As Yuno, who was at war with the Zerg, he was suddenly shocked when he heard the third method.

He really has a plane that he often trades-[Tianquan plane].

Mu Zhong followed Yuye's instructions, coordinated the population and other numbers of the entire Transcendent Territory, and would buy some slaves from this plane from time to time.

The good news is -

this is a small plane invaded by boar people.

If this plane is suddenly conquered by the Zerg, wouldn't it be...

Yuno smiled bitterly and shook his head, he was a little too worried, a lord of Kuta can make deals for other planes, how many small lords are there in the entire [Tianquan plane]? And how many planes are involved?

Even if the Zerg really captured the [Tianquan plane], the other party really inquired about so many plane transaction records one after another, found them all one by one, and then attacked one by one?

That's just whimsical!

This method of warfare should only be used when there is a Zerg specifically targeting the enemy.

But Yuye was still wary, some of the big grinning Blue Star Lords might have been poisoned without knowing the sinister situation of the boundless plane!

The family has an old treasure, and the first addition of Guy Elvis has brought a lot of benefits to Yuno's extraordinary territory.

But the bigger benefit is that Ikuno finally has a serious teacher to teach him, and he doesn't need to grope on the path of [architect] by himself.

Under the guidance of Guy Elvis, the "Singularity Scattering Method", a set of spiritual cultivation methods, Yuno quickly entered the door, and the speed of mastery simply surprised Guy.


He learned that Yuye also had a talent called [Building Empowerment], and all the six-dimensional attributes of Tier 1 were filled, which is why he got started so quickly.

He reluctantly accepted this scene....

It's weird! Six-dimensional full 20 points of the first order, he has not even heard of it!

These two talents of Yuno are almost as if they were specially tailored for [the architect]! No wonder he, a Blue Star man, chose the [architect] profession when he didn't know much about the boundless plane!

This kind of talent to practice other extraordinary professions is a waste!

And once you step on the wrong transcendent road, if you want to make up for it, it will cost you a terrible price.

In the eyes of Guy Elvis, any SSS-level talent is actually not as important as Ikuno's [architectural abnormality].

First of all, we must understand a truth.

The talent rating of the system is divided by its strength and weakness in the construction of extraordinary lords, it is dull and unchanging, if you let Guy Elvis divide it from the perspective of Guy Elvis, Ikuno's talent is definitely the top category!

Because even if Ikuno's [Architectural Mutation] is unstable, it is likely to pit, and Ikuno himself will not be able to transform into an identical extraordinary building for the second time, but as long as he successfully transforms into a high-quality building once, it will definitely be an unimaginable achievement!


Many times, researchers from thousands of trial and error just to find the correct result, but does this result exist? Is there a mistake in the direction of the experiment?

It's all about scientific intuition.

In other words, it's "purely hypothetical (guess)"!

And Yuye's talent is to directly put the correct result in front of people, even if people don't know how to get this result, but since they already know this result, it has lit a light for all researchers, they only need to work hard in this direction, on a sufficient time scale, there will be gains.

As for how many omega-level technologies will be harvested, how many problems that have been solved in the boundless plane, and how much heritage has been added to the Terrans...

It's just a scientific ecstasy!

"You won't come up with a third talent later, will you?!"

Guy Fox looked up and down suspiciously at this new disciple he had just accepted, and always felt that the whole thing seemed to be going in an unpredictable direction.

"It's really gone this time..." Yuno

waved his hand helplessly, indicating that he was really squeezed into nothing, and all secrets were hollowed out.

Guy nodded, this is not good when he is old, and he is prone to heart disease at first glance... Sickness....

A cute little dragon cub, with unrecognized steps of the six relatives, walked domineeringly in front of Guy in the territory, and then threw himself straight into Yuye's arms, began to be coquettish, and began to complain that Yuno didn't take much care of himself these days.

In the entire Transcendent Territory, except for Yuye, it is a little bully in the true sense! Who doesn't say hello respectfully when they see it?

The dragon's growth cycle is very slow, and [Big Mac] has not grown much in strength and size, but I don't know what it has done recently, and the skills on its body are a lot more.

Some are general-purpose skills, and some are skills comprehended from the bloodline, which can be regarded as a little growth in strength.

Looking at Yuno and the little dragon cub playing peacefully in front of him, Guy Elveston gave himself a thigh.

Then he opened a pair of old eyes and took a closer look again.

It's really not that he is old and dizzy!

He actually saw the Earth Dragon who had always been pure-blooded!

The ordinary viewers in the Yuye live broadcast room couldn't recognize this little dragon cub, and thought it was an ordinary earth dragon mixed with a little earth dragon bloodline, but Guy a "mysterious meaning", naturally can feel the rich pure-blood aura on the little dragon cub!

The dragon clan has few members, which means that pure-blood dragons are rare, and if you want to talk about the half-blood dragon beasts driven by them, it is much more.

"You you you..... Where did you come from? Guy

was so frightened that his whole body stuttered.

"Ah, this..."

Ikuno had to tell the story of NPC Bob again, even the fine wine he concocted.

"Hey, characters can still be summoned in buildings..."

"This magical characteristic doesn't seem to have appeared in the boundless plane!" Could it be unique to the Blue Star people, or is it ... Unique to your talent?

Guy touched his chin, and was about to delve into the special situation that had never happened in this extraordinary building before when he suddenly reacted.

Is it time to think about this?!

This is a dragon in front of you, a real dragon!

Even the dragon knight school in the twelve basic professions did not dare to ride a pure-blooded dragon in an upright manner, but harnessed the almost pure-blooded dragon beast as an extraordinary class!

Guy Elvis raised his forehead and turned and walked outside without saying a word.

"Teacher, where are you going?"

Ikuno no longer teased the [Big Mac] in his arms, and asked suspiciously.

"Where else can I go?"

"Hurry up and kill your mouth!"

"I thought about it again, this Mo Mingqi still don't stay, it's safer to kill!"

Gaye's words were blunt, and his fears were not unfounded.

The dragons have few people, but they are short-guarded, and they are in a neutral state all year round in the boundless plane, although they are lazy and do not like to fight.

But there is only one situation that they absolutely cannot endure! That is, there are aliens who want to steal pure-blood dragon heirs!

What can a dragon do for a dragon?

The answer is, start a war!

Back then, in order to cultivate the genes of the [Dragon Eater] lineage, the Zerg once captured three pure-blood dragon heirs, used them as nourishment, hunted powerful genes in their bodies to supplement themselves, and finally gave birth to the terrifying higher Zerg race [Dragon Eater].

When the dragon clan learned the news, they were immediately furious, and the major dragon worlds gathered, what time and space dragons, mysterious dragons, fairy dragons, elf dragons, dream dragons... Various rare dragon clans that had only been heard of in legends appeared one after another.

This war between the dragon and the Zerg was thought to be protracted, but it was over in just a moment, and finally ended with the fall of the three masters (crown level) of the Zerg.

If you kill my three dragon heirs, then I will kill your three masters!" Extreme one for one!

This "Dragon Worm War" once again allowed the races to witness the horror and strength of the dragon clan.

Yu Ye, this is a dragon of the earth!

Regardless of the right or wrong of the whole oolong matter, in case Yuno's territory is invaded by the enemy, [Big Mac] unfortunately dies in battle....

If this matter is not handled well, it may even provoke a war between the two races of humans and dragons!

Since there was such a big hidden danger in the territory, Guy thought about it, it seemed easier to kill Mo Mingqi.

Just before killing....

"Let me ask you again, are you sure you told me everything?"

Guy solemnly reiterated, don't wait for another bombshell later, give yourself a "little surprise"!

Or that sentence, he is an old man, his heart and legs are not good!

Yuno pondered for a while, carefully looked at his extraordinary territory, and then decisively shook his head and said with certainty: "It's really gone!" "

I really didn't know that there was so much involved behind [Big Macs]!"

Guy nodded, patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, finally gone.

That's right, a small Tier 1 territory, what else can be turned over!

Until, a chubby goblin with ears of grain in his hair and a grain of millet in his hand, humming a song without a tune, slowly flew in front of Guy.

After a long time, a loud roar came from within the territory.

"Yuno, you said no!"

"I believe you're a ghost!"

"Who has so many goblins in the Tier 1 territory!"

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