Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 823: Liquid red mist

Xinghai saw the outsider Yiling who was fighting together from afar.

Judging from what he saw now, Ealing had the absolute upper hand, but this was also normal.

After all, from the perspective of breath alone, the outsider is only a false **** at best. Although the current Yi Ling is estimated to be only at the level of a false god, after all, this is the sea and belongs to Yi Ling’s home field, so this has something for her. Natural advantage.

As far as he sees the status quo, it can be said that the balance of victory is tilted to Yiling's side.

And this also made Xinghai's heart a trace of doubt. He was forced over by Betty before. Betty emphasized that Ealing would be dangerous, so that's why he deliberately rushed to this place at the fastest speed.

But now the situation here seems to be completely different from what Betty said, and the look of Betty before has been imprinted in his mind.

After thinking about it for a while, Xinghai decided not to think about it anymore.

In the matter just now, he consumed a lot of magic power, although most of the magic power was wasted in his fine manipulation, but this can not conceal the serious shortcoming of his current situation.

If the attack in that place was not the red mist but something else, perhaps Xinghai consumed less than one-tenth of the magic power currently consumed, then the situation would not have been so bad.

But it's no use saying anything now, things have happened, what he can do now is to restore the magic power in his body as much as possible, and then use these magic powers to make some advance preparations.

Although he doesn't seem to see what Betty is worried about now, it doesn't mean that he won't be able to see it in the future, so for the sake of safety, it is best for him to make some defenses.

However, when doing these precautions, he carefully hid it. If he suddenly appears here now, he is likely to scare the outsider away. This is not something he wants to see. For him, the best choice. It is to capture this outsider alive, and then torture something out of his final torture.

If you can't catch it, it means letting him die here and not letting him leave alive.

"He" can't observe the star sea directly, but outsiders can. Once the outsider is allowed to leave, it is very likely that his information will be leaked, which is likely to cause him to fall into a disadvantage or even directly fail again.

So in any case, this person cannot leave himself.

And he was still suspicious of one thing, that was that the previous attack was not the hand of the man in front of him, or that the man was just a thug.

After all, although this man is also using the power of the red mist, Xinghai can see that he is very unskilled. It can even be said that finding a crimson will be better than what he can do. He can sustain it till now. Because his energy level is high enough.

It’s just that no matter what kind of energy it is, it will run out sooner or later, and in Ealing’s special domain, except for the person marked by Ealing, other people will continue to absorb the energy from his body, and then Gradually fell into defeat.

Of course, now Ealing did not fully expand her domain.

There is no place for her to fully expand her domain, and it is impossible for her to fully expand her domain.

Because the situation like this is okay, if you really expand your domain with all your strength, then the most likely thing to happen is to attract the attention of the universe will. After all, they not only use supernormal power, but also use it in a world. of.

The cosmic will doesn’t care who you are and what kind of world this world is like. As long as you violate his rules, the cosmic will will find it immediately. After all, in this world, except for a few forbidden places, It may be said that any place is the place where the will of the universe is.

It's just that although Yi Ling has been restraining his own power, the outsider has never restrained his power. The energy fluctuations he bursts are getting more and more terrifying, and even an attack he throws at will can be caused by Yi Ling. A huge hole was cast on the sea protected by the domain. If this continues, the arrival of the will of the universe is almost certain.

Realizing this, Xinghai knew that he could no longer drag, and he had to help Yi Ling solve the battle as soon as possible, even if he couldn't catch the man in this way, it didn't matter.

After all, compared to the illusory information that could be tortured, the living Yi Ling in front of him was a little more important.

It is precisely because of this idea that Xinghai gradually approached the battlefield.

The power he has accumulated is enough, and now he only needs a suitable time to make a one-shot kill on this man and end the battle as quickly as possible.

And when Xinghai was about to approach this man, his eyelids suddenly jumped, and then he immediately felt that something bad was likely to happen.

His guess was soon fulfilled, only to see that the man finally couldn't hold it after he realized that he had exploded with the greatest strength and still couldn't beat the Seagod in front of him, and a sense of violent crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

I saw him pull out a mirror, and then shouted

"My lord, save me!"

Although no one has appeared yet, a voice has already appeared between the world.


With such words, a red mist like liquid came out from it. It was an aura far stronger than any other red mist in this world. If you insist, this red mist is like red mist. The same as the concentrated essence.

And seeing the red mist appearing like a liquid, a look of fear suddenly appeared on the face of the outsider, but this trace of fear soon turned into joy again.

He just wanted to say something, a sharp sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

This sudden sense of crisis was so huge that he didn't know what was going on, so he appeared a momentary stupor, and this momentary stupidity brought him destruction.

I saw a large number of magic circles suddenly appeared in the surrounding area, which almost completely sealed the place into a cage.

The magic circle that made up this cage radiated huge energy fluctuations in an instant. The liquid red mist seemed to feel something wrong, and wanted to leave this place, but more magic circles appeared, and the red mist was directly removed. All the outlets were sealed.

And facing the sudden appearance of the very familiar magic circle cage, Yi Ling also fell into a state of stunned, but when she was still stunned, her hands suddenly encircled her waist.

This time she did not resist, but allowed the owner of these hands to take herself away from this place.

In the next instant, all the magic circles were activated, and terrifying energy fluctuations escaped. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 823 Liquid Red Mist), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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