Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 200: Swamp man effect

Xiao Ren's question silenced z23 for a while, and after a long time z23 said: "Xiao Ren, do you... want to listen to the truth?"

Although I don't know what the truth is that z23 is telling, Xiao Ren nodded.

z23 saw Xiao Ren nod his head, looked at Xiao Ren for a while, and then sighed: "From an outsider's perspective, maybe I have no qualifications to say these things, but I, an outsider, can see it more clearly."

"The commander was worried about the javelin before, but you have been apologizing on the sidelines and have been disturbing the commander. This makes the commander worry about you when he is worried about the javelin, so you are not only concerned about the commander. What kind of help will hinder the commander."

"But, the concubine is..."

"Does an apology work?" z23's tone suddenly became severe.

"You are apologizing, but what is the use of your apology? Can it help the Javelin's disease? No, your apology is of no use."

"And the commander has clearly said that it has nothing to do with you, but he still apologizes constantly there, and to take a step back, even if it is really your mistake, was it time to punish you at that time... …"

"Enough, you don't understand at all!" Xiaoren shouted: "Only in this way can I repay what my concubine committed..."

"You are just deceiving yourself!"

z23 shouted back in a louder voice.

"You just let your own soul get atonement, but the actual situation is useless at all. The sins you committed will not be reduced in any way. Do you know that the commander at that time became bored with you. I didn't take you away, do you think you will still sit here peacefully now!"

After saying these words, z23 suddenly woke up. How did she tell Xiaoren about this? If Xiaoren knew, maybe it would destroy the relationship between Xiaoren and the commander, and this would not be contrary to her initial thoughts. Yet.

"You mean... brother he... is tired of his concubine..."

For some reason, Xiao Ren's eyes dimmed suddenly, and then she sat there blankly, repeating those words.

This situation caused z23 to panic all of a sudden, because Xiao Ren can be said to be her responsibility now. If she didn't say the previous thing quickly, Xiao Ren would not become like this.

Therefore, z23 stopped her wanting to find Xinghai. After all, this was something she had done by herself, and she could not trouble the commander.

And more importantly, the commander must be very annoyed by the javelin thing now, he can no longer bother the commander now, let the commander solve the javelin thing wholeheartedly.

Thinking of this, z23 cheered herself up, she must solve Xiao Ren's current problems.

Thinking of this, z23 said to Xiao Ren: "Xiao Ren, you..."

Having said that, z23 was stunned for a moment: Hey, how can I comfort people...


Xinghai sat in the office chair, thinking about the previous events.

Because Xiao Ren is made from the body of the Siren Observer, it must be somewhat unstable. But because Xinghai had tested it with Siren before, and Xiao Ren and the Purifier had been getting along for so long, Xiao Ren hadn't had any problems, so Xinghai also relaxed his mind on Xiao Ren.

But I didn't expect such a thing to happen this time.

The observer who should have died suddenly came back to life, and sneaked into the port area without touching any restrictions, and even took the Purifier away.

This belongs to Xinghai, a major-level error, and the observer can sneak in again, which shows that there are still big loopholes in his prohibition, and there are still many areas that need to be improved.

Secondly, there may be some inexplicable connection between the resurrected observer and Xiao Ren, because after Xinghai checked the surveillance of the entire port area, he discovered that the direction the observer went directly to when he entered the port area was not the purifier at all. The direction, but Xiao Ren's direction, the Purifier just happened to be on this route.

And after the observer appeared, Xiao Ren also had very strange behavior, that is, she also moved in the direction of the observer, and finally met with the observer, and then the next thing happened.

To say that there is no connection Xinghai does not believe, but Xinghai can only guess what the specific connection is. Because Xiaoren’s body originates from the observer, there may be some special attraction between them, only In this way, they can explain their weird behavior.

As for Xiao Ren's runaway, it is very likely that after seeing the observer, certain memory fragments conflicted, coupled with the history of Xiao Ren's runaway, which made Xiao Ren run away again.

But one thing that surprised Xinghai was that the observer did not hesitate to use the Purifier as a shield.

Obviously the purpose of the observer sneaking into the port area was to rescue the purifier, but why did the observer abandon the purifier without hesitation at that time?

And if it weren't for the behavior of the observer using the Purifier as a shield, the Javelin would not stop Xiao Ren in this way to protect the safety of the Purifier, and the javelin situation would definitely not be so bad.

But this undoubtedly confirms Xinghai's previous conjecture again, that is, Siren is very spared his life.

Whether it is the decisive self-decision of the observers and purifiers before, or the observers using the purifiers as a shield, it shows that the siren seems to not take his life seriously. Of course, the lives of his companions are also the same. of.

Moreover, thinking of the observers who should have died before came back to life, and the purifiers who will reappear every time they are sunk, perhaps, these sirens really have some infinite resurrection ability.

However, in Xinghai’s cognition, resurrection is an extremely difficult thing. Even in the world where resurrection techniques are very advanced, these resurrection techniques have various limitations, and they simply cannot achieve infinite resurrection. Needless to say, the observers didn't even need their own bodies before. It should be extremely difficult to resurrect under this situation.

No, what if it is not the resurrection?

Suddenly, Xinghai thought of some other possibilities.

What if the siren is an electronic life similar to the former Hatsune or a swamp man?

Electronic life is easy to understand, that is, when there is a problem with the current body, the current body is directly discarded and replaced.

The swamp man is another way.

Someone once put forward a hypothesis that a man went out and passed a swamp. Unfortunately, he was killed by a thunder and turned to ashes. Then another lightning struck the swamp. Under the action of some special force, the other and the previous That identical creature appeared, and this new creature was not only exactly the same as the man who died before, but even had all his memories, and finally this creature survived instead of the man.

In this story, the man doesn't know any problems he has, and likewise, the creature doesn't know.

As for the siren's resurrection mechanism, Xinghai felt that compared to the previous one, it might be more similar to the swamp.

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