Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 191: Introducing the Purifier

After careful inspection, Xinghai confirmed that Xiaoren only had a reaction of overdrawing his energy, so Xinghai's hanging heart finally fell.

Although it was only an overdraft of energy, because there was also a Mind Cube in the Siren, and Mind Cube was a polymer of energy, Xiao Ren's Mind Cube was still slightly damaged.

Xinghai decided to wait until Xiao Ren woke up and then carefully remind Xiao Ren, and never use this magic casually in the future. This time, if it hadn't been for Xinghai's help, Xiao Ren would have suffered more than that.


Looking at Xiao Ren in a coma, Xinghai sighed, wondering whether Xiao Ren with this ability is good or bad, and whether Xiao Ren was born with this ability, or was it taught to her by Rafi?

Xinghai didn't continue thinking about it, because he had already decided on this matter in his heart.

After rectifying Xiao Ren, Xinghai went back to the laboratory and checked carefully, confirming that the parasitic inscription was really destroyed, and then removed most of the magic circle.

The reason why Xinghai didn't withdraw all the magic circles was because there was still a parasitic inscription raised from the body of the javelin in his laboratory.

But that inscription seems to be not as powerful as the inscription in Xinghai, maybe because the parasitic inscription in Xinghai was specially customized by that person.

But despite saying that, Xinghai re-reinforced the protection of the parasitic inscription, and placed more defensive circles in the laboratory to prevent accidents.

After that, Xinghai took the unconscious Purifier out of the laboratory and placed it on the office sofa.

Then Xinghai looked at the Purifier, lost in thought.

The Purifier definitely can't put her in the laboratory anymore, because just now it almost caused an extremely terrifying consequence, so Xinghai now has to reconsider the placement of the Purifier.

In fact, it is absolutely safest to put the Purifier on Lafite’s experimental island, but Xinghai is reluctant to let such an experimental material slip away from him, so he still wants to leave the Purifier behind.

But if you don't leave the Purifier in the laboratory, you can only put the Purifier in the port area. What Xinghai thinks now is how to make the ship ladies in the port area accept the Purifier.

It’s important to know that Xinghai is not the only one who knows the Purifier. It can be said that most of the ship women in the port area know the Purifier, because her name is so loud that many ship women mention the high-level siren. The purifier immediately comes to mind.

Jianniang and Siren are hostile to each other. Can such a purifier really live smoothly in the port area?


"Well, the above is the development plan that our port area has taken over. I hope everyone can cooperate more."

Standing on the podium, Xinghai said to the ship's lady below.

Just before, Xinghai formulated a new port development plan.

And the purpose of this plan is to rapidly expand the port area so that Xinghai's next plan can be smoothly realized.

To put it simply, Xinghai will build a large number of ship maidens during this period of time, and the influx of a large number of ship maidens into the port area within a short period of time will definitely cause various problems. Therefore, all the ships in the Xinghai port area are needed. The ship's mother assisted together, so as to better manage the port area during this time period.

The ship ladies of Xinghai were very happy after hearing the news, and no ship ladies showed dissatisfaction. After all, generally speaking, most ship ladies like sisters more, so naturally there will be no ship ladies opposed.

This problem is solved, and then we will introduce today's highlight.

"Purifier, come in."

As soon as Xinghai's voice fell, the originally noisy lecture hall suddenly became quiet. Most of the ship women looked at Xinghai with a look of astonishment, and some did not understand the meaning of Xinghai's words.

Of course, there are also a few ship maidens who did not show any surprised expressions, and these ship maidens are javelins, such as z23.

Because Xinghai had asked the Purifier and these ship maidens to meet beforehand, and they also knew what Xinghai would do today, so there was no surprise.

When Xinghai was about to introduce the Purifiers to his ship maidens in the port area at the beginning, Xinghai called a few ship maidens to see what attitude these ship maidens had towards the Purifiers, so that he could do well. Make the next decision.

So at the beginning, Xinghai let Javelin, z23, pine, camphor, and enterprises have seen the purifiers.

Although these ship women were very suspicious of the Purifiers at first, especially for companies, she seemed to hate Sirens very much, so her attitude towards Purifiers was also the worst.

But as they got along, these ship maidens gradually changed their views on the Purifier. Even Javelin's name for Purifier was changed from Purifier to the nickname Purifier.

There is only the company, and it seems that it is difficult for her to accept the existence of a siren, so until now, she has no good face for the Purifier, but it is still much better than when she started.


Now come back here.

As Xinghai shouted, a white figure appeared at the entrance of the lecture hall, and that white figure was a purifier wearing a white dress.

As for the reason for dressing up like this, it was because Javelin suggested that if the purifying pro was dressed better, maybe it would be easier to be accepted by other ship ladies.

So Xinghai went to Ming’s place and customized a costume for the Purifier. Ming’s profiteer also collected a lot of diamonds from Xinghai. Fortunately, a man named Li had the enthusiastic assistance before, so Xinghai had an extra one with thousands Diamond bank card, as for the password, just leave it to Lafite to solve it.

It can be said that Xinghai is completely spending the money in order to integrate the Purifier into this port area. If the Purifier messes up today, he will definitely dismantle the Purifier.

As for why it was the purifier who messed up, it was because Xinghai accidentally discovered that the purifier who spread his hair looked very gentle.

Therefore, Xinghai’s custom-made clothes for the Purifiers this time are focused on expressing this aspect, and the previous behavior of the Purifier is not too high, so Rafi proudly teaches the Purifier how to have noble etiquette.

As for why you want to ask Lafite about these things, it is because Lafite's theoretical knowledge is still very sufficient, um, yes, it is theoretical knowledge.

In the end, the Purifier, who was jointly trained by everyone, finally had a trace of aristocratic lady's temperament in it, and barely met Xinghai's requirements.

The Purifier certainly refused to cooperate at the beginning, but under Xinghai's multiple threats, the Purifier had to endure the humiliation and agreed to this training.

And now, it's time to show the results.

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