Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 866: Guard

Xinghai raised his hand, but he stopped again before he was about to act.

"Are you...really sure you are ready?"

Hearing Xinghai's question, Crimson Santiago turned his head subconsciously and looked in a certain direction.

Before long, she retracted her gaze, took back the trace of nostalgia under her eyes, and then faced Xinghaidao.

"I have nothing left, so you don't have to pity me, and I have nothing worthy of your pity."

Hearing this, Xinghai knew that the girl in front of him had decided. He originally wanted to say that if she still had something nostalgic for, he could try to help her do it, but now it seems that she doesn’t seem to need it. Something like that.

Xinghai sighed helplessly when he thought of this place.

He stretched out his hand, his hand exuded a blue light, and then the light quickly enveloped the crimson Santiago.

And Crimson Santiago, who had already closed his eyes, raised his head in confusion.

She originally thought it would be a painful thing, but now it does not seem to be what she thought.

Not only did she not feel any pain, but she also felt that she was wrapped in the warm water. After turning crimson, the comfort she had never experienced again wrapped her, so that she recalled something thing.

At this time, she seemed to be back to that time, back to the original time, back to the time when she met the commander for the first time.

She accompanied her commander for a lifetime, but in the end she did nothing. She could neither protect the happiness of the commander, nor protect the commander, she did not protect anything.

To be honest, when this human appeared, she did have the idea of ​​letting this man bring herself back, but then she gave up because she saw what those companions were doing.

They had given up all hope, so they chose to die.

She actually understood this feeling very well, they were already crimson, and there was no possibility of changing back.

Although they still seem to maintain their sanity now, this sanity may disappear at any time, and after disappearing, what they will do is unknown.

They will not have companions, nor do they deserve to have companions. As a crimson, they are destined to be lonely and painful.

So for them, the best ending should be to die directly.

It's just a pity that even this little wish is very difficult to realize. If they don't die in battle with existences other than Crimson, then what awaits them is endless reincarnation.

And when fighting, they won't release the water at all, because the body driven by the red mist will not give up the desire to fight.

So they can't die, at least it is impossible to die by ordinary means.

It is precisely for this reason that the appearance of Xinghai is like the dawn of salvation for them.

Crimson Santiago closed her eyes, this is her last moment, so she wants to leave as many beautiful memories in her mind as possible, after all, in the future... there will be no chance again...

In Xinghai's eyes, he saw the crimson Santiago whose body was twitching because of pain.

It's just that although the body was twitching crazily because of pain, her face was full of happiness, so she looked very strange.

Of course it is his handwriting that this happens. After all, it is not very difficult for him. Moreover, Crimson’s body rejection reaction is much smaller than that of Jian Niang. No, it can even be said. It's completely gone.

He knew very well that when his method expelled the power of Red Mist, how much pain he would feel for the power carrier, and the stronger the existence, the greater the pain he would feel.

It was for this reason that Xinghai would do such a thing, at least... when she died, he didn't want her to leave with a face full of pain.

As the Red Mist was expelled, Crimson Santiago's body gradually turned into dust and mist and drifted away with the wind. There was no unexpected look on Xinghai.

After all, every part of Crimson San Diego's body has been eroded by the red mist, and it can even be said that she is now an aggregation of red mist.

So it is only natural that such a thing will happen.

It's just...

Seeing Crimson Santiago's long red hair fluttering because of the wind, there is only endless sadness in his heart.

If it weren't for him, maybe these kids wouldn't have realized such a thing.

He didn't want to watch anymore, he had already done things, and now he just needs to leave.

Thinking of this, he turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a word.

"If you want to know something, then you can go to the basement of this island and have a look. If you are fast enough, you may find something else."

This sentence made Xinghai turn his head quickly, and then all he saw was the last wisp of dust and mist drifting in the wind.

After the dust mist dispersed, there was nothing left here, and the surroundings were also abnormally quiet, as if nothing happened here.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his heart.

"Shou Xing, her name is Shou Xing, which represents the brightest star in the Watch Port area."

Xinghai didn't speak anymore, he only summoned the Dimensional Illustrated Book silently. At this moment, he seemed to see a little girl crying silently with tears in front of him.

After a long silence, he didn't say anything, but took the Dimensional Illustrated Book back.

Everything has passed, and for her, this might be the best ending.


And in the underground laboratory.

"Damn, that bitch, even if he is dead, I won't make me feel at ease..."

Having said that, the anger that was full of his face suddenly disappeared, and then he turned around, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

He walked to a glass wall, and then looked at the creature in the glass wall with a trace of obsession on his face.

"What kind of waste ship, what kind of waste crimson, this kind of thing is the most powerful existence, as long as I have it, I can conquer this world, and now..."

With that, the man ran to the console like crazy, and then pressed a series of buttons.

"Fear, tremble, let the world surrender under my feet, go, go to meet your first battle, my love-Chimera!"

Following his words, in that special room, a huge figure slowly stood up, and through the faint light, all kinds of limbs on it could be seen.

In the next second, this huge existence jumped up and rushed directly to the ground. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 866 Shouxing) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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