Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 193: Start of expansion

Xinghai looked at everything in the dry dock, feeling a little inexplicably.

After building the second batch of ship maidens, Xinghai has almost never visited this place again. After all, he didn't think that many ship maidens were needed at the time, as long as there were only a few girls.

But now in order to implement his new plan, so he will come here again.

There was almost no difference between the dry dock and the time when it left, and it was also not covered with dust. It seemed that someone had come to clean it regularly.

Xinghai sighed, and then asked the javelin on the side: "Report the materials we can now freely control."


Hearing Xinghai's words, Javelin nodded, then turned a few pages of the documents in his hand, and said, "Commander, we now have 300,000 free supplies."

"What about the Rubik's Cube?" Xinghai asked again.

"There are 972 Rubik's Cubes in total," Javelin replied.

Hearing Javelin's answer, Xinghai raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, are there so many?"

"Yes, these are all saved by everyone to improve their level when the commander is away, because the commander has never used it, so there are so many."

"Is this..." Xinghai lowered his head in thought.

Xinghai thought for a while, then looked up and said: "Javelin, bring all the materials that can be freely controlled, I want to build them all."

"Eh eh eh!"

Hearing Xinghai's speech, the Javelin cried out in surprise.

"Do you really want this, Commander?"

Javelin looked at Xinghai with a worried expression.

"Yes, the commander's words will suddenly increase the pressure in the port area." Z23 also continued.

In fact, what z23 said is not wrong. The port area can increase the population, but if so many ship women are increased at once, it is very likely that many things will have problems, such as accommodation and meals for these ship women. Need to be resolved.

And it is very likely that there are many hidden unknown problems, so they all feel that Xinghai's decision is a bit reckless.

Xinghai looked at the two girls worried and smiled and said, "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong."

"I have basically solved the problems of daily life, and the rest is the question of how to upgrade the levels of these new ship ladies."

"I intend to let you old ship maidens become teachers and lead these new ship maidens. Of course, if this method does not work, I will still think about new problems."

"However, it seems that there are not many places for us to level up nearby. The siren nearby were almost wiped out by us before, so it will be difficult for this batch of new ship girls to upgrade their level."

Looking at Javelin with a worried look on his face, Xinghai smiled and said, "Okay, this problem has also been solved, and you have to thank some purifiers."

"Purification pro?"


"What, what did you say?"

The Purifier lay on his bed, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Xinghai frowned and looked at the Purifier.

The purifier now lives in a guest room in the port area. Since it is a guest room, as the name suggests, it is a room for guests.

As for why the Purifiers live here, it is because Xinghai's laboratory cannot live in Purifiers now, and it seems that many ship ladies cannot accept Purifiers living in the dormitory. But this is also true. If you tell you that a terrorist who loves killing lives in the same house with you, would you not worry?

Although according to the Purifier, he had not killed any ship maidens and just smashed them all, no ship maiden died in her hands.

But Jianniang definitely didn't believe this. They just barely accepted the Purifier in their hearts, but it didn't mean that they had no vigilance against the Purifier.

After all, there are too many previous records of the Purifier, and it is said that some ship women will treat the Purifier as a monster that makes children obediently obedient, so it is really difficult for them to feel at ease with the Purifier.

It is for these reasons that Xinghai can only allow Purifiers to live in the guest rooms. And the guest room is a separate building, so those widows will be much better worried about the Purifier.

As for why a separate guest room needs to be built, that's because Xinghai tweeted to Xinghai the importance of building a guest room when it first built the port area.

Although Xinghai was not prepared to let other people visit his port area, this kind of thing is always necessary, and no one can guarantee that it will happen when it is needed.

With this idea, Xinghai agreed to our construction plan.

But if you don't count this time, only the one from Beijiang has been used, and after that, it has not been used again.

One is because Xinghai has no friends in this world, but this place can be said to be the most marginal area that humans actually control.

Occasionally there will be some ship maidens and commanders who come and go, but most of them will not stay here in Xinghai, because they will pass by here, either the commander with a mission or the new vanguard commander.

No matter which of these two kinds of people, they will not stay here in Xinghai, and since the Crimson Incident broke out, there has never been any commander or ship maiden passing here.

However, this is a good opportunity for Xinghai, because Xinghai can take advantage of this opportunity to escape the control of Azur Lane.

Speaking of which, apart from giving Xinghai a batch of the most basic supplies, Azur Lane has almost never managed Xinghai's port area.

Moreover, Xinghai will find the problem here because of the anxiety of the Azur Lane and Crimson battle, and they urgently need a lot of cannon fodder to contact Xinghai, so Xinghai naturally has no gratitude to them.

And according to Bei Jiang, he suspects that the internal corruption of Azur Lane is already serious.

Because in the final analysis, almost all people who have the right to speak in Azur Lane are humans, and it is not unforeseen that such a situation will occur.

I just don’t know what's going on with the red center axis, which has always been the enemy of the Azur Lane. I heard that all the ship maidens and commanders over there are under militarized management. If this is really the case there, maybe the situation there is possible. Would be better than the Azur Lane side.


Xinghai had prepared enough dormitories and food before the expansion of the port area, and had also vaccinated the ship ladies in advance, so there should be no problems in this regard.

But now there is still a problem that plagues Xinghai, and that is how to do the combat practice of the new ship mother.

There is a certain upper limit on the number of siren in a place. After all, from a certain perspective, siren is also a force. Since it is a force, it is not infinite. Therefore, the siren around here is because of the previous ship in the Xinghai Port area. The reasons for our crazy upgrades are almost all gone.

Training the ship's mother through other methods is not only slow to upgrade, but also the actual combat ability of the trained ship's mother is also not good, so Xinghai needs to think of a perfect solution to this problem.

In order to solve this problem, Xinghai found a Purifier.

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