Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 196: Observer who sneaks in again

For Xinghai’s doubts, Lafite pondered for a while and said


"Lafite, do you mean you can directly start these instruments at a certain time without consuming a lot of energy like us?" Xinghai replied in surprise.

"Well, because it's special here, it's possible..."

Raffi nodded, then shook it twice, squinting at Xinghai.

Seeing this, Xinghai picked up Lafite in one hand and said softly: "Okay, there is nothing to do now, I will take you back to sleep."


Rafi nodded, then leaned in Xinghai's arms.

Xinghai glanced at Rafi, then flew towards the sea.


"Unexpectedly, I'm back to this place again."

Downs sat on the chair, looking at the ships coming and going, showing a weird smile. And the ontology of Downs is an observer in disguise.

Last time, because she had nowhere to go, she had to arbitrate for herself to secede, and that can be said to be her first self-arbitration. This time, in search of a purifier, she came here again.

As for why they chose this place, it was because observers felt that apart from this, there was no place in the human world that could imprison purifiers.

The Purifier is imprisoned, which is the most probable but most unreasonable thing that all Sirens have speculated.

But just the discussion will not produce any results, and the purifiers will not come out for a day, their plans will continue to be postponed, so they must find the purifiers as soon as possible, no matter what the price is, so she will risk a huge The danger comes here, everything is for that plan.

Wandering in the harbor area for a while, the observer felt a throbbing in his heart.

"Is it a purifier?"

The observer whispered this way, walking in the direction she sensed.

In order to cope with this infiltration, the observer strengthened her camouflage system to make her camouflage more subtle, and if she deliberately avoided the two people, the probability of being discovered should be much lower.

Because her main purpose is to inquire about the Purifier, not to observe everything in this port area. Although she really wanted to observe, she still knew the priorities.

As she approached step by step, the throbbing in her heart became stronger and stronger, and maybe she could find the idiot of the Purifier soon.

The observer who was rushing forward felt that his arm was suddenly caught.

"Observer, what are you doing here, and also become like other ship maidens."

The observer who heard this was shocked, she was clearly disguised, how could she be discovered all at once.

When she turned to look at the person next to her, she realized that that person was the purifier she had been looking for.

At this time, the Purifier was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of short shorts, his hair tied into a ponytail, and he was holding snacks. He did not appear to be imprisoned. Of course, he did not look like a siren.

Feeling the eyes of the ship's mothers around, the observer felt furious, and it was the purifier again. How could she always be like this? She knew her identity and couldn't hold it in her heart. Do you have to say it? Even if it is said, can't it be said secretly in a place where no one is there? Must it be said loudly in such a large public?

For a while, the observers only thought about how to escape from this place now. They were all idiots, purifiers, and things were going well.

The observer made a decisive decision and decided to flee the place with the Purifier first, so that if the two of them were attracted when they could not get it, there would be no way for her and the Purifier to escape.

The price of resurrection, she never wanted to taste it again.

Thinking of this, the observer grabbed the purifier's arm and ran to the port directly, but how could the purifier now break away as an observer of the siren, and he could only be dragged away with a dazed look.

The other ship girls around looked at Tangs who was dragging the Purifier away, with a look of doubt.

"Just now the Purifier called... Observer, right?"

"Yes, I remember that the Purifier called Xiaoren when he called Xiaoren."

"In other words, is the one just now actually Xiao Ren, can she still change her appearance?"

"I don't know, if it's Xiao Ren, maybe it's possible..."


The observer dragged the Purifier to a hidden alley, and after carefully confirming that there was no ship girl around, he was relieved.

However, there was one thing that puzzled her, that is, why the group of ship women did not attack her when the Purifier called her name. After thinking about it, the observer finally thought that it was mostly because she showed up less often, so They didn't react for a while. When they react, it is estimated that they will be searched.

But now, she can settle accounts with the Purifier first.

The observer changed back to his original appearance, summoned his own armor, and then stretched out a few tentacles on the observer's armor to bind the Purifier all at once.

"Hey, observer, do you still have this ability? I always thought you did not have it." The Purifier said in surprise.

Hearing the words of the Purifier, the observer frowned and said, "What are you talking nonsense, or that you have been imprisoned for too long, and even memory problems have appeared."

Hearing the observer's words, the Purifier was shocked, and then cautiously said: "Observer, I think your tone of voice seems to have changed, as if it became as cold as before."

The purifier's words made the observer's brows furrowed deeper. Is she talking about things before and after her resurrection, but has her tone of voice changed?

Although the Purifier kept talking there, but the observer didn't listen to anything. She kept thinking about the eyes of those ship ladies just now. She always felt that the eyes of those ship wives were very strange, not as if they saw a siren, and the Purifier seemed to be standing directly in the port area, without the appearance of being imprisoned at all.

Even if she took the Purifier away, there was no shipwife to stop her. This was abnormal.

If the commander of this port area used a lot of energy to catch the Purifier, then there is no reason to let the Purifier run around so easily, unless he has any special restrictions.

After thinking about it, observers found this port area weird. Although she still had a lot of things to ask the purifiers, they would wait until she brought the purifiers out of the port area.

The observer who thought this way suddenly felt a stronger throbbing feeling, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

The observer glanced in surprise at the Purifier who was suspended by her tentacles, and then sensed the direction of the throbbing.

That throbbing was not from the Purifier?

At this time, the source of the throbbing also appeared at the intersection of this alley. In the next instant, the observer's mind fluctuated greatly for the first time.

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