Dimensional Tour

Vol 3 Chapter 715: You entertain me with this

The abnormality of the Fire Girl and Krana caught Tyrande's attention. Following their sights, Tyrande also saw it. The face of Ash who had been wearing a faint smile was unusually cold at this moment. …

"That ... is it me ..."

"Listen, tell you the Luna! I do n’t care what he knows, but there are some things, it ’s better not to take them out to provoke me!"

After finishing these words, Elan glanced at the concerned Krana and the younger sister, and their complexions changed again, restoring the old and careless Yazi ~

"Well ~ I'll stop here anyway, I believe you understand what I mean, and I won't continue to scare you ~"

Seeing the ashes returned to normal, Tyrande could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was really nervous. When she was picking bananas last night, she suddenly received the Oracle from the Moon God!

Generally speaking, the oracles of Lord Luna were only received occasionally when praying in the temple, and I was still picking bananas in my bedroom at that time ...

The unexpected oracle really terrified Tyrande, even the banana just picked fell to the ground, but this also let Tyrande know that Luna's urgency ...

The oracle is very brief, just a few words ~ ‘The great man carrying the world, the great man carrying the world ’s death came to Kalimdor ... to welcome him. ’

The oracles of gods are generally very obscure and difficult to understand. Most of the time, they have to guess to guess what the gods want to express. The person who guesses the most is generally the high priest ~

But this time, the oracle very clearly understood that a terrible person arrived at Kalimdor and entertained him well!

"The Great ..."

"My name is Ash, just call my name ~ whatever is great or not, is nonsense ..."

"Then ... Lord Ash, please forgive me for being rude, after all ..."

Faced with Tyrande ’s apology, Ash gently waved his hand and said, “It ’s okay ... it ’s okay. I ’m not angry, but I ’m a little uncomfortable. Just remind you, do n’t mess with me, of course. Well, if you bother me ... "

Saying this, Ember's eyes were raised, and she pointed her finger at the ceiling and said with a smile, "I'm burning your tree, big deal ~"

Tyrande looked overwhelmed with a smile on her face, but the words she said were so terrifying, she really didn't know how to answer ...

Some of the fire girls on the side could n’t stand it anymore, sighed helplessly, and said softly to the ashes, "Master Ash, please restrain your bad taste a little bit. Anyway, they also expressed quite kindness, so please do n’t move. Just say such scary words ... "

Ashes smiled, a tactical back leaned on the wooden back behind him, watching Tyrande smiled and said, "I'll just talk about it ~ Don't take it seriously! Well, we are back to business, I just want to ask you something . "

Tyrande looked at the ash that made her inexplicable anyway, and sighed softly and said, "Of course ... what is your problem?"

Ash put out his finger and pointed in the direction they came from, that is, the forest asked curiously, "First of all, the forest, there ... the floating demigod soul, what's going on?"

Tyrande looked at the direction pointed by the ashes, and after a moment of pondering, he slowly explained, "The forest is called Ash Valley, and the souls you perceive should be the souls of the wild gods. Ten thousand years ago in the battle of the ancients, the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth in a big way. It was the wild demigods who resisted death to overcome them ... But the demigods also mostly died, but the demigods were immortal, and their souls would Slowly recover in the emerald dream ... "

"Oh ... the demigod with immortality ~ I understand, then the second question, what is the Emerald Dream?"

"The Emerald Dream is the place where the Green Dragon Legions are stationed. It is a mysterious place, only demigods, green dragons and druids can enter it. Unfortunately, I am not a druid, so I am concerned about the Emerald Dream Not much to understand. "

Ember nodded gently. "Okay, the third question, can you send me to Northrend? I'm going to do something there ..."

For this question of Ash, Tyrande shook his head without thinking. "Sorry, Master Ash, I can't do much to help you with this. After all, we have lived here for a long time, and very few people will leave Mount Hyjal. Mature nautical technology ... "

Ashes lowered her head and lost her head, sighing helplessly and whispering, "Isn't it all right? Alas ... It's really a long way to go! By the way, I still have one question ~ The last question ..."

With that said, Ash turned around and picked up a dried banana from a pile of fresh fruit in the fruit tray, and looked at Tyrande with a surprised expression, "Do you usually eat this kind of thing?" Everything that entertains guests has been wiped out ~ "

Tyrande blushed suddenly, hurried over to grab the dried banana from the ashes, coughed and said embarrassedly "This ... makes you laugh, I am really embarrassed, I ... Change one for you ... "

After speaking, Tyrande took the fruit tray next to the ash upright and flew away as if ...

Looking at the back of Tyrande leaving, Ash could not help but raised his eyebrows and murmured in astonishment. "As for me ~ I didn't say anything!"

Krana, looking at the ashes, slowly asked, "Little ashes, it looks ... We want to leave Kalimdor to arrive in Northrend or return to the Eastern Kingdoms. These night elves can't do much to help ~ What are you going to do in one step? "

"Who knows? You let me think about it. The night elves can't rely on it. The beast talents have just arrived at us. Can't they force them to send someone to send us back ..."

A standard frustrated bending forward, the ashes lying on the wooden floor with a painful face said uncomfortably, "I wipe ... it seems that there is really no way! Aren't you going to wait for humans to send people to kill orcs?"

Krana smiled bitterly and retorted, “It ’s very difficult, let ’s not say if anyone hates the orcs so much, they have to cross the sea to hunt down, even if there is ... It is estimated that it is very difficult to take out their hands to hunt down, after all, the scene is called Undead. The catastrophe of the natural disaster has begun to brew, and it is possible at any time ... maybe even it has erupted now! "

Just when the three men thought about what to do, suddenly a tall male night elf dressed in animal skin suddenly rushed in and yelled Tyrande ’s name while running into the mouth ...

But when he saw the three ashes sitting in the living room, he stopped suddenly and stared at them. The night elf narrowed his eyes and asked fiercely, "Humans? Why are humans here?" Do you say that you are with the orcs? "

Ash looked at the angry night elf and could not help but chuckled slowly, and said slowly, "It's a group ... something is wrong, but we are indeed coming from a boat ..."

"What? Are you on a boat? Damn ... What's wrong with you high priest! Damn bastard!"

With that said, the male elf suddenly leaned over and turned into a divine cheetah, lying on his back, rushing over with ashes and gritting teeth!

Ember lifted a brisk leg, avoiding the cheetah ’s sharp pointed claws, and then the raised legs fell sharply, smashing **** the cheetah ’s back, stepping him on. Underfoot!

"Oh roar ~ This foot feel is really good ~ You are very suitable as a foot pad ~ Please lie down on the ground for me!"

The cheetah stepped on by the ashes, the former male night elf, struggled frantically, but no matter how he supported his paws, he could n’t support his stepped body, and the pair seemed to lie freely on himself The two legs behind are like a huge mountain, no matter how struggling, they can't break free ...

Tyrande, who heard the news, hurried into the living room, looking at the cheetah stepped on the foot by the ashes, could not help but exclaimed, "Druid helmet big druid, why are you here? Why ... will be stepped on by the ashes Under your feet? "

Ash looked down at the cheetah stepped on by himself, and said with a chuckle, "Oh ~ It turns out that your name is Vandal, it's a druid! By the way ... what is a druid?"

Tyrande, who has questions about ashes, explained slowly, "Master Ashes, Druid is not a thing, it is a profession of night elves. We night elves have long been curious about the operation of life ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ worships all life that exists in nature as a force. The Druid sect is a sect that advocates 'balance, harmony and life', and the druid in it is the power to life Occupational occupation ... And, could you please let go of the deer helmet Druid first? "

Ash lowered his head, looked at the Druid that he was suppressing, and shrugged gently. "I'm fine, but ... you have to make sure that this guy won't attack me again ~ otherwise, it will end. It's not as simple as being a foot pad ~ "

"Of course ... of course ... Druid Helmet, although I don't know what misunderstanding you have with Lord Ash, but this Lord is a guest that Luna asked us to receive, is a great person ... please calm down ..."

After explaining this to the big druid, Tyrande nodded softly at the ashes, and the ashes also spread his legs to the face very much, so that the big druid got out of his feet.

The big druid slipping away from the crotch of the ashes flashed aside, and the cheetah lying on the ground slowly changed back to the night elf posture, but still lying on the ground, breathing heavily gasping ... Although it did not expand again Attack, but his gloomy eyes are still staring fiercely at the ashes ...

Tyrande waved his hand, and a bright moonlight shone on the deer helmet, restoring his physical strength, while Tyrande asked curiously, "What happened? Deer helmet Druid, how can you and Lord Mis has a misunderstanding? "

"He said ... he and the orcs were on a boat! So I just ..."

"Who told you that I was on a boat with me! What I said was that I and them took a boat from the Eastern Kingdom to Kalimdor! Can you wait for me to finish talking!"

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