Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 833: Enoch's questioning

Staring into Yinuo'er's eyes, Xinghai was silent.

From just now, he felt that although Yinuo's behaved very well-behaved, Yinuo's words were very purposeful. At first he hadn't noticed this matter, but then he discovered something was wrong.

And there is another thing that is very strange, that is, these do not seem to be discovered by him, but are deliberately shown to him by Yinuoer, which makes Xinghai a little confused. It seems that many behaviors of Yinuoer since just now. They are all contradictory, so even he can't see what Enor is going to do now.

However, no matter what Yinuoer is going to do, those things must be related to him. After all, Yinuoer's center of gravity has always been on him since just now.

So after thinking about it, Xinghai nodded. He should have no questions that he could not answer. Although he also had some secrets, it was definitely not those that Yinuo's wanted to ask, so he should be able to answer everything.

It's just that some problems are likely to cause him a headache. After all, the few questions that Yinuoer asked just now caused him a very headache.

After getting Xinghai’s answer, Yinuoer looked at Xinghai and said

"Father, the first question I want to ask now..."

Having said this, Yinuoer paused, and then continued to speak.

"Then why did you do such a thing to your mother in the first place!"

As soon as Yinuo's words came out, everyone was shocked, and Lafite's eyes became very sharp in an instant, giving people the feeling that they would make a move at any time.

In the face of everyone's uncertain gaze, Yinuoer didn't have any timidity, just stared at the Xinghai firmly.

Xinghai was silent. Although he had guessed that Yinuoer would definitely ask some very difficult questions for him, what he never expected was that Yinuoer would go straight to the core as soon as he came up, and asked them this question. This contradiction is directly on the surface.

Where can't Xinghai now tell that Yinuoer has come prepared?

It's just that although Yinuo's methods are a little bit fierce, Xinghai has no reason to blame, and he was originally prepared to say this before, but he has never dared to speak. Now that he has been mentioned by Yinuoer. Come out, then answer it.

Thinking of this, Xinghai turned his gaze to Yi Ling, and Yi Ling couldn't help but dodge a little when he saw Xinghai's gaze, which made Xinghai feel even more guilty in his heart while being stunned.

Although the reasons when he hypnotized himself back then seemed to be justified, but now it is undoubtedly not some ridiculous lie that can be broken with a single poke, and now it is him who made the mistake, but it is Ealing who is afraid. Said that this is really a very ridiculous thing.

Xinghai looked at Yi Ling and then slowly spoke

"At that time...because there were some problems in Lafite, it needed some source of God to cure the disease, so I would..."

Before Xinghai finished speaking, Yinuo'er interrupted him.

I saw Yinuo's serious expression

"Do you know what the origin of God is?"

Hearing Yinuoer's questioning, Xinghai nodded subconsciously, but before he could say anything, Yinuoer spoke in a harsher tone.

"Since you know, why do you still do such a thing to your mother? Since you know, then you shouldn't do such a thing!"

Yinuo'er's words made Xinghai subconsciously want to explain.

"That's because at the time..."

Xinghai's words were interrupted again.

"Because of what?"

Yinuo's seemed to be even more angry, and because of the excessive anger, Yinuo's cute little face appeared a little hideous.

"You obviously have a better choice. If you ask your mother for a trace of origin, will she not give it to you? How much damage to a **** by forcibly taking away a trace of origin, you don't know?"

"I know that you didn't directly ask your mother for your source because of your mother's suspicion, but you didn't even want your mother to help you."

"Do you know that it was your behavior that led to the mother at the time..."

This time it was Yinuo's turn that was interrupted.

Yi Ling lowered his head, then said in a low tone

"Stop talking about it, Nono, although I don't know how you know these things, but these things shouldn't be told, so leave here, okay? Nono, mother please..."

Speaking of the last, Yi Ling raised his head, and in her eyes, there was an inescapable grief.

But seeing this picture of her mother, Yinuo's didn't have the slightest idea to give up, and even this strengthened the idea in Yili's heart.

Yinuoer gently shook Yi Ling's hand, and then said with a cold look

"No, mother, it's useless to hide some things. The more you hide, the less you can get what you want, so I have to tell those things!"

"no, do not want…"

Now Yi Ling looks like an adult, but the current Yi Ling does not make people feel mature. All that can be felt is endless sadness and pain.

"Nono, mother please, only here...only here...mother doesn't want...so embarrassed..."

At the end, Yi Ling's voice became smaller and smaller, and when she heard her mother's cry, her original firm belief was shaken.

Although she has seen her mother crying many times, it is the first time she has seen such a mother, and she also knows her mother's character very well, so her current performance really makes her unbearable.

And just when she hesitated, a voice suddenly came in.

"Zhou calendar 47 Yuan 860 engraved on December 30, 4589, the **** of the sea gave birth to a daughter, named Yinuoer, but the birth of the son is a taboo, so the **** of the sea is at the lowest level, and all believers are affected by it. Impact."

"At the same time, the visiting team led by Xinghai was attacked"

"Zhou calendar 47 yuan 860 engraved on February 12, 4590, Xinghai returned to the kingdom of the sea god..."

Suddenly, while Betty was still explaining, Yi Ling suddenly rushed towards Betty, and Xinghai did not respond to this shocking news for a while, and when he reacted, everything seemed too late.

Ealing has already rushed to Betty. At this distance, Betty is definitely not Ealing's opponent, and Ealing has no idea of ​​keeping her hands, so the next ending is unimaginable.

It’s just that Ealing didn’t rush to Betty. When there was still some distance in front of Betty, Ealing suddenly softened as if she had lost all of her power. Betty gently followed Ealing with magic power, and then Then I continued to tell my own story.

And Yi Ling lay on the ground, watching Betty talking about those things there, and couldn't say a word. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional Ship Niang mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 833 Enor's questioning), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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