Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 824: exile

If such an attack is not dealt with, then the energy will only escape to the surrounding area, and if the energy is huge to a level, it will attract the attention of some existence.

Xinghai is obviously impossible to make such a mistake.

Although his attacks will cause huge energy fluctuations, let alone that his attacks cannot reach that level now, even if they can reach that level, he will not deliberately do that.

After all, if you do that, you are completely dying, not to mention that such an attack will most likely have a huge impact on this world.

Although this world is now connected with another higher level world, the ability to withstand energy is completely different.

Although the man's attack just now didn't have any major impact on this, it was entirely due to the limitation of Yi Ling's use of the Seagod Domain, and now it seems that no one is limiting his attack.

It’s just that he already had the means to deal with it. At the moment when the energy fluctuations erupted, the outermost magic circle was activated after a short delay. In the next moment, all the magic circle disappeared in place, and it also disappeared. There are those in the circle.

From the beginning, he didn't expect the magic circles he used in a weak state to kill the outsider, so those magic circles with huge energy fluctuations were mostly just empty shells.

Only a few magic circles have the ability to attack, and this attack is not meant to attack that outsider.

During space transmission, only a small amount of guidance is needed to destroy the entire space channel, and once you leave the space channel, you will face endless and extremely dangerous spatial turbulence.

So exiling those people is Xinghai's ultimate goal.

After all, with his current power, it is obviously unrealistic to want to kill those people directly, and even if he has that ability, he cannot fight at that level in this level, so thinking about it, exile is undoubtedly the most important thing. Good choice.

Although that guy will definitely have some back-ups, Xinghai is not certain that that person will die in the turbulence of space.

But even if he was lucky enough to escape from the turbulence of space, he would probably not return to this world. At that time, his goal was achieved. Even if that guy can be called back again, it will be a long time later. At that time, who can make it clear.

Of course, there is also a very small probability that the person will return to this world again. After all, when hiding in the turbulence of space, no one knows where he will go. What if he returns to this place again?

It's just that the probability of such a thing is too low, so he doesn't think about it like this, but instead focuses on Yi Ling who is in his arms.


Xinghai only said one word, and he couldn’t continue, because he didn’t know what he should call the girl in front of him. He should have called Yi Ling, but he has a very complicated relationship with the owner of this name. And shouting like this also means that he has directly identified his identity, which may make both sides very embarrassed.

And if you call Yili, it means that he is escaping, escaping from the past. This is also likely to cause Yi Ling’s dissatisfaction, so now in this situation, Xinghai doesn’t know how to call the girl in his arms. .

When Xinghai shouted halfway through, the girl in her arms was also cold.

"What's wrong, don't you even know me now?"

Hearing what Yi Ling said, Xinghai quickly replied

"No, of course not, just what happened back then..."

Xinghai's words made Yi Ling's gaze even colder, but because Yi Ling's back was facing Xinghai, he couldn't see this gaze.

"What's wrong, don't you want to say that you didn't make any mistakes back then?"

"Do not"

Hearing Yi Ling’s words, Xinghai subconsciously said

"I'm really sorry about what happened back then..."

Before Xinghai finished speaking, Yi Ling was angrily interrupted.

"Enough, I don’t want to listen to your sophistry anymore. What happened back then is like that. I won’t ask you anything, and you don’t have to explain to me anymore, just like that, no one needs to explain to anyone anymore. ."

Seeing Yi Ling completely refusing to talk, Xinghai felt a headache, but he did not completely give up discussing this matter with Yi Ling because of what Yi Ling said.

This matter is the pain in their hearts, and there are some things he has to figure out, and he can no longer be so muddled, and more importantly, although Yi Ling was very rude when speaking, but he has not been out of his embrace. , And this means that he actually still has a chance.

But now is obviously not the time to discuss this matter. I hope that after arriving in the port area, the situation between her and Lafite will not be too stale.

Just when did Ealing awaken? According to Belfast’s previous description, Ealing awakened before being communicated with. Did she just come to this world this time, or did she have been here long ago? Where is the world?

Thinking of this, a cold sweat suddenly appeared behind Xinghai. If Yi Ling found this place at the beginning, wouldn’t it prove that the one who stayed with him was Yi Ling all the time? That is to say, the Yi who likes to act like a baby Li, is Yi Ling actually pretending to be?

This gave Xinghai an unreal feeling in his heart. Would she still show that expression in front of him?

Just when Xinghai was thinking about when Yi Ling awakened, he suddenly felt the wave of space distortion. It seemed that something was about to appear from the place where the magic circle had disappeared. This made his face suddenly change drastically. .

He doesn't believe in coincidences or the like. He habitually thinks about the worst, especially in such things.

And that was the place where the man disappeared just now, and now the spatial fluctuations have reappeared there, so the worst case is naturally that the guy has returned.

This makes his face very ugly.

Originally, he had consumed a lot of magic power before, but the action just now emptied the magic power in his body again, but this world is a world with extremely scarce magic power, so his magic power has not recovered at all.

In other words, if that guy appears again this time, maybe he really has no better solution.

As if seeing Xinghai's current embarrassment, Yi Ling broke away from Xinghai's embrace, and then said without looking back.

"Don't worry, leave the rest to me completely, and you should hide behind me as before."

Yi Ling's unceremonious words made Xinghai's face turn blue and white. Although he did do this before, it was only when facing a middle-ranked **** and he couldn't get involved at all.

But now that Yi Ling said so, why does it feel so weird? The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 824 Exile) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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