghai immediately began to redraw the magic circle and reinforce the strength of the magic circle, because he knew what Xiao Ren was going to do.

In the next moment, Xiao Ren opened fire, and shot at the parasitic inscription. Fortunately, Xinghai's magic circle was blessed, otherwise Xinghai's laboratory would suffer.

However, although Xiao Ren's offensive seemed fierce, the result was not very significant. The parasitic inscription was just lying there softly, without any substantial damage.

However, Xinghai, who had been staring at the parasitic inscription, found that the energy of the parasitic inscription seemed to be reduced a lot.

Originally, this parasitic inscription was only one step away from becoming a complete body, but now it is quite different. It seems that Xiao Ren's attack is not useless.

However, although it can weaken the energy of the parasitic inscription, it is not a big deal for the parasitic inscription.

Because Xinghai saw the parasitic inscription corroding his magic circle and did not slow down in the slightest, that is to say, even if the parasitic inscription energy was reduced to a minimum, as long as the parasitic inscription escaped, it would be a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.

And Xinghai did not dare to choose the method of strengthening the seal regularly to seal the parasitic inscriptions, because he could not be sure whether the corrosion rate shown by the parasitic inscriptions was its true corrosion rate, because this thing seemed to have a certain degree of intelligence, so to speak Very tricky.

And Xiao Ren on the side seemed to find that her attack was ineffective. Although she could not feel the status of the parasitic inscription, looking at the parasitic inscription intact, she knew that her attack was mostly useless on the parasitic inscription.

And looking at the parasitic inscription on the soft side, it seemed to be saying that her attack was like a tickle, and Xiao Ren's heart was filled with fire.

Obviously she has been boasting about going to Haikou in front of her brother, but now she hasn't done anything. What if her brother doesn't like her because of this.

Although she wanted to take out her strongest weapon, she thought that this place was still in her brother's laboratory, Xiao Ren endured it after thinking about it.

But what kind of method did she use to destroy this strange, text-like thing?

Wait, if it's that trick...

Suddenly, Xiaoren thought of a special ability that Rafi had taught her before. Rafi also specially asked her to use it before encountering something that was indestructible like words. Just use this trick to remove that kind of thing. Destroyed, but she herself has to pay a high price.

Therefore, Lafite also specially emphasized that if she reaches the upper limit of her tolerance when using this trick, she must not continue to carry it, because that would be very dangerous to her.

Before, Xiaoren wondered why her sister would teach her such a strange trick, but now it seems that it is not just used here?

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