Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 190: Destroy the Parasite Inscription

Xiao Ren meditated for a while, carefully recalling the special ability that Rafi taught her.

If she remembers correctly, it should be like this...

Xiao Ren stretched out one of his hands and straightened his palm to the front. Then Xiao Ren continued to spit out obscure and incomprehensible language.

Xinghai watched Xiaoren's movements from the side, and was shocked.

"High-speed chanting? How could Xiao Ren do this?"

With the chanting of Xiao Ren's spell, Xinghai's face suddenly became ugly. He shouted, "Xiao Ren, stop, you can't bear this magic."

Although Xinghai's main method is magic circles, Xinghai has studied magic for a long time, so he still has a certain understanding of magic spells.

Although Xinghai did not fully understand this spell, he still heard the general effect of this magic, that is, the caster used something on his body as a price, and then activated the magic.

Moreover, this magic is not a one-off, it is a kind of magic that continuously charges a price. If this kind of magic is not mastered, it is likely to cause the caster to pay too much cost and cause the caster to become extremely dangerous.

For example, if the cost is the soul of the caster, then it is self-evident that the cost is too much.

And the magic that Xiao Ren is currently casting, from the perspective of the combination of the spells, this is not a low-level magic spell, so correspondingly, the price Xiao Ren wants to pay will definitely not be very easy, but there is no The need for the soul to be so scary is mostly vitality.

Therefore Xinghai would immediately stop it.

However, Xiao Ren took Xinghai's words as deaf ears. This was a very small number of Xiao Ren and would ignore Xinghai's words.

Because Xiaoren wanted to show her strength in front of Xinghai this time, it was because she failed to show before, so Xiaoren wanted to succeed even more, so even Xinghai could not stop her now.

Xinghai looked at Xiaoren who was about to activate the magic, and was extremely anxious. If it were other magic, Xinghai would have interrupted it long ago, but once this magic was interrupted, it would cause an extremely serious backlash to the caster.

So Xinghai can only hope that the price of this magic activation will not be too great.

As the last spell was pronounced, the magic spell wrapped around Xiao Ren's arm flew out instantly and wrapped around the parasitic inscription.

At the moment when Xiao Ren's magic incantation was wrapped around the parasitic inscription, the parasitic inscription suddenly ran away.

It began to rush into Xinghai's magic circle frantically, and even the speed of corrosion increased by more than one level, which seemed to have changed Xiao Ren's spell.

Inexplicably, Xinghai has a little expectation for Xiao Ren's magic, but similarly, Xinghai is more worried about the price Xiao Ren will pay.

Although the parasitic inscription is very crazy, no matter how it runs, it can't get out of the circle of Xinghai, so it can only be restrained by Xiaoren's spell.

The parasitic inscription bound by the incantation suddenly softened, neither flying around nor continuing to corrode Xinghai's magic circle.

"Really useful?"

Xinghai watched this scene in amazement, and suddenly looked forward to Xiao Ren's magic.

Then Xinghai saw that the energy of the parasitic inscriptions dropped rapidly and soon turned into the lowest level parasitic inscriptions.

After the energy disappeared, very small cracks began to appear on the body formed by the text of the parasitic inscription, which made Xinghai overjoyed.

You must know that this is a situation that has never happened before. Xinghai and Rafi have tried many methods before, but there is no way to cause such damage to this parasitic inscription.

Because this parasitic inscription is actually a conceptual thing, if you don't have a good understanding of the laws in this area, most people can't do anything about it. This is why many people are helpless with that guy.

And the star sea that invented various ways to transfer, imprisoning these parasitic inscriptions, is also that person's greatest enemy.

And now, Xiao Ren can actually destroy this parasite, can it be said that Xiao Ren also has this ability?

Seeing the cracks on the parasitic inscriptions getting bigger and bigger, Xinghai's expression of excitement also got heavier, until...


With Xiao Ren's painful scream, Xing suddenly retreated from the state of excitement before. He looked at Xiao Ren standing there, and his face turned pale.

Because Xinghai saw that Xiao Ren's face was full of pain, and Xiao Ren's skin now showed a very sickly white color, this was obviously an overpayment of the price.

"Xiaoren, stop, you will be in danger if you continue!" Xinghai shouted from the side.

Hearing Xinghai's words, Xiao Ren not only didn't stop, but increased the magic power.

Seeing this, Xinghai was anxious. If this goes on, Xiaoren will definitely have problems because of the excessive payment.

Seeing that Xiao Ren refused to stop, Xinghai didn't do nothing. He kept arranging arrays one by one, and began to cooperate with Xiao Ren to oppress the parasitic inscription, and at the same time began to input his own energy and vitality.

Because there is no way to directly input his own energy and vitality to Xiao Ren, Xinghai can only release his own energy and vitality first, and then control the usage array within a range for Xiao Ren to absorb it autonomously.

Although it would be very expensive to do so, it could replace Xiao Ren to pay part of the price.

Although the specific requirements for the cost of the magic used by Xiao Ren cannot be determined, there is definitely nothing wrong with transmitting these two things.

Now, I only hope that this parasitic inscription can be destroyed as soon as possible, so that Xiao Ren can be freed.

Xinghai, who was desperately cooperating with Xiao Ren, didn't notice that part of the vitality and energy he released was absorbed by the Purifier who fell on the ground.

Naturally, Xinghai didn't find this point. Even if Xinghai discovered it, I would probably not pay too much attention, because the siren is also a kind of living thing, so it is not very special that it can absorb energy and vitality autonomously.

However, after absorbing these energy and vitality, the Purifier has produced some special abnormalities, but these abnormalities are generally invisible.


Finally, with the efforts of Xinghai and Xiaoren, the parasitic inscription finally turned into fragments and disappeared, which also meant that the parasitic inscription was completely destroyed.

"Brother, Xiao Ren... succeeded..."

As soon as Xiao Ren finished speaking, he fell back, and Xinghai quickly supported Xiao Ren.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xinghai said softly.


Xiao Ren nodded and lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Xinghai carried Xiao Ren out of the laboratory, and now he had to check Xiao Ren carefully and try not to leave any sequelae.


The far shore of the sea of ​​stars.

A man sitting on the black throne said with an ugly face: "What, the inscription I left there was destroyed, **** it, has he mastered any new methods..."

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