Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 835: Enor's Wrath

Betty's tone is very plain, but the meaning is very obvious, that is, if Xinghai believes, just believe it, if Xinghai doesn't believe it, she has nothing to do, so whether or not she believes the above depends on Xinghai and not others.

Xinghai naturally knew this too. After hesitating for a while, he still chose to continue watching. Whether he believes it or not, he must read it first. As for whether he believes it or not, that's what's next.


Now that he was looking at it by himself, Xinghai slowed down his speed, because he couldn't easily make decisions about some things, and he had to make judgments only after his own memory.

But the more you look back, the more frightened, because many things are exactly the same as in his memory, but he didn’t know Yi Ling’s mood at that time, and now this book is not so much a record as a book. With the existence of a small book, how could anyone record these things in such detail here.

It's just that one thing that has been proven is reminding Xinghai that this is not a story or a novel, this is the story that actually happened, and there is no exaggeration in it.

And looking at the words on this, an inexplicable sense of familiarity surged into Xinghai’s heart, as if when he saw such handwriting, he had seen someone speaking in this tone,

But now he suddenly couldn't remember who that person was. It was as if there was a thin layer of mist covering his eyes. He wanted to clear the mist and see the appearance of the person in front of him, but no matter what he did. It is impossible to do this.

Looking around, Xinghai suddenly saw something, his body trembled abruptly, and then he looked at the text in the book with some shock.

Immediately afterwards, as if as if he did not believe, Xinghai almost leaned his face on the book, looking at the text carefully, word by word, after a long time, Xinghai slowly raised his head, and then Looking at Yi Ling lying on the ground with a complicated look.

Seeing Xinghai's reaction, neither Betty nor Yinuo had any reaction. It seemed that they had known such a thing a long time ago.


Xinghai looked at Yi Ling, and he felt a little dry in his throat.

When he was still in the Kingdom of Poseidon, he was very impressed once. After all, that time was clearly a simple test, but some accidents happened later, so he was very impressed by this incident.

Of course, there is another reason why he was deeply impressed with this matter, and that was that Lafite at that time was suddenly very obedient, and he was not so obedient.

You must know that although Rafi listened to him very much in general, she would refuse some unimportant things if Rafi was unwilling, so some things have always been Xinghai's regrets.

Even though he and Rafi were trapped in that secret realm that time, he unexpectedly made up all those regrets. Although Rafi had been very confused about his side attack after he came out, this also caused Xinghai to fall into contemplation. After a long time.

Because of Rafie’s incompatibility, Xinghai could only think that she was too scary at the time, so she was frightened by Rafie, so she was unwilling to continue doing things like that, but he never thought about that. At that time, the Lafite meeting was not Lafite, but another person.

Xinghai felt very dry and dry. He looked at Betty, and then said with some uncertainty.

"Betty, are all the things recorded above true?"

Before Betty answered, Yinuo sneered disdainfully.

"Huh, or what do you think? I'm your daughter, don't you think my origin is weird?"

Now Yinuo'er didn't pretend anymore, she felt that she didn't have any need to continue pretending, so when facing Xinghai, her tone couldn't hide the disgust.

And Yinuo's words also silenced Xinghai.

Yes, Xinghai has always felt very puzzled about the origin of Yinuoer. After all, he hasn't done anything like that with Yiling, but why did he suddenly have a daughter? Even if the god's reproductive methods are different, it still requires some process anyway, and in the end he has nothing to do when he is too close to Yi Ling.

Therefore, the origin of Yinuoer seems simple and vague.

But if all the above records are true, then Yinuo's origin is easy to explain.

"But why... Yiling... didn't she... tell this matter..."

Hearing Xinghai's words, the sneer on Yinuo'er's face became heavier. Xinghai even felt that Yinuo'er's gaze at this moment made him feel like a needle.

Yinuoer turned his head and glanced at his mother, then stretched out a hand to arrange a soundproof barrier, and then spoke.

"Help you let your mother say to you, that she has another girl's appearance to deceive you? Or that she would rather be such a low voice or even be humiliated in order to be with you?"

Gradually, Yinuo's tone gradually rose, and now everyone can see Yinuo's very angry.

"Mother is the **** of the sea, she is a god, why should she whisper to you, and what do you know?"

"Do you know what it's like for a girl to be with someone else's face and hear another woman's name in your mouth?"

Having said that, Yinuo sneered twice.

"You don't know, you can't think of it, because at that time, there was only pleasure in your mind, oh, yes, after all, men who can do such things don't have any good things in their minds."

Although Yinuoer didn't say it clearly, Xinghai still knew what Yinuoer meant.

It's just that when his young daughter said something like this in front of him, there was a very strange feeling in his heart, but Yinuo's didn't seem to be aware of this.

Maybe it's because Yinuoer was too angry, or maybe Yinuoer didn't have it at all—think of him as a father.

It's ridiculous to say that I finally had children, but every child regarded him as an enemy. The previous love was like this, and now Yinuo's is like this.

As a father, he really failed.

At this time, Yinuoer spoke again.

"I admit that what my mother did is really wrong, but why don't you know why your mother did such a thing?"

Hearing Yinuo'er's words, Xinghai subconsciously wanted to ask why, but after seeing Yinuo'er's eyes, he swallowed these words back abruptly.

It's just that although Xinghai didn't ask, Yinuo'er seemed to see through Xinghai and gave a sneer again.

"Since you don't like your mother, why do you show that kind of detached attitude toward your mother?"Dimensional Ship Niang Address of the latest chapter: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlReading address of the full text of Dimension Ship Niang : Https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https:/ /www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot .com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below Read the record for the second time (Chapter 835 Inoer's Anger), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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