Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 832: Enol's inquiry

Hearing Xinghai's words, Yinuo's expression suddenly changed.

It was a very unbelievable expression. It seemed that he did not believe that his father would actually do such a thing. Looking at Yinuo'er's expression, a sense of guilt rose from Xinghai's heart, which made him He lowered his head, not daring to see her again.

Xinghai's reaction was caught in the eyes of the girls present, and Betty had no response to this. Yi Ling was a little surprised at Xinghai's reaction, and the biggest reaction should be Rafi and Yinuoer.

When she saw Xinghai's gaze, Lafite's gaze condensed, and she immediately understood what Yinuoer wanted to do, and she could do such a thing based on her counterattack.

Her own counterattack was borrowed by others. This feeling made Lafite very uncomfortable, because under normal circumstances, she borrowed the power of others, and basically there would be no counterattack borrowed from her and given to her. The corresponding attack situation.

At the same time, this situation also shows that Yinuoer will be a very difficult existence, especially when they have to pretend to be themselves.

In the face of Yinuo's counterattack, Lafite naturally couldn't say nothing. She was silent for a while before she spoke.

"In fact, it's not counted as others. Lafite and your mother serve your father together. Your mother should still like this kind of thing."

Hearing the local words of Lafite, Yi Ling was stunned there at the time, and then her face blushed soon, as if thinking of something special, and Yinuo's was also stunned there. She had imagined many kinds of pulling. Fei may cope with it, but she never expected that Raffi would say such a thing.

If it was only between her and Lafite before, then it can be said that her mother was also pulled into the water.

I don't know why, obviously my mother is not that kind of stupid person, but when facing her father and Lafite, she seems to have become a little girl, a little girl who is more like a little girl than her.

The mother's reaction caused her a very headache. If it had been this way, it would be very difficult for her to help her mother take the initiative.

She not only knew about the things between the father and the mother, but also knew very well, but she didn't want to do anything to her father, even if she did something like that to her mother.

Because no matter what she said, it was the matter of their previous generation. She was not very good at intervening casually, and how she should treat her father ultimately depends on the mother's attitude. The mother's attitude towards the father is the first execution condition. .

Even after so long, although her mother said she hated her father, she knew very well that her mother still loved and cared about her father in her heart, so she would not do anything stupid casually.

She will decide her attitude towards her father according to her mother's attitude. She will no longer make any self-righteous decisions on her own. That will only hurt her mother and herself.

She didn't have any complicated thoughts, she just didn't want her mother to continue to live so hard. Looking at such a mother really made her very heartbroken.

It's just that these are not things she wants to take care of now, and what she needs to pay more attention to now is how to turn the situation over.

The main purpose of her coming here is to prevent her mother from receiving too much unfair treatment. To be honest, she has no trust in her father at all. If it were not for her mother, she would not want to treat that man. Saying the word father would only make her feel sick.

A man who can betray even his wife who just gave birth to a child, what else can be trusted by others, if possible, such a person might as well be destroyed directly.

But it is a pity that because her mother still loves her father, and she also needs to hide herself in front of her mother, she still can only pretend to be a good girl and can't do anything out of the ordinary.

Thinking like this, she suddenly spoke a little aggrieved

"But... But Nono has never heard of such a statement..."

With that said, Yinuo'er raised his head again, and then faced Xinghaidao with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, father, why do you do such a thing? You don't like your mother that's why you are doing this, but obviously your mother has always loved you..."

Yinuo'er's words changed Xinghai's face slightly. At the same time, he turned his gaze to Yiling. At this time, because of Yinuo'er's words, Yiling's face was already very ugly at this time. She looked at her daughter, her face changed. The change stopped, and finally, she seemed to be unable to bear it anymore.

She walked directly over, and then took Yinuo's hand to take her away.

It's just that she now looks about the same size as Yinuoer, so she has no deterrent effect, and Yinuoer doesn't want to leave at this time.

After all, if you leave now, it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity in the future. So Yinuoer thinks that if possible, then solve everything now, no, not if it is possible, but must To do such a thing!

So when Yiling was about to pull Yinuoer away, Yinuoer didn't have any reaction, and even Yiling almost pulled himself down because of too much force.

Yi Ling finally stood firm, but when she stood firm, she looked at her daughter with a puzzled look the first time. She didn't understand why her daughter who had always been obedient became so weird today.

As if seeing his mother’s gaze, Yinuoer explained

"Mother, Nono can't leave here yet. Father still has a lot to say, so he can't leave yet. The same goes for mother."

I don't know why, when she heard her daughter's words, a kind of nameless anger surged into her heart.

Why, she is her own daughter, she has been together for so long, she should be the closest to herself, obviously...

But why, why is it like this now, is it because of him? Is it because of him!

Just when Yi Ling was angry, she was suddenly hugged by Yinuo'er.

Yinuoer hugged his mother, and then softly said in Yiling's ear with a gentle voice

"Mother, please believe in Nono? No matter when, Nono's heart is toward his mother, so can the mother give Nono some trust?"

Yinuo's words were poured directly on Yi Ling's head like a basin of cold water, and her anger was extinguished all at once.

She was silent for a long time, then nodded gently.

After getting her mother's answer, Yinuo'er adjusted her emotions, then turned around, facing Xinghai crisply.

"Father, can you answer some of Nono's questions? These questions are very important to Nono and his mother, so Nono very much hopes that his father can answer these questions of Nono."The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlReading address of the full text of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional Ship Niang mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 832 Enor's Inquiry), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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