Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 199: Sealed Javelin

"How about, is there a way to solve the javelin situation?" Xinghai asked, looking at Rafi.

Hearing Xinghai's questioning, Rafi shook his head.

"No, there is no way for Lafite now..."

"That's it."

Although I knew it was such a result, Xinghai was still a little disappointed in his heart.

"Then now, can I only seal the javelin?" Xinghai said with a sad expression.


Raffi nodded.


At this moment, the Javelin who had been lying on the bed murmured. If it weren't for Xinghai's very good hearing, I'm afraid I wouldn't hear the javelin's murmur.

"Yes, I'm here."

Xinghai held the javelin's hand in the past and entered his life force for the javelin.

The consciousness of the Javelin that had gained Xinghai's vitality became clearer, at least he could open his eyes now.

Although the Javelin’s Mind Cube can absorb vitality, this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. As long as Xinghai stops inputting his vitality, Javelin will continue to fall asleep.

And Xinghai can only input vitality, because vitality is the most gentle kind of power, and only this power will not hurt the current javelin, and any other power will make the current javelin disappear.

"Commander, you're still here... I'm so happy..." Javelin said weakly.

"Yes, of course I am, the javelin is like this, how can I not be there." Xinghai said with a smile.


Javelin looked at Xinghai with a smile, and said: "To be honest, I hope that one day has been a long time, and I have always hoped that the commander will be by my side like this, only worthy of me..."

"I used to think that this thing was impossible, but I achieved this wish because of this illness, hehe, this may be my luck..."

"Just, I hope Lafite will not be angry, haha..."

Although Javelin's face was weak, she seemed to be sincere in what she said, so Xinghai felt very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, Javelin, I can definitely find a way to treat you, you trust me again, trust the commander again." Xinghai held the javelin hand and said with a smile.

"Well, of course I believe in the commander, so the commander will have no problem with what I do next. Anyway, the situation will not be worse than it is now, will it?"


Xinghai nodded when he heard the javelin, and then let go of the javelin's hand.

The Javelin, who could not get Xinghai's vitality, passed out again.

Xinghai stood up and said, "Lafite, you can do it."


Rafi nodded, and then with a wave of his hand, a huge nutrition jar appeared in this room, and then Rafi carefully put the javelin in it, and then Rafi operated a few times on the nutrition jar, a lot of instruments Suddenly it appeared and stuck to the javelin everywhere, it was simply wrapped the javelin into a zongzi.

As for Xinghai, he walked out long before Rafi had finished all this, staying here would only make his heart suffer.

After a long time, Rafi came out of the room, and looking through the door, no one could be seen in the room, nor did he know where Rafi hid the javelin.

"Hai, is it heartache?" Rafi suddenly asked Xinghai.

Xinghai was stunned by Rafi's question, and then he smiled bitterly, "Yes, isn't there such a sentence? Only after losing it is it worth cherishing. I feel that I feel that way now."

"Obviously I didn't feel anything when the javelin was there, but now that she is like this, I know how important the javelin is in my heart..."

"Ah, Lafite, it's not..."

When Xinghai noticed that Rafi was here, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, so he quickly explained.

Looking at Xinghai's slurred speech for a while, Rafi stepped forward and hugged Xinghai, saying

"Hey, Rafite doesn't mind, Javelin, she is different."

Xinghai was a little surprised when he heard what Rafi said. Rafi hasn't always been...

No, Lafite's attitude towards Javelin has always been a little different. Although Lafite agrees with Xinghai and Xiaoren now, Lafite will not hesitate when he is jealous.

But when it came to Javelin, Rafi’s attitude seemed a little different. Rafi didn’t seem to oppose some of the ambiguous behaviors of Xinghai and Javelin, and Rafi had said before that Xinghai would marry Javelin.

Xinghai always thought it was a joke, but when you think about it carefully, Lafite is not the kind of person who likes to joke. Basically, it can be said that what Lafite said is just what, that is to say, Lafite really wanted Xinghai Marry a javelin.


Xinghai originally wanted to ask Rafi why he would do this to the Javelin, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't ask.

It's not that he wants to take care of Lafite's emotions, but he feels that even if he asks, Lafite himself probably doesn't know what this is because of.

After all, at this time, Lafite will mostly follow his intuition, and at this time Lafite has always been too lazy to think about the reason for this. Although I don't know why, there is always nothing wrong with following intuition.

Although this sounds unreliable, Lafite’s method has indeed brought a lot of convenience to Lafite.

So this time, Xinghai looked at Rafi's unreasonable affection for Javelin, guessing that most of the reason was because of this, so he didn't ask.

Rafi hugged Xinghai, and Xinghai also hugged Rafi. After a while, just as Xinghai wanted to say something, he found that Rafi seemed to be asleep.

Xinghai smiled helplessly and walked to their room holding Rafi.

Xinghai didn't notice. The moment he picked up Rafi, Rafi suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the empty bedroom, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, and after that, Rafi closed his eyes again.


before this.

After z23 left the javelin's bedroom with Xiao Ren, he brought Xiao Ren into his bedroom.

"Well, now you can ask any questions you have." z23 said.

Hearing what z23 said, Xiao Ren was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Why did you leave that place with your concubine?"

z23 looked at Xiao Ren for a long time, and sighed before slowly saying, "Because you can't watch your words."


Xiao Ren looked at z23 suspiciously.

Seeing Xiao Ren with a puzzled face, z23 sighed again: "The commander was in a bad mood at the time, and he also said that it was not your fault, and the javelin situation was so dangerous, and you were in Add chaos to the side..."

Seeing Xiaoren's javelin, z23 quickly said, "Ah, it can't be a mess, it's just causing trouble..."

After saying this, z23 suddenly wanted to cover his mouth. Isn't this the same as the sentence just now? Why is he so straightforward.

"The concubine just now... is it making your brother messy..."

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