Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 192: Accept

Wearing a long dress, the purifier walked to the side of the Xinghai gracefully.

Xinghai looked at her and nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "Introduce yourself to everyone."

Hearing that, the Purifier bowed slightly to the ship ladies below, and then said: "Hello everyone, I am the Purifier. I am now working under the commander. I hope I can live and get along with you happily."

After speaking, the purifier returned with a smile.

However, although the Purifier smiled, what she actually thought in her heart was: Ah, it's not good yet, how long will it take? This dress is so uncomfortable, I really want to take it off.

The purifier thinking this way wanted to relax, and then she immediately felt a sharp gaze fixed on her, causing her body to tremble.

Hey, that man’s vision is terrible, terrible, I did nothing wrong, right?

The Purifier felt as if she was about to cry, but her face still had to maintain a smiling expression, and she couldn't relax at all.

The purifier now regrets, very regretful.

Some time ago, the Purifier stayed here because he was greedy for novel things in the human world.

But what I didn't expect was that the man actually did such a vicious experiment on her, and now he is forcing her to do this kind of thing. If given the opportunity, she must hold the enemy.

However, the Purifier shivered when he thought of the Rafi who knocked her out with a punch. That was too strong, it was completely beyond the level of the ship mother.

And now she couldn't even beat that man, the Purifier only felt that her dignity as a siren was gone.

However, as long as you take refuge in this man, you can get the same ship outfit as the observer. No, the observer seems to fall in love with that man. She observes the disguise every day. Did she finally get in this time?

The Purifier didn't understand Xiao Ren's specific situation. She could only feel the observer's breath in Xiao Ren. Adding to the relationship between Xiao Ren and Xinghai, it was normal for the Purifier to misunderstand.

All the Purifiers have rebelled, so there shouldn't be any problem with adding her one more...

The Purifier didn't even know, a thought that shouldn't have appeared in her mind at all.


"Is that the purifier?"

"It seems different from the picture book."

"Maybe it's a human with the same name and surname..."

"But she seems to be exactly the same as the Purifier..."

Xinghai was secretly relieved to see the ship's mother who was talking about it.

Although the ship ladies have been talking about the purifiers, they have not shown a consistent dislike for the purifiers. This means that it is still possible for the ship ladies to accept the purifiers. It seems that this kind of decoration still plays a role. Effective.

Just as Xinghai was thinking this way, a ship lady suddenly asked, "Which purifier is Miss Purifier, please?"

"Is there a second Purifier? Of course I am the Siren Purifier. Come on, treat me as..."

Seeing that the Purifier was about to speak her famous lines, Xinghai hit the Purifier with a knife on the head, causing her to cry out in pain.

Then Xinghai came to the front instead of the Purifier and said, "Sorry, she can't speak a bit, so let me answer next."

After speaking, Xinghai said to the girl who was interrogating just now: "Yes, she is the Siren-Purifier."

Hearing the affirmation of their commander, the ship ladies below were panicked, all of them stood up and seemed to be ready to fight.

Seeing Xinghai yelling badly here, this introduction is probably going to be cold.

But at this moment, Javelin suddenly stood up and said loudly, "Don't be afraid, everyone is actually very kind, she is not that fierce siren."

Hearing the words of the javelin, all the navy girls hesitated, it seems that the influence of the javelin in the hearts of these navy girls is more than she said.

Then several ship women who had been with the Purifier stood up to persuade the surrounding ship women, which relieved the tension a lot.

In the end, the company put an end to this matter.

"Although I really don't like that guy, I have to admit that the siren is really different from what I thought. She is not the kind of existence that threatens people."

Coupled with Xinghai's efforts to explain and Xinghai's secretly forcing the purifiers to explain, this made all the ship ladies sit back and continue to wait for Xinghai's introduction.

Seeing that the mood of the ship ladies stabilized, Xinghai continued to introduce

"For some reason, the Purifier is now a member of our port area. You don't have to worry about what she will do to everyone. The Purifier can't summon the ship outfit now, and her current physical fitness is the same. It's the same as ordinary humans, so there is no need to worry about any threat to you."

After that, Xinghai asked several ship maidens to come up in turn and communicate with the Purifier, confirming that there was really no problem before letting these girls relax.

Of course, there are many of them who are very suspicious of Sirens, but it is normal for such a large port area and so many ships to handle all the interpersonal relationships.

Moreover, Jianniang’s hatred of the siren cannot be improved in a day or two. After all, they were taught the knowledge to fight the siren from the beginning, but now suddenly they have to live with the siren. It's normal to be unacceptable between time, and it's good if you don't make a direct noise.

The situation this time is better than Xinghai expected, so there is no need to worry about whether the Purifiers can live well in the port area.



As soon as the Purifier came to Xinghai’s office, she wanted to tear off the clothes on her body, but she suddenly thought of Xinghai telling her what would happen to her if the clothes were broken. The hands that originally wanted to pull the clothes suddenly froze. Got there.

Then she thought again, she seemed to have only such a dress.

"what happened to you?"

Xinghai walked in and asked suspiciously at the Purifier standing motionless.

"Well, are there any other clothes?" the Purifier asked.

"you have not……"

Halfway through Xinghai talk, I suddenly remembered that the purifiers seemed to have been wearing the lab coats in the laboratory before, but now they are definitely not allowed to wear in the port area.

"So, do I still need to buy you clothes now?" Xinghai said helplessly.

"Probably, this is the case." The Purifier said cautiously.

Seeing the Purifier like this, Xinghai held his forehead helplessly.

"Forget it, I'll go buy you a few more, just ordinary clothes, it's not too expensive."

"Ahaha, I didn't think you would have such a good time, I decided to change your view." The Purifier said happily.

"Well, I suddenly don't want to buy it for you. You can figure out a solution by yourself. By the way, you should know if there is no problem with the dress." Xinghai said coldly.

"Don't, I was wrong." The Purifier screamed.

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