Chapter 1002: The Desolate Sky Emperor Saves Me!!

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I can’t hold on, this Poros is too powerful!”

His body is countless times stronger than mine, and he actually punched me from the earth to the moon!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I can’t fight him close to me at all, I can only use qigong to entangle with him, but I was injured by him, and the qi in my body… Now it’s all consumed by half!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “If the group mission is not completed, and I can’t return to my world, then Poros is still faster than me, and I can’t run away if I want to.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Sun Gohan… Why do you like melee combat so much? That Poros’s strength is really similar to yours, if you don’t start a melee combat and are injured by his punch, the battle between you will be won or lost, it’s hard to say.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Huh? Close combat this… My dad is also in hand-to-hand combat!

My fighting skills are still taught to me by Uncle Vic.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Obviously a magic master, but I want to fight with a physical monster like Poros in close quarters, Sun Gohan, you can’t lose unjustly.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Group Leader.

I’m about to be killed by Poros.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Emperor Desolate Sky: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor save me!”

Ray movie @Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I watched the group live broadcast.”

Lei Movie: “Sun Gohan, your strength is very strong, I can’t compare.

But your fighting skills are a mess.”

Lei Movie: “Practice more in the future!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “God-sama, I’m in a hurry!”

I’m going to be killed, so don’t say that.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “And my mother, I hope I grow up to be a scholar.

I don’t want to be a warrior either!”

Son Gohan hasn’t fought for a long time.

Slack off.

Encountering the universe overlord Poros, whose combat power is vaguely stronger than him, Sun Gohan lost quickly.

Emperor Desolate: “Don’t worry, Sun Gohan, I’ll save you.”

Ray Movie: “Being a scholar… That’s fine too.

But this powerful strength, not refining combat skills, is really a pity.”

Super 12 Saiyan Son Gohan: “It’s so dangerous to be a warrior!”

My hand was broken by this Poros!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t take on this group task.”

Ray Movie: “…”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Ahem, cough.”

Xiongba: “Boss Sun Gohan, it’s still very powerful!”

Xiongba said.

He really thinks that Sun Gohan is very powerful!

Punched from the earth to the moon, the moon cracked… Son Gohan is not dead yet!

And Sun Gohan really has the strength to explode stars, in Xiongba’s opinion, if he Xiongba has this kind of strength, then… Flower world.

Shi Hao took a weed in his mouth and received the group task.” This Sun Gohan is not very good!”

“If you change to Son Gohan’s father Kakarot, even if you can’t beat the opponent, you can explode!”

“Son Gohan can’t beat… He really can’t beat it.

It’s a Saiyan who hasn’t fought for a long time and has no will to fight!”

Shi Hao evaluated the sentence.

The next moment.

Shi Hao, who received the group task, disappeared into the flower world opened by the Hundred Flower Fairy.

The world of One Punch Man.

Rumble… Call…… Boom!!

The moon cracks, explodes!

Sun Gohan used his left hand with difficulty, condensing his breath to resist Poros’ attack!

Poros fought madly and laughed: “Are you the prophesied opponent who can fight me?” Sure enough, the strength is very strong!

You can fight me to such an extent!

What a pity!

That’s the end of it!”

Sun Gohan dodged seriously, he transformed into the form of Super Saiyan II, his face was very calm, but a drop of cold sweat on his forehead represented the tension in his heart…”Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, if I don’t come, I’m going to be killed!”

Son Gohan is about to be unable to maintain the form of Super Saiyan II.


Poros, the overlord of the universe, charged a punch and hit Sun Gohan fiercely!

Sun Gohan was punched into the earth from the cosmic starry sky!

“What a thrilling battle… Not dead yet?”

Poros felt his blood boiling.

Sun Gohan is a good sandbag for Poros, and his strength is similar to him, but his combat awareness and combat skills are too poor!

But Son Gohan, who transformed into Super Saiyan II, is very resistant!

The moon was shattered by the aftermath of Poros’s attack, but Son Gohan’s vitality was still very strong.

“But, even if you’re not dead yet, how many times can you block my attacks?”

With a cold face, Poros wanted to rush into the earth and completely solve Sun Gohan.

Shi Hao appeared in the world of “One Punch Man” at this time.

Shi Hao was too lazy to say anything, as soon as he came to the world of “One Punch Man”, Shi Hao directly locked the overlord of the universe, Poros.

The overlord of the universe, Poros, is also the star extinction combat power, can destroy the planet… Shi Hao is the master of the fourth-order universe, and after he uses the heavens and earth, the true immortal body can reach more than a billion light years!

Shi Hao didn’t move his real thing, just flicked his fingers.

Poros, the overlord of the universe of “One Punch Man” world, died directly!” Vulnerable.”

Shi Hao killed Poros and felt bored by the weakness of this Poros.

He immediately heard the prompt of thousands of world chat groups: “Ding!

Group member Shi Hao, you have completed the group mission with the group member Super Saiyan Son Gohan, and you will be rewarded with this group mission according to your contribution.”


Group member Shi Hao, the group mission has been completed, and you will be sent back to your original world.”

Shi Hao killed Poros, and the task was completed.

Because the group’s mission is to rescue the home of Saitama-sensei, a member of the deceased group.

The overlord of the universe, Poros, died, and the crisis of this world earth collapsed.

In the future, the earth of this world may face a new crisis, but that is none of Shi Hao’s business.

Shi Hao didn’t care about the rewards of group tasks, and he also had a share of Sun Gohan… Shi Hao didn’t care about that group of points.

Compared with group points, Shi Hao is more concerned about “beast milk.”

Taking advantage of the thousands of world chat groups, he has not yet sent him back to the flower world opened up by the Hundred Flower Fairy.

Shi Hao’s figure flashed, and he began to steal all kinds of beast milk on a large scale on the earth of this “One Punch Man” world.

Chapter 1002 Ding!

Butterfly Ninja joins the chat group (2) this day.

The earth of the world of “One Punch Man” has stolen more than two billion pounds of animal milk.

The Heroes Association guessed that this was done by strange weirdos who “stole animal milk”!

Shi Hao, who is considered the master of the universe of strange strange people, returned to the flower world.

After completing the group task, the Thousands of Worlds Chat Group quickly sent Shi Hao and Sun Gohan back to their respective worlds.

But Shi Hao moved faster.

Before the thousands of world chat groups sent him back to the flower world, Shi Hao had already started to steal the beast milk in the world of “One Punch Man”.

As the master of the universe, Shi Hao stole a beast milk, which was naturally captured by hand… Shi Hao didn’t feel embarrassed either.

He is not from the “One Punch Man” world, and besides, he also saved the earth of the “One Punch Man” world!

What’s wrong with getting some animal milk!

“It’s just a little less!”

“The beast milk on the earth of “One Punch Man” was almost taken by me, and it is only 2.2 billion catties.”

Shi Hao mentally assessed the amount of animal milk he got.


Shi Hao opened his mouth, and swallowed 2.2 billion pounds of beast milk in two bites!

These 2.2 billion pounds of beast milk, many of them are boxed, but it doesn’t hurt, Shi Hao, as the master of the universe, there is still a way to eat such a boxed beast milk, anyway, just eat it in one bite, and the box containing beast milk will be destroyed by Shi Hao’s mana.

“Look at the skill points…”

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 43,498,881) This is already more than forty-three million skill points.

Previously, Shi Hao added points to upgrade the “Jade Pure True Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” to the fourth level, and there were more than 17 million skill points left.

Coupled with the about 2.2 billion pounds of beast milk that he just drank…”More than 40 million skill points, about 11 million skill points away from improving the first-order cultivation.”

Shi Hao took a look and saw that the skill points were not enough, and the “Jade Pure True Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” could not be improved for the time being, so he didn’t pay attention to it.


Shi Hao checked thousands of world chat groups.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (Group tip: Group member Emperor Ara Tian and group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan have completed the group mission.)

(Group tip: This group task reward is distributed according to the group member group task contribution.)

(Group tip: Group member Desolate Sky Emperor gets 4.9 billion group points, and group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan gets 100 million group points.)

Ray Movie: “Hey, Sun Gohan actually got group points?” What did he contribute? Wasn’t he beaten like a dog by the overlord of the universe, Poros? In the end, you have to ask His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor for help.”

Ray Movie was surprised.

She was not afraid of offending Sun Gohan and spoke directly.

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Please, God-sama, I still want face.

Can you put it mildly.”

Ray Movie: “Sorry, I’ve been in a pure land for a long time, and I haven’t communicated with anyone for a long, long time.

It’s a bit straightforward.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Lei Movie: “Can’t say that, Sun Gohan still has a contribution.

As the group leader, I can see how much Son Gohan contributes to the group mission.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Really? I also contribute? Is it that my turtle sect qigong actually injured that Poros?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Ahem, cough, it’s not this reason.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “It’s Sun Gohan you consumed a lot of Poros’ physical strength.

Sun Gohan, you are very resistant, Poros hit you with all his strength for a quarter of an hour, and the moon was shattered by the aftermath of the fight, which made Poros who entered the super power mode not have enough physical strength.

Therefore, thousands of world chat groups judge that you have contributed one-fiftieth to this group task.”

Ray Movie: “It’s very durable!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Group leader, you might as well not say!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I went to do my homework, it’s so sad.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Do your homework?”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Yes!

I haven’t finished my homework yet, and although it’s a holiday today, school will start in two days.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Don’t say it, I’m offline from the chat group, I’ll talk about it when I finish my homework.”

Sun Gohan, a strong man who can burst stars, honestly wrote his homework, and it has been abandoned for so long, no wonder he was beaten like a dog by Poros, the overlord of the universe with similar combat strength… “Ding!”

Butterfly Ninja joins the chat group.”

At this time, thousands of world chat groups, pop up the group prompt, this is a new group member into the group!

Group leader Li Daxian: “Welcome Butterfly Ninja to join the chat group.”

Xiongba: “Welcome newcomers to the group.”

Ray Films: “Welcome.”

Butterfly Shinobu: “I am… Caught in blood ghost magic? Damn, I’m obviously in the ghost killing team!!

What kind of ghost thing, dare to come to my ghost killing team to spread wild!”

Chapter 102: Heavenly Emperor, God, and Man Who Exploded the Planet (3) Butterfly Ninja, from the world of “Ghost Slayer Blade”, is a worm pillar in the Ghost Slayer.

Butterfly Ninja’s parents and her sister both died at the hands of evil spirits, which made Butterfly Ninja hate evil spirits very much.

And the world of “Ghost Slayer Blade” is a low-level transcendent world with “evil spirits” and “breathing methods”.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: group owner Li Daxian @ Butterfly Ninja: “Butterfly Ninja, don’t get excited, you can look at 550 to see the chat history, and then try the various group functions of the chat group.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “This chat group has nothing to do with the garbage ghosts of your world.

Don’t bring it in.”

Butterfly Shinobu: “Trash ghost?”

Ray Movie: “Ghost Thing?”

Uncle Nine: “Ghost things?”

When it comes to catching ghosts, that’s Uncle Nine’s specialty.

After the zombie Dao Master Jiu Uncle joined this thousands of world chat groups, he rarely spoke.

Only when he and the group leader Li Daxian used the group red envelope function to conduct “world transactions”, Uncle Jiu would speak so two sentences.

It’s really… Uncle Jiu felt that in this chat group, there were “Heavenly Emperors”, “Gods”, and “People Who Exploded the Planet”, and he, a Maoshan Taoist who could only catch ghosts and eliminate demons, didn’t know what to say.

Uncle Nine will not talk nonsense, he joins this chat group, so he is cautious.

But seeing that there are ghosts in the world of this new group of members, and catching ghosts is his specialty!

Group leader Li Daxian: “Well, the world where the butterfly ninja is located, those ghost creatures, are not worth mentioning, and they cannot be compared with the ghost world that has been ejected by the group mission before.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “That ghost world was directly thrown into the stars by His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor and burned.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Butterfly Ninja: “Butterfly Ninja, the ninth uncle above is a master of Maoshan Mountain, specializing in catching ghosts and eliminating demons.

The thunder movie above is even more of Lord Mimi Naruto, the god of thunder.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “You read the chat group information, butterfly bear you to speak again.”

Butterfly Shinobu: “… Okay.”

Butterfly Shinobu also realized that this thousands of world chat groups are probably not caused by the blood ghost skills of some evil ghost.

Because evil ghosts don’t call themselves “garbage ghosts”.

Harry Potter @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, do you have free time now?”

Harry Potter: “Please, can you resurrect my parents, godfather and Professor Dumbledore.”

Dagu: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, there is an alien monster on my earth.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “… Don’t look for me for anything!”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Dagu: “Dagu, the monster of your world, Sun Gohan can completely solve it, when he finishes his homework, you go to him!”

He also has group points!”

Emperor Desolate: “If Sun Gohan is not careless, he will kill the ordinary monsters of that world in Dagu, and he will make a casual move.”

Desolate Emperor @ Harry Potter: “Although I’m still a little busy, I see that you send me animal milk every day, and you mention it so many times in the chat group.

Just go to your world!”

Harry Potter: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Harry Potter, His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor is going to your world to resurrect your parents, godfathers and others!”

So obvious, otherwise His Majesty the Desolate Heaven Emperor, how would he go to your world!”

Group owner Lee wants to remind Harry Potter.

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