"Ahem, then there is no need to extinguish such exaggeration!"

Ikuno coughed a few times and pulled Guy's thoughts back, and Guy said with slight contempt: "You are a young man, why can't you joke at all?"

"Do you think your teacher is the kind of person whose hands are stained with blood?" To tell you the truth, you teacher and I haven't even killed a chicken! Guy

already naturally presented himself as a "teacher."

Just kidding, doesn't such a baby student hurry up and wait for that bunch of old immortals to come out of the mountain before going to compete?

The extraordinary profession of [architect] is so special, although the peak is currently only mysterious, but it can create "legends" and "wonders" buildings with the cooperation of other professions.

This is also the only existence.

There are many "old antiques" from the same period as Guy who have survived by various means of life extension!

Yu Ye was embarrassed after hearing this: But your expression just now doesn't look like a fake.

At this time, Guy continued to speak: "I just say this to make you vigilant and pay more attention to the people who enter the territory!" I'll deal with Mo Mingqi's affairs, you don't care, promise to help you wipe your ass clean, let him be dead set on your territory, and can't give birth to a little betrayal!

"Also, it's best not to do your live broadcast, you can't make a few bucks, and there is a risk of exposure." How much investment do you want to tell me, I use my three-inch unrotten tongue to pull you (cheat) into investing (economic) funds (fees)! After

listening to it, Yuno raised his thumb again and again: The boss is atmospheric!

In fact, the benefits of live streaming traffic are obvious, but the negative impact of traffic, Yuye can really see it this time.

At Bluestar, many people say that they make money as anchors, but how many people know the sadness behind an anchor?

Ikuno also thought about simply not broadcasting.

But in this Internet explosion, Yuye has also seen many "diehard fans" who speak for themselves, and he obviously has not done anything for these people, but they stand on their own front without hesitation, which is quite moving.

Especially a person called [Barrage King], the hand speed is called a fast, a person tongue battle group "black", rattling and killing on the light network, which left an extremely deep impression on Yuye.

It is precisely because of their existence that Yuye did not directly cancel the account of the free anchor.

Anyway, he is a free anchor, when the time comes, change the direction on a whim, do not broadcast the construction of the territory, and simply be a cute pet in the future (Big Macs, all kinds of goblins, maybe all kinds of bugs in the future?). Streamers can do it too!

But whether it is to control Mo Mingqi's mouth, or to reduce or even terminate the live broadcast, it is only to try to avoid leaking the intelligence of the territory, but as long as Yuye continues to be at the top of the future resistance, it is destined to be unable to resist the prying eyes and covetousness of other races.

In the end, you still have to strengthen your own hard power!

"Teacher, there are at least three ways you just said, you can directly lock me without my plane space-time coordinates..."

When Guy heard this, a flash of approval flashed in his eyes: "How?" Want to plan ahead and take precautions? Yuye

quickly nodded, seeing his "studious" appearance, Guy did not hide anything and explained in detail.

Method one, there is a high-level legendary existence who masters the power of time and space, after using a variety of precious materials in time and space, arrange a giant magic array, and use the clues hidden in the void, so that there is a certain opportunity to directly locate the target plane from the vast sea of stars.

This method is possible for all races, the human space-time law school, the dragon's space-time dragon, the Laplace demon of the demon race, the time worm of the zerg...

But all of the above, one of the same problems is scarcity! Not to mention high-profile!

The space-time system is known as the most difficult technique to master in the boundless plane, and it is not an exaggeration at all.

But if it's just like that, the peak races can also pull out a small team of centaurs together. What is even more painful is that those precious space-time materials, every time the positioning fails, it will be squeezed by the powerful space-time force and cause all to be scrapped.

And if you want to find an ordinary plane with no characteristics from the vast plane, unless you are lucky, you don't think about it thirty or fifty times.

Method two, direct positioning through [astral disk].

The ruins of the [Astral Disk] are located in the Kratama War Zone, a vast ancient wonder suspected to be the creation of the ancient race, the Titans. At present, there are six resident peak races in the war zone that fight all year round, and even neutral peak races such as elves, dragons, and angels occasionally step in, which can be described as extremely chaotic!

[Astral Disk] This ancient wonder, even if broken, has the function of guiding the direction in the boundless plane, and the outward exploration forces of the races in the edge of the explored plane can use this wonder to find their way if they lose contact or disappear.

The degree of chaos in this place is by no means comparable to the [Klein plane], and if you want to use this spectacle to find the plane, the prerequisite is to have the upper hand in the big smash and strongly suppress the races for a long time.

After all, the spectacle has been broken, and it takes a long time to locate, and it is not possible to do it in one or two clicks, but in the same way, the accuracy of such positioning is extremely high, and whoever uses it is said to be good.

The price of using this method is also extremely terrifying, and if you have to press several peak races on the battlefield to beat, how many soldiers must be injured? On a battlefield like that, the legend will fall if you are not careful!

After listening to the first two methods described by Guy, Ikuno breathed a sigh of relief, and he substituted himself into it.

If the enemy is willing to spend such a big price to kill a nobody, it is really not a loss.

Guy snorted coldly, "Do you think that if the enemy dies one or two legends, in exchange for the life of a genius, the enemy will lose a lot?" "

In addition to having a long lifespan, each legend also possesses a terrifying ability [legend]!"

"You should have heard a saying-

" "Condense the mysteries, achieve the Holy Domain, forge the epic, ignite the brilliance, spread legends, and finally take the crown of the world."

Yu Ye nodded, Hao Ran once briefly mentioned a few words in the high realm when he explained the various realms to him, and it was this sentence.

"Don't look at this simple sentence, but it points out all the things that should be done in each realm."

"And legendary-level cultivation is to spread legends!"

"They can hide their strength in every 'legend' they have created in the past, and as long as there are people who remember these 'legends', then even if they unfortunately die in battle or die, there will be a day of recovery." Even the more people who remember them, the stronger their strength will become after recovery! When

Guy said this, he couldn't help but look longing, and then let out a long sigh.

As a [architect] profession, he can only stop at the "mysterious order", and who can not envy the higher level of scenery and the legends left in the entire boundless plane?

Hearing Guy's words, Ikuno naturally thought of the word "anchor"!

A legend, relying on "legends" to resurrect, and even relying on people to remember, the strength will become stronger.

Isn't this an "anchor"?

A flash of light flashed through Yuye's mind, making him think of a lot of things at once, such as - extraordinary genre!

If we say how to create "legends", establish a precise "anchor", create a new genre and carry it forward, isn't this the best "anchor" in itself?

As long as the genre is not eliminated, future generations will continue to use it, and they will inevitably remember this "legend"!

Then the creators of these extraordinary genres can make alternative legends immortal! Even step by step to the top!

No wonder the internal struggles of various transcendent professional schools are so fierce, no wonder the 12 basic professions are getting stronger and stronger, no wonder other niche professions want to promote a legend is so difficult, and even if they are promoted, they are generally weak, no wonder the Dawning system wants to vigorously encourage the birth policy....


[Totem Vientiane Cremond] - Totem Sa

[Secret Word Sacred Texts Daizer] - Even

these crowns have their own "anchors" and genres!

Even think about it, as the exclusive output of shamans, why there are many dual-class totems and even universal totems.

Isn't this a subtle intrusion into other professions?

And Dai Zerell, a good warlord, the existence of the speed of light advancement in two hundred years, also collaborated with [architects] to perfect a series of Dark Mu's extraordinary buildings during the legendary stage, which also supported Yuno's ideas.

No matter how large the population of the Human Alliance is, the probability of giving birth to a transcendent is also numerous, and the legends of the 12 basic professions will divide the "anchor" and there are not many left, where are the niche professions?

The multi-birth and multi-fertility of the Dawning System and the production of more transcendent people are the solutions to the internal strife of human beings, and the reason why the Star Sea Federation wants to improve the status of ordinary people has been found!

Why is the strategy of "infinite battlefield division" not opening up a large number of new resources, allowing these newborn transcendent beings to produce their own output and reduce the pressure of limited extraordinary resources?

Also, the more you know about the 7 billion dawn system of the Blue Star people, the more you realize the deep meaning behind it.

That's a 99.999% arousal rate!

Look again at how many P-class citizens [Klein plane] are! Will the people at the top of the alliance not be moved?

In the eyes of the high-level, once there is a study to improve the awakening rate, the next generation born of P-class citizens is all a bright "anchor"!

In addition, all ethnic groups are scrambling to open up territory outward, constantly occupy a larger territory, and spread civilization, why not for more "anchors"?

If anchors imply advances in power, this expansion creates an arms race that cannot be stopped. Once the Terrans choose to stop, the legends of other races and even the strength of the crown are steadily increased due to the "increase in anchors", just thinking about it is terrifying!

Yu Ye was shocked, his back was slightly cold, if his "Super Shengde" genre was really created, he would venture into the world, shake the anchor of others, let most of the druids go to the "Chao Shengde" genre, and maybe cause him to kill!

Guy didn't expect that his casual words would make Yuye think so much about the boundless plane.

Instead, he went on to elaborate on the third and least costly approach!

The third is informational interaction!

Whoever walks through will leave a trace!

As long as the plane of Yuno sends signals to communicate, trade, and log in to the Dawning system, it will always leave some traces.

And with more and more traces, the space-time coordinates of the Yuye plane will one day be impossible to hide, but this process is generally extremely long....

"But not without similar capabilities that can speed up this process!"

Guy's expression moved, and he gave a few common examples, "There is a genre in [Mechanics] called the virtual genre, which is the best at capturing information states, and when it comes to creating the dawning system, this genre has made a lot of efforts, and the virtual screen you see is a regular use of its power." "

The Zerg are even more masters of playing with information, if someone keeps sending you frequent transaction requests through the [Time and Space Tavern], don't be fooled, it is likely that the Zerg is fishing!" If you are not careful, you will let people be caught up and hand over their space-time coordinates invisibly! "

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