Chapter 1001 Ten Million Light Years Universe! Become the Lord of the Fourth Order Universe!!


Li Fang summoned two immortals and put on a banquet.

On top of the banquet, Shi Hao, Chen Sha, and Linton got acquainted.

Because this Chen Sha and Linton were originally interested in befriending Shi Hao.


Chen Sha and Linton are secretly grateful to Li Fang for giving them an opportunity to make friends with “powerful reincarnations”!

At the end of the banquet.

Linton smiled and said to Shi Hao: “Daoist Shi Hao, listen to you, you are still from the nine-rank immortal position, your third-order true immortal cultivation, you don’t need to go any relationship, you can already change to a nine-rank immortal position, come to the Heavenly Court Office with me, I will handle a nine-rank immortal position for you!”

It is naturally good to be able to improve the rank of immortals.

Shi Hao said: “Then it will trouble Linton Daoist.”

Linton said, “It’s not troublesome, it’s just a fairy job that you can do.”

In the Heavenly Court.

First- and second-order true immortals can generally receive immortals from the nine-rank immortals.

True immortals of the third order and above can receive the Zhengjiupin Immortal Rank.

Only ninth-order true immortals can receive the rank of immortal from the eighth rank.

Twelfth-order true immortals can receive eighth-rank immortal positions.

As for the seven-rank immortal position, it was already a great immortal family at the level of Xuanxian Xingjun.

There are also those who take the back door…

Like Li Fang and Chen Sha, because they were born in the Interpretation Sect and had a deep background, they were only first-order true immortals, so they received the immortal position of Zhengjiupin.

Shi Hao followed Linton, went to the Heavenly Court Office, and received a nine-product Heavenly Court Inspector Immortal Position.

The Heavenly Court Inspector is an idle position, and there are from the nine products and the positive nine products.

Shi Hao promoted this Zhengjiupin Heavenly Court Inspector, and the only benefit he got was that he could live in an immortal palace similar to Li Fang’s Bow Ma Wen Mansion.

As for the Immortal Rank? That takes a hundred years to receive it once, and sometimes even once in ten thousand years.

For true immortals, a hundred years, ten thousand years, is not long at all.

Because it takes more than a billion years or even billions of years for a true immortal to ascend to the first order of cultivation…


For Shi Hao, let alone billions of years, just a few days later, his cultivation would be more than the third-order True Immortal level.

“Daoist Shi Hao, the immortal job has been done for you.

This is your Zhengjiupin inspection seal.”

Linton handed over the token of the Heavenly Court Zhengjiupin Immortal Rank to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao took it and asked by the way: “Daoist Linton, do you know, where to take on the task of slaying demons and eliminating demons?” I want to go to other worlds.”

Linton reminded: “Shi Hao Daoyou, in a few months, Li Fang Daoyou will introduce you to his teacher Huang Long Zhenren, is it not good for you to go to other worlds at this time?”

Shi Hao said: “I’ll just go for ten days and a half, mainly because I am not used to staying in this heavenly court and going to other worlds to relax.”

There are many subordinate worlds of high-end flood world.

Just like the stars in the high-end flood world, it is transformed by one world.

And Shi Hao wants to go to other worlds in order to travel to the world where other group members are…

In the high-end Honghuang world, directly using the crossing function of the Thousands of Worlds chat group, Shi Hao did not dare.

But in other worlds… I believe that the Heavenly Dao Hongjun and the Six Saints of Honghuang will not be so idle and pay attention to the weak world outside Honghuang.

Moreover, the worlds under the high-end flood world are almost endless, so many that there are countless of them, let’s say that the Heavenly Court controls tens of trillions of middle thousand worlds, and the small thousand worlds mastered cannot be calculated…

This is all Shi Hao’s knowledge from the popular books in Li Fang’s open library cabinet.

Shi Hao said so,

That Linton was also not good at refusing Shi Hao, and Linton said in a deep voice: “If you want to talk about distraction, then Shi Hao Daoist, you don’t have to receive the task of going to other worlds to slay demons and eliminate demons in order to distract yourself.

You can go to the flower world opened up by the Hundred Flowers Fairy of the Heavenly Court and have fun.”

Shi Hao asked, “Flower World?”

Linton said, “Yes.

The world of flowers… It’s pretty, isn’t it! Shi Hao Daoyou, I’ll take you there later.

But I have to work in this Heavenly Court Office, Shi Hao Daoyou, when you get to the flower world, you can play by yourself, in the flower world, there are many fairies.”

Shi Hao nodded and said, “Then I’ll send a letter to Li Fang Daoyou.

I should be in the flower world for ten days and a half.”

Linton said: “Just ten days and a half, what kind of letter to preach, I will directly tell Li Fang.”

Ten days and a half months in the eyes of true immortals is probably equivalent to a mortal blinking his eyes.

Immortals are all based on the world era and as the unit of time.

One world era is 129,600 years.

And even if it is a scattered immortal, it can have a lifespan of more than ten billion years.

Celestial immortals, they will live forever.

Linton took Shi Hao to the Hundred Gardens of the Heavenly Court, greeted the fairies of the Hundred Gardens, and then took Shi Hao and left the high-end Honghuang World and came to the flower world opened up by the Hundred Flowers Fairy.

As long as you are good enough, sure enough, you will meet good people.

This Linton, when facing Shi Hao, was also quite enthusiastic.

Linton said: “Daoist Shi Hao, this is the flower world, very beautiful, and it is a middle thousand world!” Shi Hao Daoyou, you can relax and play here, if you don’t want to stay in this flower world, Shi Hao Daoist you can also leave on your own.”

Shi Hao said: “Thank you Daoist Linton for your help!” This flower world is really good, I am very comfortable to stay.”

Linton said: “No thanks, I still have to go to the Heavenly Court Office to work, so I left.

Shi Hao Daoyou play well.”

Linton said and left.

And Shi Hao, looking at the flower world, there is a sea of flowers everywhere, and beautiful fairies flying through the sky from time to time, and fell into deep thought.

Chapter 1001 Obtained more than 5.8 billion pounds of beast milk!! 70 million skill points (2)

“I’m only three years old in this life!”

Shi Hao felt that the atmosphere of this flower world was a little wrong.

There are a sea of flowers everywhere.

And there are many pretty fairies.

Occasionally there are handsome male immortals…”Forget it, it doesn’t matter what kind of world it is.”

“I’m just to leave the high-end flood world, so that I can travel to the world where other members of the chat group in the thousands of worlds are located.”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.


Shi Hao had the practice of the True Immortal Realm.

He decided.

In this flower world, stay for ten days and a half, and then leave the flower world when he becomes a peak true immortal of the eighteenth order.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface:

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Damn, careless, I was actually beaten.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “But this monster is so powerful, it knocked me unconscious at once.”

Group leader Lee Daxian @Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “You’re finally awake!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “How long have I been in a coma?”

Dagu: “It’s been more than half a day.”

Dagu: “Mr. Son Gohan, are you still in my world?”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Yes, I’m searching for an alien spaceship.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Damn, what are these aliens trying to do to me?” They put me in a cage, but fortunately… This can’t stop me!”

Emperor Desolate: “Sun Gohan is awake!”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Super Saiyan Sun Gohan: “That group task in the group, do you want to do it?”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “What group mission?” I’ll take a look.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Look, I’m going to do it!” It’s good to have five billion points to take.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Then you come on.”

Shi Hao originally wanted to do that group task by himself.

But Son Gohan is willing to do this group of tasks.

Shi Hao let Sun Gohan do it.

Shi Hao estimated that he went to the world of Saitama, that is, he got one or two billion pounds of animal milk…

And the world where Dagu is located can provide Shi Hao with two billion pounds of animal milk every day.

As for group points? Shi Hao didn’t care about this thing at all, Shi Hao felt that the group points were enough to buy a one-time crossing function to use the opportunity.

The origin of the world sold in the group mall, Shi Hao does not need.

He can become stronger by drinking animal milk.

What a need for this extra move.

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Emperor Desolate: “Thank you Your Majesty the Desolate Emperor for giving me this group task!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I’ll get it done soon!”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan: “I have used the turtle school qigong wave to kill all the alien monsters on this alien spaceship I am on!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I will go back to my world to repair, and then I will immediately go to the group mission world to destroy the overlord of the universe Poros and save the earth of that world.”

Emperor Desolate: “Good.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Then I will go offline to the chat group.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Don’t be busy going offline, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, this is already the second day!” The animal milk for you today is ready, so I’ll send it to you.”

(Group tip: Group leader Li Daxian sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

Ray Movie: “I’m also ready for today’s animal milk.”

(Group tip: Group member Lei Movie sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Dagu sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Xiongba sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Harry Potter sent red envelopes to the Emperor of the Desolate Sky.)

(Group tip: Group member First Emperor sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Araga!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I’m back in my world.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Liu Peiqiang: “Mr. Liu Peiqiang, the gold you gave me has all been used up, today, Aunt Boomer used that money to buy three billion pounds of beast milk, and I sent it all to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Liu Peiqiang @Super Saiyan Sun Gohan: “Don’t worry about money, I’ll continue to provide you with gold… You will continue to buy beast milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor in the future.”

Liu Peiqiang @Super Saiyan Sun Gohan: “The gold I provide, you can continue to take one-tenth of it as a reward.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Thank you so much!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “The country behind me still provides 800 million pounds of animal milk today.”

Dagu: “I provided two billion pounds of animal milk.

It takes a year to provide two billion pounds of animal milk every day.”

Dagu: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor before, in my world, helped us solve more than seven hundred monsters at once.”

Harry Potter: “I wonder when His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor will be free?”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I have time for the time being, wait a while, I will go to the online chat group, you can find me if you have something.”

Chapter 1001 Ten Million Light Years Universe! Become the Lord of the Fourth Order Universe!! (iii)

Shi Hao received the group red envelope and went offline to chat the group.

“Today’s animal milk…”

“Dagu is still two billion jin.

The group owner is still 800 million jin.

Sun Gohan is very powerful, giving three billion catties.”

“But the animal milk that Sun Gohan gave me was bought by Liu Peiqiang with gold.

Human feelings must be counted on the human civilization on earth where Liu Peiqiang is located.”

Shi Hao calculated slightly.

The beast milk provided by Dagu, the group master, and Sun Gohan alone reached 5.8 billion jin!

The total amount of animal milk provided by other group members adds up to about 50 million catties.


“Five hundred and fifty billion pounds of animal milk!”

“After drinking this, it is definitely enough for me to improve my first-order cultivation!”

Shi Hao began to drink animal milk.

5.85 billion pounds of animal milk…

Shi Hao took a few sips and drank them all into his stomach.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel:

(Skill points: 71,465,254) There are 70 million skill points…

About a hundred pounds of ordinary animal milk, which can provide one point or two skill points.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data, and saw again, the “Jade Pure True Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” can be improved!

Shi Hao did not hesitate, but immediately improved the “Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method”

(The third order of the Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method (can be promoted)) (Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method Fourth Stage (not upgradeable))

With more than 54 million skill points depleted!

“Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method”, successfully upgraded to the fourth level!

Shi Hao thus achieved a fourth-order true immortal!

Fourth-order True Immortals… It is the Lord of the Fourth-Order Universe!! Shi Hao felt that he was more than ten times stronger!

The universe in his body instantly expanded tenfold… Reached, tens of millions of light years of level!

The universe of tens of millions of light years is already millions of solar systems large.

And that’s just the basics.

If Shi Hao used the Dharma Heaven and Earth of the Great Perfection Realm, then Shi Hao’s fourth-order True Immortal body could become more than 100 billion light years in size!

More than 100 billion light years…

One light-year, which is equal to about ten trillion kilometers.

The body of a true immortal with a size of 100 billion light 2.0 years is really vast!

“I can only say that I am worthy of being the Lord of the Universe! Strong!”

“Every level of cultivation improvement, that is a qualitative change!”

Shi Hao’s heart was smooth.

Ten times stronger again!!

Shi Hao thought about it, in this flower world opened up by the Hundred Flowers Fairy of the Heavenly Court, have a good time…


Thousands of world chat group prompts sounded:

“Ding! Group member Super Saiyan Son Gohan started the group live broadcast.”

Sun Gohan opened a group live broadcast?

Shi Hao groaned slightly, he was also very interested in the race of Super Saiyans, which were obviously “masters” and preferred to be “warriors”.

Consciousness sank into the group live broadcast room in thousands of world chat groups, and watched it.

Swarm Mission World.

Saitama-sensei’s hometown of Earth.

Sun Gohan came here, he received the group task, and by the way, according to the request of the group leader Daimian, he started the group live broadcast.

Didn’t make Son Gohan wait long.

The “space overlord Poros”, whose spaceship came to Earth, the “overlord of the universe” that the group mission asked to solve!

“Cosmic Overlord Poros, listen to the group master Great Immortal, the combat effectiveness should be similar to mine? It’s all star-killing.”

“Then let’s fight!”

Sun Gohan is actually more like a scholar, and in this battle, he came purely for the five billion group points of the group mission.

Moreover, Son Gohan, it has been a long time since he fought.

A quarter of an hour later.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface:

(Group tip: Group member Super Saiyan Son Gohan turns off the group live broadcast.)

Super Saiyan Son Gohan @ Emperor Aragates: “Emperor Arakata save me!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “…”

Group leader Li Daxian: “…”

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