Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 414: Weird

"Isn't it really another world here?"

A man with a vicious appearance in sportswear sat on the steps, looking at the mobile phone with no signal in his hand, and sighed helplessly.

But soon, he got excited again.

"Since I have come to another world, I must have some special ability, like a super power."

Speaking of this, the man jumped up from the ground, and then began to assume some weird poses, with some strange words in his mouth.

But after a long time, nothing happened, which made the man a little discouraged.

"What, come to another world without any special abilities, god, maybe my posture is wrong?"

While the man was thinking about these things, he did not notice that three people had blocked the alley.

"Boy, I advise you to be obedient, maybe you can still suffer less."

At this time, the man discovered the three people stuck in the alley.

Those were three people who looked like gangsters, no, maybe they were gangsters from what they just said, but not only did this not scare the man, it also made him excited.

"Oh, is this the necessary miscellaneous soldiers for the traversers? As long as I defeat them, I can gain superpowers. It seems a bit difficult..."

"But this can't trouble me, don't underestimate the otaku's arm strength!"

With that, the man rushed out and rushed directly to the strongest of the three gangsters.

The three gangsters didn't understand the specific meaning of what the man said, but they could hear that the man in front of him was mocking himself, and it was said that he was rushing towards them.

This immediately made the three men feel that they were humiliated, but before they could react, one of them was brought down.


The tall and thin **** rushed straight up, and so did the short bastard, and the man was still proud that he had knocked down a **** with one blow, so he was thrown to the ground without paying attention to his surroundings.

The pain caused by contact with the ground immediately made the man awake. He wanted to stand up, but the continuous beating made him only protect his head.

The pain from his body gave him an unreal feeling in his heart.

It shouldn't, it shouldn't be like this, I'm a traverser, shouldn't I hang these miscellaneous soldiers, why...why is it like this?

The man thinking like this suddenly broke out. In the chaos, he seemed to have grasped something, and he couldn't control so much at this time. He directly attacked the **** with the thing in his hand. Following the bastard's scream, the short bastard's body A huge wound suddenly appeared, and the blood flow continued.

"Damn, how dare you!"

Seeing the injured short bastard, the tall and thin bastard's eyes suddenly turned red.

Just now the man grabbed the dagger he hung around his waist. He avoided it in time when he found something wrong, but his companion was not so lucky and fell directly to the ground without knowing his life or death.

And the man seemed to be frightened by this scene too, and for a while, he was stunned and did not make any response there.

However, the red-eyed tall and thin **** doesn't care so much. He rushed over and grabbed the dagger from the man's hand and stabbed the man's abdomen fiercely. Then he still felt uncomfortable and stabbed several times. , Seems to vent his anger completely.

After being stabbed, the man seemed to be stunned, and then the sharp pain from his abdomen interrupted his thinking. He wanted to shout, but there seemed to be a lot of fishy liquid overflowing from his throat, making him only able to send out unclear meaning. Cry.

The tall and thin man calmed down after stabbing more than a dozen times. At this time, he realized what was happening when he saw the man with wide-eyed eyes. He pushed the man away in panic and let him fall to the ground.

Looking at the man who fell on the ground, he took another look at his companion who was also on the ground. He took a step back, gritted his teeth, and then fled the place directly.

And Xinghai, who is watching this scene, is still staring at the man who fell on the ground. After all, he is a traverser. Maybe there is a special resurrection method. They are not that simple, but now it seems that this man seems real. dying.


The man fell to the ground, he felt getting colder and colder, his surroundings became darker and darker, and his consciousness began to blur.

I seem to be about to die, no, no, it shouldn’t be like this, I came here through Lai Yue Subaru, it should be to save the world, so I would die so easily, no... ..

At this time, the surroundings finally became completely dark, and he also lost all consciousness.

And suddenly the space around the star sea hiding in the observation side suddenly became wrong, and everything seemed to become illusory.

Not long after, the originally normal world turned into a purple chaos. There seemed to be something hidden in this chaos, but Xinghai only had a very vague sense.

At the same time, several magic circles on Xinghai were stimulated, but they did not make any response. Xinghai did not feel any attack, and something passed through Xinghai’s body protection circle, seemingly wanting Act directly on him.

But in the next second, Xinghai glowed with golden light, and the purple mist quickly dissipated as if he had met a natural enemy, and the body guard array on his body was also retracted again.

This incident shocked Xinghai's heart. What exactly was the thing just now? That kind of thing is so overbearing. His body protection circle is the same as nothing. In the end, the trace of divine nature in his body protected him, otherwise I don't know yet. What will happen.

This made Xinghai's heart suddenly vigilant. It seems that this world is far from what it has shown before. There may be more terrifying existence hidden in it. Such an existence makes Xinghai have to be vigilant, because this can threaten him now. The presence.

After the incident, the surrounding fog seemed to be no longer ready to touch him, and after the light on Xinghai's body was recovered, those purple chaos surged over again, but this time Xinghai's body protection array did not respond.

The lack of a response from the body protection array proved that these things did not hurt him now, and Xinghai stood here, watching what these things would do.

Standing in this chaos seems to affect people's sense of time. I don't know how long it will take before the fog and chaos seem to finally dissipate.

When the fog completely dispersed, Xinghai returned to the real world, but Xinghai was no longer where he was just now, this place made Xinghai feel a bit familiar.

At first, Xinghai was still a little confused, but soon he found a strange place, the traverser, the traverser who should have died, actually stood there intact.

On the other side, Emilia and Shitono, who were anxious because the badge was stolen, also returned to the booth where they were before, talking and laughing, as if nothing happened.

Inexplicably, Xinghai felt a strange feeling coming.

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