Dimensional Tour

Vol 3 Chapter 714: Night Elf

Looking at the goblin in front of you, you do n’t give money, I will not say anything, Ash rolled his eyes helplessly, and then stretched out his hand to hold a void, a mottled copper coin appeared in the ashes In hand ...

He handed the copper coin to the greedy goblin in front of him, and the ashes said helplessly, "Okay ~ the money you want, I gave it to you, now ... you should tell me, you know, the information here!"

After looking at the copper coins in his hand, there was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the goblin. Put the rusty copper coins in his mouth. After two light touches, the goblin looked at the ashes and said contemptuously. Want to get the information here? My human friends ... you are wasting my time! And time ... is money, so you are wasting my money! "

Looking at the greed, and wanting more Tigul, Ash could not help but rolled his eyes, looking at the greedy but upright goblin in front of him, and Ash smiled angrily, "You know a hammer, this copper coin is better than this world Thousands of copper coins, this is a special kind of ancient copper coins that can bring luck to the holders! If you refuse to say it, give it back to me, I will find other people to buy information ... "

"What? You want to take the lucky copper coins from Tigul! No ... impossible! I can't give it to you! Unless you kill me!"

With this in mind, Tigul used both hands and feet to insert the mottled coin given to him by his ashes into his crotch ... and looked at the ashes fiercely.

Ashes could not help but sneer and said disdainfully, "Your? No, no, our transaction is still completed, you didn't tell me the information of this forest at all, so ... it is still mine now! Interestingly ... I have already I do n’t want to hear what you said, now, give me back my money ~ hurry up! "

"No ... no! It's Tigul's money! It's impossible to return it to you! This is mine!"

Just as the ashes were ready to grab, a sharp arrow shot from the woods and shot beside Tigul!

"Greedy goblins, this forest does not welcome you! Leave!" Tigul screamed, **** escaped from the hands of the ashes, and flew towards the distance ...

Ash turned his head gently, looking at the standing creature on the branch, holding a bow and arrow, the looming creature, gently raised his eyebrows ...

"So ... you are the master of this forest?" The female creature in front of you, who seemed to be in the mist, with a erratic figure, gave a very strange feeling to the ashes ... a bit like the elves I had seen before, with very ears Long, or longer! But the skin is light purple like night ~ Let ’s just call her elves ~ It ’s like humans and white blacks and yellows ~ The elves have white elves and black elves ... It ’s a matter of reason ~

The elf didn't answer Ash's question. Instead, he jumped off the branch, put away the bow and arrow he used to drive away the goblin, and slowly said to the ashes, "Human ... Sacrifice adults are waiting for you, come with me." ! "

After all, the elf turned his head and walked into the forest ... Ash turned his head, and said to the Krana and the fire girl behind her wondering, "Does anyone in this world have this problem? What? What the Prophet sacrificed ... It seems that all the prophets are unpredictable! It ’s so uncomfortable! "

Looking at the angry ashes, Krana sighed helplessly, "You ... you can't do it, so you're upset, right? It's like a kid ... well, less nonsense, people kindly invite us Now, let's go and see! "

Ash shrugged helplessly and took the two to follow this strange elf ...

Along the way, the elf did not say a word, and led the way ahead, but the ashes that followed her had been looking at the dense forest ...

After walking for a long time, Ash suddenly came to the elf who led the way ahead, looked at him and smiled and said, "You drove away my intelligence businessman ~ So ... Can you tell me something about this forest?"

The elf glanced at the ashes on his side and said coldly, "This forest does not welcome greedy goblins! But ... what do you want to know?"

Ash raised his head, looked at the forest covered by huge ancient trees, and slowly asked, "Well ... I just want to know the name of this forest, his master, and ... why ~ there are always Some remaining souls are wandering ~ "

The elf stepped, turned his face to look at the ashes in disbelief, and the ashes looked at the elf who had stopped. He tilted his head and asked, "Why? Did I ask what I shouldn't ask?"

After looking at the ashes up and down, the elf asked in surprise, "You ... can you perceive? The wild gods in this forest?"

Ashes heard the elves ’wonders, and could not help raising their eyebrows." The gods? Are these gods? Well ... Well, with their soul nature, at most they are half gods, and the gods are exaggerated ~ But yes, I Perceive their existence, after all, their soul is still very unique ~ "

The elf glanced deeply at the ashes, and then murmured, "Impossible ... a human ... how could a mortal perceive the wild gods? Their souls should now be in the Emerald Dream ..."

"Emerald Dream? An interesting name, so ... is this forest called Emerald Dream?"

The elf glared fiercely at the ashes and said coldly, "It's very impolite to overhear other people! And if you want to know what's going on here, you better ask the high priest, I won't tell you …this way!"

Looking at the elf who turned his head away, Ash rolled his eyes helplessly, and it looked like ... he really did ask some things that should not be asked ~

Before long, the three people who followed the elf saw a small river, and by the river, a quaint raft was docked ...

"Get on the boat!" The elf whispered to the three, and then he jumped into the boat and jumped into the boat. The three followed him and boarded the raft ...

Along the river, the raft drifted slowly. Without too much time, the three of them left the forest, and as soon as they left the forest, the three were shocked by everything in front of them!

A towering giant tree is standing on a mountain peak not far away. Compared with this tree, the forest in the forest that is covering the sky is just a sapling ...

Looking at the shocked expression of the three people, a pride flashed on the face of the elf who was driving the boat towards the towering giant tree, and slowly said to the three people, "That's our night elf's hometown, great And the compassionate world tree, Nordrassil! "

"The world tree ... it looks really big! Words ... Master, are the trees inhabited by the ancient dragons so big?"

Facing the question of the ashes, Krana chuckled and turned her head again to look at the world tree, and slowly said, "No ... the ancient trees inhabited by the ancient dragons are larger than this, but ... far from this tree So full of life ... "

Hearing Krana ’s words, the elf who was rowing could not help looking sideways, what? Is there a tree bigger than Nordrassil in this world? Who are these people? Forget it ... it has nothing to do with yourself anyway, and I do n’t know what the high priest told me to take them so seriously ...

Before it was too much, the crowd came under the mountain where the world tree was rooted. The elf pointed to a green village at the foot of the tree, and slowly said, "There ... that is our residence, and the high priest is waiting." you guys…"

The huge canopy keeps the village out of the shade and keeps it cool forever. The night elves live here ...

Looking at a female elf wearing a moon-white long dress and light green long hair standing outside the village, the elf who led the way could not help but stunned. He turned his head and looked at the three people behind curiously, then coughed slowly. Walked past ...

"The high priest, the person you want me to bring, I brought you, if there is nothing else, I have to patrol near Ashenvale ..."

The night elf called the high priest nodded gently, and said slowly, "Trouble you, Shantis, just hand it over to me ..."

"Yes, high priest." After all, the night elf named Shantis left ...

Watching the so-called high priest standing quietly at the entrance of the village waiting for the three of them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ashes stepped forward, rolled his eyes and asked with pain in his face, "So ... what kind of prophet do you know in advance I ’m coming, and now you ’re going to tell me again, I ’m not in the wrong place, let me feel at ease and wait to find what I want, no pull no pull ... is it? ”

The high priest shook his head gently, looked at the ashes and nodded, then politely said, "No, great existence, I am not a prophet, nor will I spy on the mysteries of time. My name is Tyrande Whisperwind. , The high priest of the night elves, knows your coming, it ’s just the revelation of the moon **** to me ... the moon **** tells me that you are a great being, and you are a worthy respect for everyone in this world, I should treat it with courtesy You ... please over here. "

"Moon God?" Ash could not help but stunned, looked up at the bright moon hanging in the sky, could not help but stunned slightly ...

Although he is a god, he showed friendship to himself, forget it ~ I won't find this Luna trouble ~

Shrugging, Ash took Krana and the Fire Girl to follow Tyrande into her residence ...

Looking at the seated three, Tyrande personally served the three people with fruit and a glass of mellow wine ...

Smelling the fresh fruity aroma in the glass, Ash glanced at Tyrande, who was sitting next to him, and asked jokingly, "So ... Did your moon **** tell you why I am great, and why should I be respected?"

Tyrande nodded gently and said slowly, "Yes ... Luna told me that you are a great man carrying a world, and carrying a world dead ... We should respond to you. Respect and politeness ... "

Hearing Tyrande ’s words, Krana ’s and Fire Girl ’s faces could n’t help changing. She hurriedly turned to look at the first ash, as expected ... At this moment, the ash ’s face was so dreadful ...

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