Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 836: Memories

Xinghai was taken aback by Yinuoer's words, and he was a little puzzled.

And seeing the puzzled expression on Xinghai’s face, Enorm said with a cold face as if he had guessed Xinghai’s reaction a long time ago.

"You really don't know about this, but I don't want to talk about it with you, so it's better to remember it for yourself."

With that, Yinuoer took out a crystal.

This pyramidal crystal looks no different from an ordinary crystal at first glance, but if you look at it a few more times, you will feel that there is a nebula rotating like a vortex.

Before Xinghai asked what it was, Yinuoer explained it himself.

"This thing is called a memory crystal. It is a very special artifact. It can help you recall some memories that you have forgotten, but it can only make you recall memories that are forgotten naturally. There is no way to forget memories in other ways. Reminiscence."

"This is a rather tasteless artifact, but it's just right for use here."

Xinghai hesitated looking at the crystal in Yinuo'er's hand.

After seeing Xinghai's hesitation, the disgust on Yinuo'er's face became more obvious.

"If you are not at ease, I can put my life in your hands, and only if there is a little accident, how about you immediately kill me?"

With that, Yinuo's put his hand into his chest and grabbed a small ball of light out.

Yinuo's movements were so fast that Xinghai didn't even react to this event and happened.

And looking at Yinuoer, who was oozing sweat from his forehead due to severe pain but his expression remained the same, Xinghai quickly stretched out his hand and directly pressed Yinuoer's fate back, followed by several methods in his hand. As soon as the burst appeared, Yinuo's face that had become pale due to the pain gradually improved.

Xinghai looked at Yinuoer, then said with a serious face

"Don't do something like this. No matter how much you want to prove yourself, you shouldn't use this method. It's very dangerous, very dangerous..."

Listening to Xinghai's instructions, Yinuo'er was a little taken aback, but soon she recovered, and after a little hum, she said with a cold face.

"Do you think I will believe you if you are so hypocritical, it's impossible, it's never possible,"

Yinuoer’s words did not make Xinghai feel any emotions. He knew that Yinuoer was very bad for his senses, and under the influence of such senses, no matter what he did, he would be suspected. It's normal, so naturally he won't be angry.

Besides, the memory crystal of Yinuoer is indeed what he needs.

Time has passed so long, although he still remembers some important things, he can't remember some details at all, so he desperately wants to know what happened that year.

Taking out the memory crystal in Yinuoer's hand, Yinuoer will also give an explanation at the right time.

"Look at the memory crystal and mute the memory you want to recall in your heart, and you can see the corresponding memory, but you must have the memory to be able to be viewed. If it is not, it cannot be viewed."

Xinghai couldn't hear Yinuo'er at this time, because now he was immersed in the memory space.


"here it is……"

Xinghai looked around for a while, and the familiar scene pulled out some of his memories from the depths of his mind, but this was obviously not the main function of the memory crystal, because Xinghai saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

Seeing that familiar figure, Xinghai subconsciously wanted to go up and say hello, but he hesitated, and in the end he still didn't make anything.

What surprised Xinghai was that the two people walked past him as if they hadn't seen him.

"Master Poseidon, your mother will not agree to this matter."

Hearing the words of the maid on the side, Yi Ling shook his hand, then said calmly.

"There is nothing wrong with this. Isn't it just a **** position? Just make a fool of it at that time."

Hearing Yi Ling’s answer, the maid beside her hesitated for a moment, and then said

"The high priest will not agree to such a thing. Although it is not polite to say that the high priest is, the high priest is a very arrogant person, so the general **** position..."

She didn't continue to say the following words, and Yi Ling also understood what she meant. After hesitating for a while, Yi Ling said slowly.

"Who knows, anyway, at that time, there will be a solution sooner or later."

At this time, the maid beside Poseidon seemed to be finally unable to bear it.

"Master Poseidon, please forgive me for taking the liberty."

Having said this, the maid gritted her teeth before she spoke.

"Although I know that it is bad to say that, I still want to tell you that, in fact, the high priest doesn't like you at all. He just wants to get some benefits from you. That's why he said that. Poseidon, don’t you. ..."

Seeing Yi Ling whose eyes gradually became sharper, the tone of the maid gradually weakened, and the previous aura disappeared.

Yi Ling sighed faintly after seeing the maid for a long time.

I saw her gently

"Why don't I know this, but I think if she comes, maybe I still have some chances, after all, if it is a person like him, most of the attitude towards me after knowing her existence There will be some changes too."

While speaking, Yi Ling touched his belly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Yi Ling was in the form of an adult, so after doing such a thing, her body exuded a maternal brilliance, and Xinghai stood not far from them, quietly listening to their conversation. .

So just now their every move was deeply imprinted in Xinghai's eyes, and Xinghai watched their interaction and didn't know what to say.

If it was before, he probably didn't understand what Yiling was talking about, but now that he knew what happened to Yinuoer, he might know what they were talking about.

It’s just that Xinghai was a little puzzled when listening to them. Why did he have this memory in his mind? This memory is not so much his memory as it is Yi Ling’s memory, could it be Yinuoer? There is a problem with the crystal for yourself?

Just as Xinghai was thinking like this, Xinghai's eyes suddenly saw something, which made him suddenly raise his head and look at a pillar next to him.

When he saw the top of the pillar, Xinghai's pupils shrank sharply.

I saw a surveillance inscription flashing right above the conversation between Yi Ling and her maid. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 836 Memories), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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