Chapter 104 Make up for the regret and the group members who were resurrected by the “Desolate Sky Emperor”!!

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Liu Peiqiang: “That is a nuclear fusion sunlamp.

It’s expensive, and I can only provide ten.”

Liu Peiqiang: “If you want Miss Butterfly Ninja again, you can trade the items with me.”

Butterfly Shinobu: “Okay.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I’ve finally finished my homework!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “My mother is very upset because I got an injury.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan @ Dagu: “Dagu, if there are monsters in your world, I can’t help you for the time being.

I don’t want to upset my mom anymore.”

Dagu: “…”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Dagu: “Don’t panic Dagu, Sun Gohan’s mother likes money, you let the high level of the earth behind you, pay some gold and silver treasures, give Sun Gohan, let Sun Gohan get his mother.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Shhh… The group owner is worthy of being the group owner, how do you know my mother so well? My mother did love gold and silver treasures, but she didn’t like me getting hurt even more.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Sun Gohan, you are a strong man who can burst stars, fight the monsters of the ancient world, and you will be killed by a qigong cannon from a distance..” Where will it get a wound.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Don’t fight hand-to-hand!”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Ah, too!

…… In the world where Dagu is located, the monster is said to be strong, and its physical strength is indeed very strong, but it will die directly if it is hit by my qi.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “After reading the chat history.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “That’s right, I am Xu Xiaonian, the son of Bei Liang Shizi mentioned by the old sword god Li Chungang.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “Grief!

In order to protect me, the old sword god took me and rushed out from the tens of thousands of troops, and finally exhausted, and died of old injuries.

It’s my fault!”

Northern Liang Shizi @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you and the old sword god also have a little friendship, I don’t know if you can come to my world and resurrect him?”

Bei Liang Shizi: “I am willing to pay any price, just to resurrect the old sword god… The old sword god died to save me, I Xu Xiaonian, I will not be ungrateful.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Hey, Xu Xiaonian, the son of the Northern Liang world!”

You really are in the same world as Li Chungang!”

Thousands of world chat groups, in the same world, add two group members.

This is the first time I’ve seen you.

Li Xiang, the owner of the group, was not surprised.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Xiongba: “Group leader, are you so surprised?”… Don’t you know a lot?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Well, I do know, I also know that Xu Xiaonian, the son of the Northern Liang world, he doesn’t want to be the son of the Northern Liang world at all, he just wants to be an unrestrained person.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “And this Northern Liang son Xu Xiaonian is still the reincarnation of a former strong man.

830” Zhang Sanfeng: “The reincarnation of the strong? Isn’t Li Chungang’s world the same martial arts world as us?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Li Chungang’s world is a bit special, although the level of combat power is not high, but there is a group of pseudo-immortals, the strong people of that world, can indeed be reincarnated.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “However, the strong and pseudo-immortal of Li Chungang’s world, it is estimated that Lei Movie, this Lord Thunder God, can kill through.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “Xiao Ye, I am actually the reincarnation of a strong person?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Indeed.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “In the future, Xu Xiaonian, you will still become the world’s powerhouse in your world, the land god fairy land.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “Hey, am I so powerful?”

Northern Liang Shizi @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?” Are you there…”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’m still here.”

Shi Hao just looked at the chat message and was not in a hurry to speak.

Bei Liang Shizi: “Then the matter of resurrecting the old sword god Li Chungang, you see…”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I will resurrect him.”

Shi Hao also had a friendship with Li Chungang, who once taught Shi Hao his sword “One Sword to Open the Gate of Heaven”.


At that time, Shi Hao had already learned the “Rulai Divine Palm” of the high martial arts world where Gu Jianfei was located, and there was no need for the martial arts world kendo of “one sword to open the gate of heaven”.

But after all, it is a friendship… And later, Li Chungang also worked hard to collect animal milk for Shi Hao.

It’s a pity that Li Chungang died too quickly.

But now there is Xu Xiaonian, the son of the Northern Liang who is in the same world as Li Chungang, who has joined the group.

Shi Hao can travel to the world where Li Chungang is located and resurrect Li Chungang… That nature, can be saved.

Bei Liang Shizi: “Thank you, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’ll travel through the past!”

Xu Xiaonian, you agree to my crossing application.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “Okay!”

Shi Hao traveled to the martial arts world where Xu Xiaonian was located.

Shi Hao was not interested in such a “fragile” martial arts world at all.

In the martial arts world with an ancient background, there are not many beast milks.

Shi Hao snapped his fingers and used the power of his own universe master to easily resurrect Li Chungang.


Shi Hao thought of the woman who was mistakenly killed by Li Chungang and liked by Li Chungang… Shi Hao also revived the woman Li Chungang liked by the way.

It is worth mentioning.

The woman that Li Chungang killed by mistake and whom he liked has been reincarnated.

In this martial arts world where Li Chungang is located, the strong can be reincarnated.

However, this is difficult for Shi Hao, the lord of the sixth-order universe, don’t care if he is reincarnated.

Under the power of Shi Hao’s universe master, everything can be restored in this world.” All right.

Then leave!”

Shi Hao snapped his fingers to resurrect Li Chungang and the woman Li Chungang liked, and then directly left the martial arts world where Li Chungang was located.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group prompt: group member Li Chungang has been resurrected.)

Bei Liang Shizi: “Thank you very much to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor for resurrecting the old sword god Li Chungang.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “In the future, I will also provide you with beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “As long as I don’t die, the animal milk will continue until you don’t need it.”

Bei Liang Shizi: “I’ll let my father raise more cattle and sheep!”

Build a ranch!”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Li Chungang: “Li Chungang, how do you feel about being resurrected by His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?”

Li Chungang can be said to be the first group member in the group to be resurrected by Shi Hao.


In addition to Li Chungang.

The group members who have a relationship with Shi Hao and die, as well as Song Que, Gu Jianfei, Jiujian Immortal, Wuyazi… Shi Hao did not want to resurrect these group members.

But there is simply no way to travel to their world.

Shi Hao can’t resurrect people out of thin air.

Using material energy out of thin air to create a brand new human being, Shi Hao can do it.

Li Chungang: “I’m looking at the chat history.”

Li Chungang: “Thank you, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, for sending your… Resurrected.”

Li Chungang is very grateful to Shi Hao.

The most grateful thing is that Shi Hao resurrected the regrets of his life.

Desolate Sky Emperor: “No need to thank you.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’ll go offline to chat groups.”

Chapter 104 Ding!

On the other side, Hong Yi joined the chat group (2) Shi Hao offline chat group.

Shi Hao wandered around the flower world again.

In the flower world, there are actually many immortals who play and watch.

Most of them are Heavenly Immortal Cultivators, and only a very few can have True Immortal Cultivation… As for Xuanxian Xingjun, they are all great immortals with their own star world, so they should not have this interest and come to this flower world to play.

“True Immortal… It’s already very good.”

“In this flower world, among about hundreds of immortals, there is only one true immortal, and the rest are all celestial immortals.”

“Scattered immortals, I haven’t seen it.

It should be a low-level immortal, not worthy to come to this flower world to play!”

Shi Hao looked casually.

Shi Hao was just looking at the scenery in this flower world, and although some people came to talk to him, they were all declined by him.

Shi Hao came to this flower world mainly to facilitate himself to travel to the world of other group members.


In the high-end flood world, Shi Hao did not dare to use the crossing function of thousands of world chat groups.

This flower world… It’s just that the Hundred Flowers Fairy, the world that opened up, that day Dao Hongjun, Honghuang Six Saints, should not pay attention to this kind of world.

Just like an elephant, it doesn’t stare at the dust.


Maybe not even the dust can compare to… That is the high-end Hongjun of the Heavenly Dao and the Six Saints of the Honghuang World!” Not.

This dew is delicious!”

Shi Hao praised.

This flower world opened up by the Hundred Flowers Fairy can not only see the scenery, but also have many delicious things in it.

It’s all brewed naturally in the world.

For example, “Hundred Flowers Dew Water” is the essence of a sea of flowers, drink it, refreshing, even immortals will feel that this taste is very wonderful.

There are also “flower spring water”, “Lingxiao flower dew”, “neon flower dew”… In a word.

In this flower world, there are many delicious “drinks”.

Shi Hao didn’t care at first, and took a sip of Hundred Flower Dew Water himself, only to find that it was really a good thing.

“For immortals, these are also wonderful drinks…”

“But for mortals, the dew in this flower world is a heavenly treasure!

Take a sip and you can get all the benefits.”

“The dew of Ling Xiaohua can help mortals comprehend the way of the sword.”

“Neon flower dew, one bite can help mortals improve their cultivation for a hundred years.”

“Hundred Flowers Dew Water, the best effect, drink it, you can make mortals reborn, no less than scattered immortals personally to wash people’s muscles and marrow.”

Shi Hao was idle, savoring the past one by one.

In the flower world, there are a hundred kinds of flowers, a total of one hundred and one “flower water”, all with different effects.

Shi Hao saw that this “flower dew water” was so delicious and the effect was so good, so he collected some wantonly.


The “flower water” in this flower world is everywhere, and as long as there is a sea of flowers, some can be condensed.

This one doesn’t want money…”If you don’t want money, then I’ll take it casually, it’s fine.”

Shi Hao was in a happy mood, mainly because he found a good “drink”.

Or up to a hundred and one flavors!

Immortals drank and said yes.

Shi Hao collects some dew here, and some dew there… But Shi Hao soon discovered that the dew of the collected flowers would gradually lose its effect and become ordinary dew over time.

“Shiro collected.”

Shi Hao had collected several tons of flower dew, and he was going to keep it for later as a “drink”.


This flower dew will gradually lose its effect as it leaves the sea of flowers and becomes ordinary dew.

Shi Hao felt quite speechless, no wonder the other immortals who were playing in the flower world did not collect this delicious flower dew, it turned out to be something that could only be drunk now!

“Forget it, let’s continue to look at the scenery!”

After Shi Hao knew this, he did not continue to collect flower dew, he looked at the scenery along the way, and encountered the taste of flower dew that he had not drunk, so he tasted it.

A sudden “ding” sounded in Shi Hao’s mind.


Hong Yi on the other side joined the chat group.”

This is another new group member entering the group.

That Northern Liang Shizi Xu Xiaonian came to the group not long ago.

But this is also normal.

The speed at which thousands of world chat groups add group members is random.” But, Hong Yi on the other side?”

“This character is very powerful!

It is much more powerful than a strong person like Sun Gohan who can only explode a star.”

Shi Hao recalled the memory of Hong Yi on the other side… Hong Yi on the other side is from the world of “The Other Shore”, that world, there are martial arts, there are immortal paths, martial arts cultivators immortals, and immortal ways cultivators ghost immortals.

Hong Yi, but a fellow practitioner of the Immortal Dao and the Martial Dao, eventually reached the supreme realm of both, and through the power of all saints, he stepped on the other shore, and finally achieved the “other side realm”.

The so-called realm on the other side is that it can resist the Big Bang without dying.

Can survive the crisis of the collapse of the great universe.

So to speak.

A strong man like Hong Yi in the realm on the other side can already make the Lord of the Universe look high.

Because the weaker Lord of the Universe can’t kill Hong Yi in seconds.

After all, Hong Yi of the realm on the other side can resist the Big Bang.

Chapter 104 Ding!

Group member Hong Yi on the other side has died… (iii) Of course.

Hong Yi of the realm on the other side was only able to survive the Big Bang instead of.

But he is not yet an adversary of a true Lord of the universe.

Shi Hao was very interested in Hong Yi in the realm on the other side, so he sank his consciousness into the thousands of world chat groups.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: “Ding!

Hong Yi on the other side joined the chat group.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Hong Yi on the other side: “Welcome to the group!”

Ray Movie: “Welcome to the newcomers.”

Hong Yi on the other side: “Huh? How did something like this come up in my head?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Look at the chat history information above.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Hong Yi, have you become the realm on the other side?” Then look at this chat record with consciousness, you should be able to read it in an instant.”

Thunder movie, the thunder god of Inazuma, when I first watched those chat records, I watched it instantly with consciousness.

Hong Yi in the realm on the other side is more powerful than Lei Movie, I don’t know how many times stronger!

Hong Yi on the other side: “What realm on the other side?”

Hong Yi on the other side: “Not good!

You are sent by Hong Shenji to plot against me!”

(Group tip: Group member Hong Yi on the other side is dead.)

Group leader Li Daxian: “???”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “This is?”

Lei Movie: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you are also alarmed!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Why did this Hong Yi die when he entered the group?”

Shi Hao was shocked.

If it was really Hong Yi of the other realm who entered the thousands of world chat groups, how could he die so simply? That’s a strong man who can resist the Big Bang.

Group leader Li Daxian: “… The one who entered the group was Hong Yi, who was more than ten years old, and he had not yet been able to achieve the realm on the other side, and it is estimated that his consciousness sank into the chat group of thousands of worlds, resulting in being attacked and killed by someone.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Everyone must be careful, consciousness sinks into thousands of world chat groups, it is easy to be sneak attacked.”

The group owner Li Xiang can view the information of the group members.

Group leader Li Xiang looked at the information of Hong Yi on the other side of the deceased group member and found that this Hong Yi was only a ten-year-old Hong Yi.

No wonder it’s so simple to pounce on the street, this is not the transcendent powerhouse of the future “The Other Side” world.

Desolate Sky Emperor: “…”

Shi Hao was also speechless.

These thousands of world chat groups are toxic, right? Many group members, who are in a “crisis”, are pulled into the group, which leads to distraction and dies as a result.

For example, Superman Clark Kent and this Hong Yi… Dead is quite funny.

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