Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 803: Stubborn Lafite

Seeing Xiao Ren who suddenly became excited, Xinghai was a little astonished. This incident would have caused Xiao Ren to react such a big deal that he had never expected.

He has avoided all the minefields as much as possible. Unexpectedly, something like this still happened.

Xinghai was trying to say something, but his pupils suddenly shrank, and then quickly grabbed Xiao Ren's right hand.

At this time, Xiao Ren's right hand had grabbed her own left hand, and a trace had already been pinched.

Xinghai looked at Xiao Ren sharply.

"What are you doing?"

When Xinghai looked at it with such a gaze, Xiao Ren was inexplicably scared, but soon she was dazzled by anger again.

"Now this is the concubine's body. What the concubine wants to do has nothing to do with you."

Xinghai looked at her, then said every word

"No, it has something to do with me, because your body is my trophy!"

Xinghai's words made Xiaoren a little stunned. She knew that this body was a siren, but she had no idea that this body was Xinghai's trophy.

No, even if this is brother's trophy, now this is her body, so...

Her thoughts were not over yet, Xinghai spoke again.

"I know what you are thinking. Although you are using this body now, did I say that I gave this body to you?"

I don't know why, at this time, Xiao Ren felt a sense of grievance inexplicably. It was obvious that he was like that, but his brother still treated her like this.

The more Xiao Ren thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, the more he thought about it, the more wronged, and finally couldn't help crying.

"Wow, oh, my brother bullied the concubine, it was obvious that the concubine was like this, but why is he still doing this to the concubine? This is not fair, this is not fair..."

Xinghai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xiao Ren like this.

Earlier, he discovered one thing. Although Xiao Ren would be very mature at certain times, as long as she gets emotional, her character is likely to transform into a child.

He doesn't know why this happened, but he knows one thing, that is, he can use this characteristic of Xiao Ren.

He didn't know where his words irritated Xiao Ren, and he actually made Xiao Ren want to do things that would harm her body. Xiao Ren might not care about the consequences of her doing such things, but he cares, he cares very much.

So he stopped Xiao Ren before Xiao Ren completely implemented his ideas, but it was not enough to stop him. He had to find a way to get Xiao Ren to dispel such thoughts, at least to dispel Xiao Ren's thoughts now.

However, the general method is definitely of no use now, so he took advantage of Xiao Ren's characteristics, because if this continues, the over-excited Xiao Ren may still decide what he will do, so he must solve this as soon as possible. problem.

So he made himself behave harder than usual as much as possible. This trick is certainly not effective for people who are more familiar with him, but as long as there is a fear of him, he will be affected by him. , After all, he is not someone who only does superficial skills.

And the effect was better than he thought. Xiao Ren came back all at once. Although this seemed to be a headache, it was at least better than before.

Xinghai held Xiaoren in his arms, and then gently touched her head to comfort her.

If it weren't for Xiao Ren to be different from ordinary ship maidens, he was very resistant to his magic and magic circle, otherwise he would directly use the magic circle, where would it be so troublesome.

It's just that if you do that, maybe after Xiao Ren wakes up, there will be more troubles, which is really a headache.

Now I can only use some ordinary methods to stop Xiao Ren, but Xiao Ren in this state is still better to coax, maybe it has something to do with Xiao Ren’s experience too little, Xiao Ren still behaves part of the time. Like a child.

Of course, it is also possible that he is just like a child in front of him.


I don't know how long it has passed, Xiao Ren finally fell asleep deeply, and after Xiao Ren went to sleep, Xinghai took Xiao Ren back to his personal world, and then put her on a bed.

After doing all this, Xinghai returned to the real world. He looked at Lafite who was still standing motionless, and said

"Lafite, I think you may need to say something to me now, and why are you standing there all the time? If it's playing one, two, three, wooden people, I'm not interested."

Seeing that there was no response to Rafi, Xinghai frowned, then walked to Rafi and held her face up.

"Lafite, this is not like you before. If you were before, you wouldn't give up so easily."

Hearing Xinghai’s words, Rafi’s face did not show any expression, her eyes flashed for a while before she spoke.

"Hasn't the sea already knows everything? In this case, Rafi has nothing to say."

Looking at such a Rafite, Xinghai felt helpless in his heart, but at the same time a wave of anger rose up. He looked at Rafie and stared at Rafie.

"Do you think I am a person who believes in one thing only by one word, and this thing is very important. If I don't clarify all the relationships, I won't stop, so let's just say, what happened at that time? what?"

Xinghai didn't clearly say when, but Rafi must understand what he meant, but whether Rafi was willing to tell him was another matter.

After hearing Xinghai's words, Lafite just twisted his head aside, unwilling to look at Xinghai again.

It’s just that Rafi just twisted his head and let Xinghai twist it back, and in the process he also used a lot of magic power, because he wanted to make Rafi look at him without hurting Rafi, this It is not a simple matter.

Xinghai looked at Rafi, and then said firmly

"I must know the reason why you did such a thing. If you don't tell me, I will find a way to check it myself. I may not be able to find it, but some people will definitely be able to find it, such as Poseidon or something."

When she heard this, Lafite finally had a reaction, only to see her pupils shrink, and then immediately said

"Hai, don't go..."

Hearing what Rafi said, Xinghai asked back

"Why not go?"

And after Rafi heard Xinghai’s words, he was silent again, which finally made Xinghai unable to hold back anymore. He suppressed his own voice, and then said to Rafi

"Lafite, I don't know what you have experienced before, but do you know what I know? If I can, I would never want to know those things."

"Some of these things may be known to you, and some may not be known to you, because neither you nor she was there at that time, so now I will tell you about these things."The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional Ship Niang mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 803 Stubborn Lafite) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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