Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 197: Xiaoren's encounter with the observer

"Hey, how come there are two observers?"

The Purifier saw that the pupils were violently contracted and the observer with a horrified expression turned his head to look in the direction of the observer.

There, the Purifier saw a familiar figure, the observer who caused her to fall into the hands of the demon commander.

However, it is obvious that the observer tied her here, how could another observer come out?

Only those who are very confused about this will say the sentence just now.

The observer looked at someone who was exactly like her not far away, and his heart was choppy.

If they were exactly the same, then she would not have been so surprised. After all, she herself was a master of disguise, and there were so many ways to disguise herself as another person.

But that person, no, that siren, that siren will never pretend, that's an observer, and not an observer of other world lines, but a real observer of this world line.

But if the siren is an observer, who is she?

For a while, the observer's brain was a little confused.

"who are you?"


Xiaoren originally helped Javelin and Z23 in the port area to make various distributions to the new ship ladies, but suddenly she felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

At first Xiao Ren thought it was her own illusion, but as the throbbing became more and more obvious, Xiao Ren finally felt something was wrong. So after she talked to Javelin and Z23, she walked towards the source of the throbbing.

But after walking for some distance, she made a voice inexplicably telling her not to go. At the same time, she had a hunch that if she went to that place, it might ruin her current life.

But she still wanted to go to that place, because there was a voice calling herself there.

While Xiaoren was still struggling, she found that she seemed to have reached the target point.

And in that alley, Xiao Ren saw an existence exactly like her own, and at the same time, a name appeared in her heart—the observer.

Subconsciously, she asked the name of the person in front of her.

"Observer, my name is observer."

The observer was shocked as soon as she opened her mouth, and she answered the opposite question directly without any resistance.

And the siren opposite always gave her an inexplicable feeling, as if the siren opposite was herself.

Xiao Ren also looked surprised, because the name was exactly the same as the name that had emerged in her heart, but she had never seen the observer.

"Why do you look exactly like me?"

Xiao Ren asked again, and the observer made his own answer in the next instant.

"do not know."


Xiaoren still wanted to ask something, but suddenly she thought of something, and her face suddenly became hideous.

"You will destroy Xiao Ren and brother's present, so go and die."

The sudden change of face caused a sense of crisis in the observer's mind, so she immediately let her ship block in front of her, and the Purifier tied with the observer's tentacles was also used to block in front.

"Hey, observer, this is a deliberate murder!!!"

The Purifier yelled, because she saw the blue light at the muzzle of Xiao Ren who had been summoned from the ship, and that was obviously about to be launched.

In the next instant, a blue laser burst out, and the Purifier subconsciously closed his eyes.

It's over, it's over this time, I don't want to go back so early!

"Xiaoren, stop it!"

At the moment when the purifier was turned into coke, a laser beam came directly from the side and hit Xiao Ren’s laser, causing Xiao Ren’s laser to shift, hitting a building on the side, creating a long line. Long passage.

Xiao Ren turned his head and found that he was panting, holding a javelin-style cannon in his hand, and the painful javelin was standing there.

Seeing the painful expression on the javelin, Xiao Ren panicked.

Regarding the disease of the Javelin, several ship women who walked closer to the Javelin knew about it, and this included Xiao Ren.

As for the way to avoid the disease, Xinghai also told them, that is, don't let the Javelin use any power and participate in any battle. Although this will not improve the Javelin's condition, it can suppress the Javelin's condition.

And just now, in order to stop Xiao Ren, Javelin must have used his power greatly, which caused the Javelin to become sick immediately, so Javelin was the expression it is now.

Although Xiao Ren was very concerned about the Siren who looked exactly like her and was named Observer, it was obvious that the javelin was more important.

After all, Javelin is one of the few, friends who can talk to her.

The Purifier, who had never felt pain, opened one eye secretly and found that Xiao Ren had retracted the ship's outfit and ran in the direction of the javelin.

Seeing this, the Purifier breathed a sigh of relief.

Good risk, good risk, my little life is finally saved.

Then the Purifier saw the building with a big hole punched out on the side, and he couldn't help being afraid for a while. If this attack hit her, she would definitely have turned into coke just now.

Although theoretically speaking, the siren will not turn into coke, but the purifier can't help but think about the scene. After all, she has only watched a movie like this, and she will think that the scene is normal. .

Frightened for a while, what the Purifier was about to say, a violent pull came, causing her words to squeeze into her throat again.

At a glance, it turned out that the observer was dragging her away.

Although the attack just now didn't hit her because of another shipmate, but just by feeling the attack, the observer knew that he couldn't beat her.

And now that there is such a big noise, I'm afraid the two people will return soon, so I should take advantage of this time to run away with the Purifier.

As for the girl who looks exactly like her, and other problems, I will leave it to the next time.

Observers thinking this way rushed directly to the port area with the purifiers, and as long as they crossed that line, they would be safe.

The Purifier looked at the observer who was running wildly on the plane, and then glanced at the direction the observer was running. She suddenly spoke with an ugly face and said, "Um, observer..."

"To shut up!"

The observer sternly shouted without looking back, if there is still time to listen to her nonsense, it is better to run out first.

"Well, observer, hurry up..."

Hearing the words of the Purifier, the observer was overjoyed. Does this idiot finally know their situation now?

"Stop it!!!"


The observer didn't have time to say anything, and felt that she had hit a wall, and then a large amount of electricity came, and she was shaking all over.

"This... is... what..." This is the observer.

"I... don't... want to... again..." This is the Purifier.

When Xinghai and the others arrived, they saw two girls lying on the ground, with all their white hair blowing up, and their eyes without spirit.

"Perhaps, should I increase the power of the defense system a little bit?" Xinghai said to himself.

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