Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 802: Xiaoren's Talk

Xiao Ren said a word or two at first, but then she burst into tears. At this time, Xiao Ren changed back to what Xinghai remembered.

Xinghai didn’t want to ask Xiaoren any stupid question like is this kind of thing important to you. Since Xiaoren would show this attitude, it proved one thing, that these things are very important, at least for Xiaoren. Ren said so.

After sighing, Xinghai walked over, then hugged Xiaoren in his arms and comforted.

"Okay, okay, don't cry or cry."

Xinghai did not rush to comfort Xiaoren, because Rafi was still here, and even if Rafi was not here, he could not comfort him casually, because he still had to consider the affairs between the two girls. It may cause him to comfort this girl, but to make another girl sad.

So he needs to find the right time and speak the right words.

After Xiao Ren was hugged by Xinghai, not only did he not stop crying, but he cried even harder.

"Uuuuuu... brother, do you...know... it was a concubine body that had been saved for a long time... almost all the power of the concubine body was used up... but... but then..."

Having said that, Xiao Ren cried again, and Xinghai roughly understood what had happened.

Probably, I don’t know why. Rafi suddenly took away most of Xiao Ren's supernatural power. For Xiao Ren at that time, that was the most critical time, and there should be no mistakes.

Moreover, Xiao Ren at that time was still very young and had very little experience, so he was very unskilled in mastering such things. However, when he was interrupted at that time, Xiao Ren must have received an extremely serious backlash, which also led to it. Later those things happened.

And Xiao Ren's divinity, it is also very likely that it was lost at this time.

After having these guesses in his mind, Xinghai was silent. Although he didn't know why Rafi did such a thing, from this point of view alone, Rafi did a little too much.

Whether he betrayed Xiao Ren or committed such a life-destroying thing, it seemed too much. It can even be said that it is very rare for Xiao Ren to stand here and say a few words to Rafi now.

It's just that Raffi shouldn't be the kind of person who can do this kind of thing casually, so there must be something he doesn't understand in this.

Xinghai didn’t think that Xiao Ren had lied, because both Xiao Ren’s current performance or Rafite’s reaction proved the authenticity of Xiao Ren’s words. If there is really any problem, Rafite should I have spoken a long time ago, instead of lowering my head and saying nothing like I do now.

And there is one thing that is very strange, that is, why Rafi would show that level of killing intent to Xiao Ren before. He didn't think Xiao Ren had done anything excessive.

If Rafie wanted Xiaoren to keep this secret from the beginning, then she shouldn’t let Xiaoren show up at the beginning. You must know that he didn’t know Xiaoren at the beginning, if Rafie would be younger at that time Ren was killed, then he didn't know it at all, maybe he wouldn't even know it for the rest of his life.

This not only kept the secret, but also achieved the goal he wanted to achieve.

But what's strange is that Rafi kept Xiao Ren until now, and even showed guilt to her. According to the normal situation, Rafi should treat Xiao Ren better under the influence of guilt. , Even if Xiaoren did something wrong or something that was incorrect in her opinion, she should have kept her hands.

But Rafi just now was completely different. Rafi just now really wanted to kill Xiao Ren, because there was no way to see the expression on Rafi’s face, and Rafi shot very quickly, so Xinghai didn't know what emotions Rafi was like at that time.

But if you look at it from his instincts, Rafi's emotions at the time or a lot of it was anger.

This is not his guessing, but that he has never seen such an impulsive Rafi. Rafi has always been very calm in his impression, so the only thing he can think of that can detonate Rafi's emotions seems to be anger.

But these are just his guesses. He doesn't know if the real situation is like this. If he wants to know such things, he will probably ask Rafi, but Rafi will really tell him these things. ?

Xiao Ren was still crying in his arms. If he didn't care, Xiao Ren could really keep crying like this. After all, she is not a human being, and it is difficult for her to feel tired.

Of course, Xinghai feels that after crying, Xiao Ren will most likely fall asleep. Although she may not be physically tired, she will probably be very tired psychologically. Therefore, the probability of Xiao Ren falling asleep is quite high.

Therefore, Xinghai wondered how to comfort Xiaoren.

Xiaoren’s matter can be resolved if it is resolved, or resolved if it is not resolved.

Let's forget about Lafite. The most important thing about this is Ren's attitude and what Xiao Ren wants to do.

Xiao Ren's original goal was to condense a body, but this plan was destroyed by Lafite. Although Xiao Ren now has a body, Xiao Ren's divinity has long been lost.

And he didn't know how Rafi shaped Xiao Ren's body at the time, but it seemed that no matter how Rafi shaped his body, Xiao Ren's current body could not bear the divinity.

Although the observer is the top power in this world, and this body has been strengthened by Lafite with special means, no matter what, the limit of this body is limited to this world.

Even if this body possesses the characteristics of the ship mother, it can increase its strength like the ship mother, but he is very clear about the limit of the ship mother. It is far from possible to reach the ideal level.

So if Xiao Ren just wants a body, it's very easy to solve, but if Xiao Ren wants to get back her once divine power and divine nature, it is almost impossible.

After all, divine nature and divine power are not Chinese cabbage, not that they can be obtained if they can be obtained.

Except for Xiaoren's existence that robs heaven and earth, if other existences want divine nature and power, they can only grab it.

Thinking of this, Xinghai meditated for a while before speaking.

"Then Xiaoren, what do you want to do now, you already have a body of your own, so what else do you need?"

Xinghai thought it was a very common word, but what he never thought was that it was there. This sentence actually directly detonated Xiaoren's emotions.

Xiao Ren broke free from Xinghai's arms, then looked at Xinghai and shouted

"This is not the body of the concubine body, this is just a fake substitute!!!" The latest dimension of the ship girl Chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlReading address of the full text of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional ship girl txt download address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 802 Xiaoren's confession) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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