The cold wind howls, the snow flies, some unknown grassland area.

A huge figure dragged his hobbling steps, step by step, with two huge curves on his forehead, and his purple-black skin shoulders were whitened by a thick rope.

Although his image is very inconsistent with the physical characteristics of the "little ghost"'s thin and slender limbs, this existence, named "short and inferior", is a solid little ghost race, and it is also a particularly favorite one in [Little Ghost Art].

The rope on the shoulder is tightly connected to the simple wooden board behind him, and above the plank is pressed a huge antelope no less than the former, which is a lot of pounds, if it is enough to eat it as food.

This antelope has stiff limbs, no eyes, and although there is no trace of wounds on its whole body, it has long died too much to die. Relying on the smoothness of the snow, the dwarf devil laboriously began the process of carrying "food".

"Hurry up and work!"

A small leather whip slammed into the head of the dwarf demon, making a crisp sound.

It looks soft, as if there is no lethality.

But this is the advanced skill of the Demon Race [Spirit Whip]!

The caster of this skill is sitting on the corner of the dwarf demon, a small demon less than the size of a palm, and if you ignore the pair of sharp horns on the forehead, a pair of flapping black batwings, and a small tail with a barb, his appearance is not much different from that of a human.

Seeing the dwarf demon under him let out a low roar in pain, the little demon with clear eyebrows grinned at the corner of his mouth.

He gained strength from [pain], an ability only possessed by high demons.

(6) glanced at the corpse of the antelope on the wooden board behind him, and the flat mouth was a little aggrieved, it would be better if he could continue to obtain the [painful] level of power to kill the antelope.

Unfortunately, due to the two big XXs opposite (2) and (7) (the following omits 1000 words of passion), he now even has to be careful if he wants to suck [pain], for fear that if he accidentally kills these small but thick-skinned dwarf demons in his territory.

Although their "soul" is not of good quality and does not taste delicious, it is better than it lasts long enough!

As long as he saves a little sucking, these dwarf demons can live for a long time!

The little demon boredly whipped the dwarf demon under him, driving him forward, a black transcendent territory was already close at hand, and in all directions of the territory, you could see the same huge figure hard to carry something.


Herds of cattle and horses roamed aimlessly across the steppe, carrying everything from pots and pans to chief tents, totem poles, and shrines of beasts.

(4) glanced at the still dim sky, and the terrible snow still fell unreasonably, and almost no sunlight fell through the layers of flying snow to the ground.

His face was a little gloomy, and his vision was extremely obstructed, making it difficult for him to use the skills of discerning directions that were commonly used in the grasslands.

He stretched out his paw and scratched his furry head, and a pair of scarlet eyes flashed with wisdom.

As nomadic werewolf races, their transcendent territories are different from the vast majority of human territories, and they can be dismantled at any time, moved at any time, and stationed at any time.

Although his strongest [Wolf Cavalry] class is blocked under rule (2), it doesn't matter.

As orcs, they are not worried about food, after all, cattle and horses, for them, are equivalent to human [spirit rice], belonging to the category of output, and are not banned.

When he is really hungry, he kills cattle and sheep. At that time, you can domesticate some from the [green grassland].

It is precisely because of this that (4) is not panicked at all, and the [resource limit] of (10) describes that the beast resources of the grassland will be abundant.

Wolves, on the other hand, are common in the steppe.

As long as he bumps into the wolves, (4) is sure to tame them, and then with the blessing of the [Wolf Soul Totem], stimulate their bloodline power, and then let his clan train a little, it is a new [Wolf Cavalry]!

I guess the brothers (10) are doing the same thing at this moment.

(4) withdrew his gaze and squatted down again to identify the footprints of the beasts on the grassland.

After a while, he stood up and pointed in one direction, driving the entire army in that direction.


The black mud bubbled out a small bubble, and then slowly burst open, emitting a special gas of light green.

A bone hand with only a thin layer of human skin slowly grabbed the gas, but the invisible gas was easily grasped by the owner of the palm like a tangible thing.

The thin skin and bone hand stored it in a small tin jar, sealed the mouth with black silt, and then threw it back, and the tin jar was thrown like a leather ball to the corner of a simple warehouse, and there were no less than thirty similar tin jars beside it.

The undead, a race that doesn't need to worry about food at all.

Of course, you can't kill with a stick.

The zombies in the undead obviously do not need to eat to live, but the terrible hunger will still urge them to eat flesh and blood.

This devouring is not for physiological needs, but purely for the sake of swallowing, and flesh and blood excite them and allow them to evolve.

It is precisely because there is no need to eat that the food problem that everyone else is worried about does not exist for (1).

Therefore, he could refine the corpse qi so confidently and boldly, and did not worry that any enemies would come to disturb him.

Just like this, I don't know how long it took, (1) stiffly straightened up, slowly stretched out, and the collision between bones squeezed out a tooth-souring sound.

The "crackling" sounded for a while, and only then did No. 1 slowly breathe a sigh of relief and muttered in a hoarse voice: "After pulling out a rib, it is indeed much more comfortable." "

I don't know if my raw materials are enough to unfold [the corpse explosion technique]."


it weren't for the fact that I couldn't use buildings, I wouldn't be able to use this time-consuming and laborious earth method to refine corpse qi."

(1) No. 1's gaze moved, and as a result, the eyeballs accidentally "snapped" out, exposing a small handful of [soul fire] in the empty brain.

(1) No. has long been accustomed to pressing it back into the eye socket, and the whole process is fluid.

He glanced at the stump and severed arm floating in the black pool, and bowed his head slightly.

His warehouse did not need to store food, all of them were storing all kinds of corpses, but some of the warehouses were extraordinary buildings, and after being blocked, there were very few warehouses that could be used by No. 1, so more than thirty cans of corpse gas were brewed, and the corpses in the territory were basically used up.

"I need more bodies."

He straightened up, looked at the steppe, and muttered involuntarily.

Whether it is the corpse of a wild beast on the steppe or the corpse of an enemy or a friendly army, as long as the corpse can be obtained.

Undead, but never teammates.

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