Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 865: dialogue

After the crimson fell on the ground and threw a piece of dust, there was no more sound, and Xinghai just stood there quietly without making any actions.

He didn't believe that the existence of that level would lose all its power for such a small reason.

Sure enough, after the dust dissipated, Xinghai saw it, the crimson that fell there crazily without any vision.

If you haven't seen it, it's hard to imagine what kind of feeling it would be like to gather these two emotions in the eyes of an existence, and such an expression makes Xinghai feel only endless sadness.

The crimson now is like a desperate and dyingly ill patient who has lost all hope in this world.

After being silent for a long time, Xinghai finally walked to this crimson after hesitating for a while, he looked at the crimson condescendingly, and then spoke.

"what your name?"

Xinghai knew what the ship mother was in front of him, but he wasn't asking that name, or in other words, for a ship mother like her, the most meaningful one should be another name.

And after hearing Xinghai’s question, the crimson said slowly after moving a bit.

"San Diego"

This crimson answer made Xinghai frowned.

Since she still knows what kind of ship maiden she is, she probably has most or even all of her memories. Under such circumstances, she would not remember the name.

He had only seen it just now, although the crimson attack was very fierce, she had been protecting the ring of oath she was wearing.

For such ship women, the ring of oath is almost the most important thing in their hearts, and this crimson is also true, no matter how she became crimson, she made it after becoming crimson. What's the matter, but since she still has such actions, it is to prove that she still possesses part of the characteristics of the ship's mother.

That being the case, she would definitely not forget that name, and it would be impossible for her not to understand him.

Excluding all the impossible options, then there is only one situation left in the end, and that is that she deliberately avoided his questioning.

Is it because of who you are now?

Xinghai was making such a guess, and at the same time he said to this crimson

"I think you should have all your intellect and memory. If this is the case, then why would you do this kind of thing, and one more thing, that is, why do you seek death? No, not just you, you all seem to be like this of."

If you raise Xinghai, the crimson replied empty

"Will you kill me if you tell you?"

At first she thought she would hear a no answer or silence, but what she never expected was that the answer she heard was completely different from what she thought.

After hearing Crimson Santiago’s questioning, Xinghai glanced at her, without any hesitation and said firmly.


After saying this, he seemed to be worried that Crimson Santiago would not believe it, so Xinghai directly explained

"I don't believe it will kill you, and I will kill you."

Having said that, Xinghai paused for a moment, and then said

"Whether it is you or them...you are innocent. Some things should not be taken by you, so I will definitely do something like that. You don't have to be surprised."

Xinghai's words made Crimson Santiago raised her head in surprise, Xinghai's answer was something she never expected.

It's just that although she cares more, is Xinghai's other words?

I saw her suddenly stand up from the ground, and then the star sea to death.

"You will really kill me, in that case, why didn't you just do it?"

When she said this, Crimson Santiago's face was a bit hideous, so that her cuteness was ruined, and even her body was about to move, giving people a feeling that they might be able to fight at any time.

And Xinghai explained as if she hadn't seen her performance

"The reason why I didn’t kill you right away was because I wanted to ask you something. After all, I really have too many questions about you. I can’t easily treat you like this until I get the answers to these questions. The level of existence is hands-on."

Xinghai's words were already obvious, and Crimson San Diego couldn't understand it, so she was silent.

And seeing the silent Crimson Santiago, Xinghai did not have any surprises, so he spoke again.

"Can't you tell me? Then ask other questions, such as why you are here, how did you become this kind of sensible crimson, and what's more, before you became crimson Some of my experiences."

Xinghai's question did not get an answer immediately, this crimson stared at Xinghai firmly without saying a word.

This reaction of Crimson San Diego made Xinghai explain again

"Is it very doubtful why I asked you the reason? Similarly, there are some things I can't tell you. What I can tell you is that I also know a lot of secrets, so I can roughly guess your reasons."

Xinghai's words made Crimson Santiago full of doubts about him, but thinking of Xinghai's absolute strength, she still dispelled most of her doubts.

Thinking of this, she said.

"Regarding your questions, I still can’t answer them. As for why I beg to die, it’s because ordinary death doesn’t make us really die. If we can’t die because of battle, other methods will only make us die. Plunged into a more painful abyss."

Thinking of this, Crimson Santiago seemed to have thought of something, the madness that she had always carried in her eyes turned into a kind of fear.

"Things like that...no, you don't understand, you just need to know that you can give me real relief. As for my past..."

Having said that, after a pause, she said in a sad tone

"Since something like that has passed, so be it, everything that used to... is meaningless..."

Seeing that Jian Niang really didn't want to answer, Xinghai didn't intend to force her. After all, this was the privacy of others, but apart from these, he couldn't get any information?

Thinking of this, Xinghai frowned. If that was the case, then he had gained too little this time, and it could even be said that it was a little pitiful.

And just as Xinghai thought about it, Crimson Santiago spoke up.

"Well, I have finished what I can say, and it is time for you to fulfill your promise."

Looking at the eyes of Crimson Santiago, Xinghai really can't afford any reason to refuse, and for her, maybe this is the best choice.

If that's the case, let her...be free. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 865 Dialogue) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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