Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 195: Start preparations for the mirror waters

"Commander, you mean we can control the mirrored sea area now?" Javelin asked in surprise.

"Yes." Xinghai nodded.

"I didn't expect the commander to even do this kind of thing." z23 said in surprise.

Hearing what z23 said, Xinghai smiled bitterly and said, "No, it has nothing to do with me. Most of what I really want to say is Lafite's credit, and then the Purifier has a little bit, I don't have it."

"Huh, but didn't the commander think of this idea?" Javelin asked in surprise.

"All right."

Xinghai touched the javelin's head and said, "Don't put high hats on me anymore. Although we can control the mirrored sea area now, there are still many problems."

"For example, it takes a lot of energy to start the mirror sea area, so Lafite and I are now trying to gather these energy."

"That means that it will take some time to start, right? And the construction now is because this period of time is just enough for the newcomers to familiarize themselves with our port area, and will they use it directly when the mirror sea area is activated?" z23 touched his chin and said.

"Yes, z23 has always been so smart."

Xinghai said, and smoothly touched z23's head.

Feeling Xinghai's big hands and the words before, z23's face turned red.

"Wh...what, isn't this something that can be seen casually?"

"Ah ha ha"

Javelin laughed dryly next to her, she hadn't heard it just now.

"No, Javelin, I didn't say you..."

Seeing the javelin's reaction, z23 quickly broke free from Xinghai's hand and explained.

Seeing the interaction between Javelin and z23, Xinghai smiled, but a trace of haze flashed through this smile.

They don't know what kind of path Xinghai will take them now. When that happens, will they still be like this? Will they still be with Xinghai... Is this good...





Looking at the ship maidens who surrounded him by the inner and outer three circles, Xinghai was a little big head. He shouldn't have built so many ship maidens at once. Now the enthusiasm of these ship maidens, he seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Well, don't pester the commander, the commander has his own business." Said a small ship girl with a pair of upright fox ears on her head.

This ship mother Xinghai remembered that he was called Nagato (shark), and she was Shigeo's leading ship mother.

Nagato opened his mouth, and the ship wives of Shigeo's camp surrounding the sea of ​​stars also retreated one after another, behind Nagato.

"This is not an elegant nobleman, don't you come back soon, what does it look like." Said a ship lady who is also short in stature, wearing a crown and holding a scepter-shaped ship suit.

This is Elizabeth, the leader of the royal camp.

Hearing Elizabeth's words, the royal camp also retreated.

Two camps have already retreated, and the remaining camps have also spoken.

However, Xinghai's luck wasn't so good either, and he didn't have the leader of every camp. After all, there are so many ship maidens, there may be duplicates, and Xinghai's materials and Rubik's Cube are limited, and he can't do all the ship maidens.

However, I heard that the top commanders have managed to have all the ship maidens, Xinghai thought about it, such a huge port area must require a lot of material support, and what his port area currently lacks most is materials.

The reason why Xinghai hopes to have the leader of the camp is that it is relatively easier to manage after having these camps.

And because of the problem of the camp, there will naturally be a certain amount of friction between the ship maidens, which is unavoidable in a short time, so a leader is needed to manage their camp.

Speaking of camps, the three camps of White Eagle, Royal, and Chongying in the Xinghai Port area have the most ship maidens, and the other camps have fewer ship maidens, and some do not even have one.

For example, Dong Huang, who has only two ship nymphs, and one ship nymph's northern union, there is also a free Iris and Weixi Holy See without them.

Xinghai, which has a small number of ship maidens, especially asked Javelin to pay more attention.

Because he suddenly came to a strange place, and Zhou Wei did not know anyone he knew, this might make Jian Niang a little bit sick.

Xinghai didn't want this kind of problem in his port area, so he specifically asked Javelin. As for why he didn't go, it was because in the next period of time he was going to start the Mirror Sea with Rafi, which might be busy for a long time.

At this time, Xinghai definitely has no way to care about these ship maidens, so instead of letting the ship maidens have a problem and then remedy the situation, it is better to stop things from happening at the beginning.

As for the allocation of the dormitory and other issues, after the javelin and z23 are sorted, they will be handed over to Xinghai, and they will be dealt with at that time.


"How is it, how bad is it now?" Xinghai asked Rafi on the side.

Lafite yawned, and then said: "It has reached the minimum activation threshold, but for the sake of safety, I suggest that the sea reserve more."

Xinghai nodded when he heard Rafite's words, and said, "Then reserve more."

Xinghai also said before that it takes a lot of energy to start the mirror sea area, and there is nothing that can provide so much energy in the Xinghai port area, and the main energy product in this world is oil.

But this thing is a scarce item in this world, and the ship's mother also needs these things for the attack, so the oil consumption has always been high.

If it were not for the discovery of a large amount of oil reserves in the world's abnormal changes, perhaps oil would become more scarce now.

Therefore, oil cannot be moved, so the energy needed to start the mirrored sea area can only be done in other ways.

In the end, Lafite’s plan was to use the energy of Xinghai to let the magic of Xinghai activate the mirror sea area.

Although Xinghai's magic power has always been at a deficit, Xinghai's magic power is relatively high after all, so only a small amount of magic power is needed.

However, because of the different nature of the magic of Xinghai, Lafite made another magic converter to convert the magic of Xinghai into energy that can be used by the instruments that make mirrored sea areas.

However, due to the limitation of materials, the loss of magic power was so great that Xinghai needed to provide a lot of magic power.

In this world, Xinghai naturally recovers magic power very slowly, so Xinghai can only provide magic power day by day.

Until today, on the fifth day after the construction, Xinghai and Lafite finally made up the minimum energy required to start these instruments, but according to Lafite’s suggestion, it may take one to two days before they can be officially started.

However, Xinghai and Lafite have always had a question here, that is, how the Siren obtains so much energy. You must know that there is more than this one in the mirrored sea area.

Don't look at Xinghai only took five days to gather energy, but that is because Xinghai's magic power level is too high, even if there is loss, the conversion ratio is very large.

If you want to convert it into oil, you need at least 1000W units.

How did Nothing Siren get so much energy?

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