Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 194: The siren's communication

Xinghai thought of a lot of methods for how to solve the training location of the ship ladies.

Xinghai first thought of letting the ship wives go to more outer waters, but when he thought of the danger of the open sea, Xinghai immediately ruled out this option.

Not to mention that the siren in the sea was not what they could have played before. Wouldn't it be worse if they were in crimson.

Therefore, the training for these newcomers can only be set near the Koror Islands.

After that, Xinghai thought about letting Lafite make training dolls, but the proposal was also abandoned because of the high cost.

Xinghai also thought about creating magic puppets, but it still didn't work. Finally after thinking about it, Xinghai hit the target above the mirrored sea area.

The mirror sea area appeared here once before. If Xinghai remembers correctly, the mirror sea area has several very special properties.

The first is that the mirror sea area has the characteristic of being lost. If you don't make any mark, the fleet entering it has a high probability of getting lost in it.

The second is that it may attract visitors from another world, and this is also the origin of the mirror ship lady.

The third is that the sirens in the mirrored sea are all projections, and the projections of the fleet in the mirrored seas will also be copied.

Relying on this projection feature, maybe Xinghai can get a sustainable training place.

This idea is good, but there is a very serious problem, that is, the mirror sea area will appear and disappear from time to time without any regularity.

A mirrored sea area appeared near the Koror Islands. Although it disappeared later, it can at least explain that there is a mirrored sea area in this place. What Xinghai needs to solve is how to find and activate this mirrored sea area.

Xinghai who was thinking this way approached the Purifier, because in his opinion, as a siren, the Purifier should know more or less about the mirrored sea.

However, when Xinghai asked the Purifier about the mirrored sea area, the Purifier had been pretending to be deaf and dumb. Now, what the Purifier said was part of his port area, and he couldn't use any means to force the question.

After all, Xinghai's impression of the Purifier is still good, which makes Xinghai even more difficult to start.

Xinghai frowned as he watched the Purifier say what you said, like I don't know.

The Purifier is like this, does she not want to say, or she can't say it?

If the purifier doesn't want to say it, then Xinghai naturally has a way to deal with it, but if the purifier can't say it, it will be troublesome.

Because of creatures like siren, they seem to like to commit suicide, whether they were former observers or later purifiers, they have had this tendency.

Then they might set something like language prohibition in their brains. Just saying those key words will trigger the prohibition and kill them.

Moreover, this kind of prohibition is usually triggered at the moment of speaking, which means that Xinghai not only can't get any news about the mirrored sea area, but also loses a good experimental material.

No, maybe Javelin and the others will be sad, after all, the relationship between Purifier and Javelin is very good now.

Suddenly, Xinghai felt that it was not a good choice to introduce Purifiers to those ship women.


In a deep ocean.

"How about, is there any news from the Purifier?" asked a siren hiding in the dark.

"No, I didn't find any signal about the Purifier, she seemed to have disappeared out of thin air." said another siren.

"Then the Purifier will be caught by humans, or infected by the red mist." A small siren said.

"No, although the Purifier has a weird personality, her strength is good. She is not so easily caught, and even if she is caught, she can escape through self-regulation," another siren said.

"Red Mist is the same. Red Mist can only carry out external infections and cannot spread through the Siren network. Therefore, even if it is infected by Red Mist, the Purifier should be resurrected here."

At this point in the discussion, all the sirens were silent.

Just a while ago, the Sirens suddenly discovered that the Purifier was missing. They thought that the Purifier would show up after a while, but after a long time, the Purifier never appeared.

In desperation, all the sirens began to let their hands down to find the Purifier, but the Purifier really seemed to have evaporated, without a trace, that's why there was this discussion meeting.

As for why they are so nervous looking for the Purifier, it is not because the Purifier is her partner, and because they have many plans that are difficult to carry out without the Purifier.

Purifiers are set up to deal with some difficult problems. Therefore, the firepower of Purifiers’ weapon systems are among the forefront of siren, and because of the danger of this work, Purifiers are more expensive to replace their bodies. It's too easy. Of course, it is precisely for this reason that the Purifier has that weird character.

But now the Purifier is no longer there, and many things that were originally scheduled have to be moved on. This has greatly delayed the progress of their plan, so the Purifier must be found back.

Seeing a group of siren who were discussing enthusiastically, a siren suddenly thought of something, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps, she knew where the Purifier had gone.


Under Xinghai's side knocks, the Purifier finally confided some information related to the mirror sea area.

And the most important thing is that the Purifier is not incapable of telling others about the mirrored waters, and she wants to embarrass Xinghai. Of course, this is what the Purifier said, but Xinghai has already seen why the Purifier actually refuses to say it.

That is, the Purifier herself doesn't know much about the mirror surface area, and she has nothing to say at all, so she was reluctant to speak before.

After learning this news, Xinghai was very speechless. He had worried about the Purifier for so long before, but he did not expect that the reason for her resolute refusal to speak was actually this.

But less return less, but it's enough.

According to the Purifier, the creation of the mirrored sea area requires special instruments to be placed at some special nodes, and then these instruments are activated. These instruments will create the mirrored sea area for some reason.

The reason for the disappearance of the mirrored waters was also because they turned off the equipment that made the mirrored waters.

Although the Purifier was vague, but since it was an instrument, Lafite was mostly able to control it, so Xinghai sought Lafite.

The only troublesome thing was that the purifier gave too little confidence, so it took a lot of time just to find these special nodes and those instruments.

Moreover, the Siren technology is a little different from the general general technology, so it has been studied for a long time for those instruments.

As for why the Purifier asks three questions about these things, Xinghai draws a conclusion from the Purifier's explanation.

That's because when the Purifier was on Siren's side, he was looking for trouble with the ship's mother all day, and thinking about how to play all day, it was not surprising that this would happen.

Perhaps, the Purifier who has no combat ability now is really an abandoned siren.

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