As one of the 9 cores of "Chaoshengde", what kind of function should the [Spirit Planting Seeder] have?

If it is simply to complete the functions of storage, screening, sowing, cultivation, and watering, then the building is only an "ordinary" quality, and there is nothing outstanding enough.

Of course, it is not that "ordinary" quality buildings are not good things, but that "ordinary" quality buildings have low potential and can only be upgraded to 3 orders at most.

Even if the [Crystal Cave] is a "god-level" building of a druid, the effect is powerful and universal, but the problem of breaking through the 4th order troubles many transcendent people.

Even Yuye first met Mo Mingqi from the relevant materials on the issue of the academic forum.

In terms of improving the quality of the [Spirit Planter], Ikuno had previously consulted Guy.

Guy gave two directions for Ukuno to choose from.

First, if the building has few functions, but the effect is extremely strong, the quality can be upgraded.

This is the case with [Bob's Time and Space Tavern], but with a new feature, the new NPC Bob, it directly makes it a "legendary" quality building.

At first, Ikuno thought that the ability of "Bob's bartending" was really special to make him get such a high quality evaluation.

But when the sleeping [Old Blind Eye] in [Fishman Baby Amusement Park] was taken in by the Time and Space Tavern as an entourage, he reacted that [Bob's Time and Space Tavern] was not "bartending", but "Bob"!

"Bartending" is just a small "excellence" of our versatile Bob.

In the future, as long as high-quality "Hearthstone" NPCs are born in the Ukuno Territory, I am afraid that they will be immediately collected as cards, contributing to the transformation of [Bob's Time and Space Tavern] into a "spectacle".

Second, increase the function of the building, so that the functions are connected to each other and improve the overall effect.

This is why the "legendary" buildings [Tower of the Fire Thief] that were transformed after Yuye have more functions, and they are consistent and endless, complementing each other, compared with other first-order "ordinary" buildings, they are "supermodels" visible to the naked eye.

After some hard thinking, Ikuno had a plan for the design of the [Spirit Planter], and he quickly pulled down Guy, who was lying on the [Tower of the Fire Thief].

"You mean, you want to learn the astral circuits that represent [copy] traits?"

Guy touched his chin thoughtfully.

This innovation of Yuno is actually easy to understand.

There is obviously more than one kind of spirit plant in an extraordinary territory, and even if the efficiency of the first-order [spirit plant seeder] is high, it is impossible to carry out doppelgängers and fight on multiple fronts at the same time.

Ordinary Tier 1 territories may only need to grow [Lingdao] 1 crop to solve the food problem.

However, as a "super birth virtue" genre with a large number of spirit plants as the core, if there is one more spirit plant crop in the lord's territory, he must buy an extra [spirit plant seeder]... That's just stupid.

Or that, the cost!

So Ikuno hit the idea on the "copy" ability.

If the [Spirit Planter] replicates itself according to the number of Spirit Planting Crop species in the territory, and each [Spirit Planter] manages one crop specifically, it can perfectly solve this problem.

But Ukuno and Mo Mingqi rummaged through the Druid's 1st-order star power circuits they could find, but they couldn't find a fragment with the ability to "copy", so they had to find Guy.

The fragments of the star power circuit are hidden in the corners of the boundless plane, and are the crystallization of knowledge formed by generations of transcendent beings from the process of discovering, collecting, translating, cracking, and refining from everything.

Even now, cutting-edge researchers are doing relevant work and writing corresponding papers and reports.

Some of these star force circuits are very common in the boundless plane, such as [storage], [growth], [reinforcement] and other traits, and you can see things expressing these traits everywhere in life, although the quality is not very high, but it is easy to understand and even learn them by stripping.

And the star force circuit that Ikuno wants to express [copy] this trait is classified into a very rare category, and even if things that express [copy] traits can be found, the general rank is very high, and it is not something that Ikuno of the first order can control.

If an ordinary architect is asked by Yuye like this, he may not be able to answer it all of a sudden.

But is he Guy Elvis an average person?!

Even though Ikuno's request was really harsh, Guy still turned out a fragment of the star power circuit that perfectly matched Ukuno's requirements from a corner of a certain horn——。

[Self-replicating type I].

Take out this name alone, and many people may not know what it is.

But the extraordinary building built with it as the core is so famous that everyone knows it - [Arsenal].

Tier 1 [Arsenal] as an explosive building of the 12 basic class [Mechanic], its status is about equal to the Druid's [Crystal Cave], through which the lord can quickly assemble a large number of Tier 1 mechanical weapons such as [Micro Battle Robot], [Mechanical Rotor], [Cruising Eye], etc., and make these mechanical transportation raw materials perform simple [self-replication] to quickly form explosive troops.

This also makes the demand for mineral resources much higher for mechanical lords than other professions.

No matter what kind of mechanic, in the 12 basic classes, the paving speed and explosive speed can be ranked first, which is inseparable from the characteristics of [reorganization] and [imitation] of the machine that the machine has.

In addition to the Tier 1 [Copy] Star Force Circuit fragments, Guy couldn't find it.

Perhaps, but that's what humans haven't explored at the moment. According to current statistics, although human beings have mastered many fragments of star power circuits, they still know very little about this field, and 99% of star force circuit fragments still do not know what it means, in unknown seas, waiting for people to discover the treasures buried in them.

[Self-Replicating Type I] perfectly fits all of Ukino's requirements, but it has a hard condition, that is, it can only be attached to "machinery"!

In other words, Ikuno must make the extraordinary structure of [Spirit Planter] into a "mechanical" attribute before he can use the [Self-Replicating Type I] circuit.


This is undoubtedly a new challenge for Ikuno.

Yuno wondered if he needed to use his skill [Extraordinary Resonance] to sense the unique mechanical power of the mechanic in order to create the [Spirit Planter].

It is said that mechanical power, this star force system with electromagnetic energy, will bring a numb feeling to the whole body, and if you use it too much, you may also awaken some strange physique.

But to this question, Guy waved his hand and said: "Mechanical buildings are different from buildings with other attributes, they come with special effects such as [plug-ins], [assembly] and so on. The more [plug-ins] are loaded, the more functional the mechanical building will be.

"Therefore, don't look at some mechanical buildings and standard ones, but in fact, the difference is big."

"When you build, just reserve an interface on the [Spirit Planter] of the metal material, and then you can directly plug in the [Self-Replicating Type I] plug-in and you can use it."

What a great idea!

Yuye's eyes lit up, so that there was still a time cost for him to study. Otherwise, it will take just a few days to feel the mechanical power system across occupations, even if there is a 300% [Focus Aura], Yuno is very difficult!

"But how did this plugin come about?"

He turned around and asked a new question.

"I asked my students for a hundred or so [self-replicating type I] plugins, and that's not a finger-stretching thing?" Guy said that this is not a thing, there are thousands of students under him, and over the years, the unknown ones are basically old and dead, and those who survive are the existence of "big waves and sand", becoming the mainstay of the sitting side.

Solving this kind of thing, is it not a piece of cake?

Yuno slightly disdained, and said it so nicely.

Isn't this a white?!

He, Yuye, the person who despises white the most in his life!

Guy's eyes widened, and he saw the "mental activity" that Yuye had almost written on his face, and raised his voice: "Then you say yes or no!" "


"Of course!"

Yu Ye immediately knelt down and quickly shouted.

People are such double standards, they are unhappy by other people's white, but white others are cool!

Looking at the older but more like a child's Guy, Ikuno smiled bitterly and shook his head, and after finally coaxing the other party, he continued to step into the processing of mechanical raw materials.

The two skills of [Building Material Shape] and [Ao Neng's Hand] had already been used by him, and soon a large iron jar that needed "technical content" in all directions was made by him.

Ikuno didn't dislike its roughness either, picked up the rune brush and began to experiment with the [storage] type of star power circuit on its appearance.

If a large number of spiritual seeds are to be stored in this large iron tank, then nutrient solution is also needed, and it is best to have a [warming] circuit.

The druid's star power is rich in natural atmosphere, known for its vitality and endurance, and it is perfect for use here.

"If this thing is to be sown automatically, then you can't install a drive device? As you go, plant it! It's better to have another drill hole that can be dug into the pit, another one that can be filled, and a tank injection port to be watered..."

After a long while, Ikuno raised his eyebrows, played the cells of the "great artist", and finally created a behemoth!

"Good, there is progress!"

Yuno stopped the rune brush in his hand, took a step back, looked up and down, and finally nodded in satisfaction.

After Guy's guidance, when he built the building this time, he used the singularity scattering method to make all the metal materials clear, and carried out textbook construction preparation.

The effect is also extremely gratifying, at least this time, after the rune group took effect, there was no collapse!

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