Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 413: Traverser

"What's the matter, Shiitono?"

Emilia saw Shitono who was in shock, and asked with some doubts?

Hearing Emilia's call, Shishino suddenly recovered, and then murmured.

"It really looks like in the animation!"


Hearing Emilia’s question, Shitono realized that she had said something wrong, so she waved her hand and said in a panic.

"Ah, that's a dialect of my hometown, it has no specific meaning."

Although Emilia was still very confused, she did not continue to ask, because Shitono obviously didn't want to say it, and she was not particularly interested.

If this is the case, there is no need to forcibly interrogate. Forcible interrogation might destroy their relationship, so she wouldn't do anything that would only harm and not benefit.

Emily, who was thinking about this, walked into the royal castle with Shitono.

After the two entered the royal city, they found a hotel and opened a room. Because Emilia will arrange her accommodation but Shiitono does not, so Shiitono's accommodation problem must be solved by herself.

Before coming here, Xinghai gave Shishino enough money. As long as Shishino does not buy any luxury goods, it is definitely enough. Even if you buy it, it is not particularly expensive, you can still buy one or two.

As for where Xinghai's money came from, Xinghai naturally has its own way. After all, money in any world is a very important thing, so Xinghai has solved this problem after it settled down.

After opening the inn, Emilia took Shitono and moved together.

Because it was the first time that Shitono came to the royal castle, many things were very new to her, and Emilia saw that Shitono was interested in everything and immediately proposed to take Shitono around. A suggestion to visit the city.

After hesitating, Shitono agreed. She also wanted to see if there was anything special. He would be very happy if she could bring some gifts back to her brother.

Based on this idea, Shishino is very interested in everything, and Emilia also likes this feeling very much.

Because Rozval accompanied her when I came here, and Rozval obviously couldn't accompany a woman to go shopping, because he was no idler.

And if you let Rozval go shopping with her, there will be a strange feeling, after all, Rozval's appearance is really that awkward.

She can also go shopping alone, but it’s not the first time she has come here. She is already familiar with it, and the freshness has passed, so shopping alone has actually become a very boring thing. .

But now it's different to have Shitono with her, this is to make Emilia regain the novelty.

Obviously many things are things that have been seen many times before, but now it is because Shitono is with her, she will discuss with her about one thing, which makes her feel that these things suddenly become interesting.

Shitono is very afraid of outsiders, so Xinghai has done a lot of training for such Shitono. Although Shitono is still afraid of outsiders now, Shitono is no longer shy of people who are familiar with him. , This is also the reason why Shishinon can love Milia to discuss.

And not far from the two girls, one person has been watching them, but the two of them don't feel anything.

Xinghai didn't always follow the two girls after entering the city, because there were still a lot of people in the city. If it were just like this, it would not only be easy to get lost, but it might also be found.

So Xinghai was looking for a place where there was no one, and released a dozen bird-shaped puppets, using these puppets to monitor the two girls, and then he wandered around alone.

The girls have his gaze over there, as long as something happens, he can rush over immediately, so he doesn't need to keep his energy there.

Although it was not the first time he came to this city, he hadn't been able to calm down and observe the city carefully when he came before because of various things. Now he finally has a chance.

He raised his hand, subconsciously trying to summon something, but nothing happened.

He was stunned for a moment and then suddenly remembered that he was no longer a time traveler, so naturally there was no way to summon the traveler's book.

Thinking of this, Xinghai laughed mockingly.

"This habit is almost becoming instinct. It's really hard to get rid of it."

With that said, Xinghai continued to move forward, but the scenery that was previously thought to be very interesting is now meaningless.

Xinghai was walking on the road, and suddenly, he stopped, his eyes sharpened suddenly.

Following Xinghai's gaze, there was a young man wearing a black sportswear and carrying a plastic bag.

This person doesn't sound like a problem, but if you consider that this world is an old-generation world, there will be no world produced by industrial products of this level at all, then it is very problematic.

In layman's terms, it was like a modern person suddenly jumped out of a group of ancient people.

At this time, the man seemed very puzzled, and couldn't help looking around.

Xinghai thought for a while, and finally pushed back, and then released a few bird-shaped puppets to monitor the man with all his strength.

If he guessed correctly, this man is likely to be a traverser, and most likely one of the main characters in this world.

A traverser is not a rare existence. When two worlds come into contact at a certain moment, a hole will be drawn between the two worlds, and then there is a certain chance that a traverser will appear.

It’s just that not all traversers are lucky. Some traversers can soar into the sky, and some can only die tragically after suffering painful torture. Of course, there are also those who die directly. This is not uncommon. thing.

According to statistics from relevant sources, the number of travellers can form a standard universe country every year, and a standard universe country needs a main planet and three or more sub-planes to meet the requirements, and the population of a planet is almost tens of billions. Calculated, so the number of passersby can be imagined.

It's just that most of them sacrificed not long after crossing, and the part who barely survived will mostly be ineffective, only a very few can get good adventures, and then leave themselves in this world name.

Although it is possible that this man is the kind of character who crosses and dies, Xinghai feels that it is better to take observation as the main action before he can figure out the actual status of this person, especially in this special period.

Although Xinghai doesn't think Rozval has such an ability, what if there is Rozval's shadow behind this?

So for a long time, Xinghai estimated that he would be wary of this man.

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