Chapter 105 Becoming the Lord of the Seventh-Order Universe!

The Desolate Sky Emperor is about to destroy the universe!!

Shi Hao originally thought that Hong Yi of the other side realm was coming into the group, then Hong Yi of the other side realm can be said to be the second strongest in the chat group only below him.

Didn’t expect it.

It was the teenage Hong Yi who entered the group, and after entering the group, because his consciousness sank into the thousands of world chat groups, he was also attacked and died!

“It’s really impermanent…”

Shi Hao instantly lost interest and went offline to chat groups.

Shi Hao continued to be in the world of flowers, wandering around to see the scenery.

I feel the environment of this flower world, and staying is comfortable.


Shi Hao was in the flower world and found ~ an “acquaintance”.

That’s the green snake.

Shi Hao looked.

But see.

In this flower world, the green snake Xiaoqing followed behind a fairy dressed in white, saying something to the fairy in white.

And Shi Hao did not hide himself – traces.

Shi Hao discovered the green snake Xiaoqing, and that Xiaoqing naturally found him!

Xiaoqing said in shock: “Little Xingxing!”

The fairy in white frowned, “Xiaoqing, what are you shouting about in the flower world?” This flower world is opened up by the Hundred Flower Fairy and used to give the Heavenly Court immortals a distraction, and shouting here will cause people to be disgusted.”

Xiaoqing said: “No, no, no!

Sister Bai, I found out that when I was in the Nether, I killed my pet, and I was scared to fly to the little star of the immortal world!”

The fairy in white is none other than Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen said: “This is just a small thing.

Xiaoqing, you go with me, say hello to that Daoist friend, in the future, we will all rank in the immortal class in the Heavenly Court, that is, colleagues, bow your head and don’t look up, don’t complain about small things.”

Xiaoqing hid behind Bai Suzhen and said, “Then Sister Bai, go over!”

With your back… That little star shouldn’t do anything to me.”

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing flew towards Shi Hao.

Shi Hao was also a little surprised.

The Heavenly Court is very big and big, and in this flower world, he met Xiaoqing in the world of “Liaozhai” and made a little grudge with him.


What a coincidence.

Seeing Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing flying over, Shi Hao became vigilant.

This Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are both from monsters, don’t care how Bai Suzhen is described in the “Legend of the White Snake” story.

Anyway, Shi Hao wouldn’t believe in monsters.

In this high-end flooded world, the human race and the demon race naturally have a blood feud, at the beginning, during the reign of the demon emperor Dijun, the demon race almost wiped out the human race… Moreover.

Until now.

The Terran and the Demon are also still fighting.

The Terrans kill monsters, and after hunting monsters, all of them are treasures.

Yokai also eat people!

Cannibalism can be refined as!

And in the eyes of youkai, the taste of human flesh is very wonderful.

Bai Suzhen looked at the vigilant Shi Hao and said: “This Taoist friend, I am the interceptor Bai Suzhen, my sister Xiaoqing, when she was in the small world of “Liaozhai”, I had some small grudges with you, then a little holiday, just forget it!”

Shi Hao said: “I am Shi Hao of the Interpretation Sect, Bai Suzhen, and I have a grudge with your sister Xiaoqing, and I have understood it since I was in the Nether.

As long as you can’t provoke me, I won’t do anything.”

Bai Suzhen was surprised: “It turned out to be a Taoist friend of the Interpretation Sect… I don’t know if Shi Hao’s Daoist is a great power to learn from?”

Shi Hao said: “Then don’t ask, I came to the flower world to relax, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

Shi Hao left directly.

Shi Hao knew that in this high-end flooded world, the human race and the demon race were opposed.

Even in the Interpretation Sect, the Interpretation disciples from the Demon Race and the Interpretation Disciples from the Human Race can’t play together!

Let’s just say Li Fang, Li Fang’s Taoist friends Chen Sha and Linton, they are all from the Terran race!

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, although they are in the immortal class in this immortal world, they still can’t change their roots as demons… Shi Hao didn’t want to mess with demons, and then felt that demons were kind, and there were good demons or something, wasn’t that an adulterous act? After all, the human race and the demon race are racial opposites!!

“What a shame!

When I met this little star, this little star still doesn’t give your sister face.”

Xiaoqing saw Shi Hao leave like this, did not give Bai Suzhen any face, and complained.

Bai Suzhen said: “It seems that this Shi Hao Daoist is also an immortal who dislikes us demon races.”

Xiaoqing said, “Humph!

Did the immortal born of our demon clan eat his rice? They still hate us, do most of the people who expound on this virtue, and the human immortals we intercept will never discriminate against us.”

Bai Suzhen reminded: “Xiaoqing… This Shi Hao Daoist is much higher in cultivation than me, don’t provoke you in the future, and don’t talk nonsense.”

Xiaoqing was shocked: “Higher than your sister, your cultivation?” Sister, aren’t you a fourth-order true immortal? When Shi Hao was in the Nether… Obviously still a celestial immortal.”

Bai Suzhen said: “He may be the reincarnation of a certain golden immortal of the Interpretation Sect.

But he seems to hate us immortals from the demon clan, and we will stay away from him in the future.”

Bai Suzhen also has a background.

Not afraid of anything.

Xiaoqing nodded and muttered in a low voice, “Sister Bai, I don’t want to be ranked in the immortal class in this Heavenly Court!”

I want to go to the Nether and be a demon king, but it is much more majestic and comfortable than being a little immortal in this heavenly court.”

Bai Suzhen reminded: “Xiaoqing, look, back then you were only a few hundred years behind me in cultivation… Now that I have become a fourth-order true immortal, you are still only a second-rank heavenly immortal, eh.

If I let you go on again…”

Xiaoqing said: “It’s not that you have a sister.”

Bai Suzhen was speechless.

Shi Hao also felt a little embarrassed.

Met Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the flower world.

Shi Hao was a little unhappy.

Good that there was no conflict.

Otherwise there will be trouble again.

“Forget it, don’t go shopping.”

“Find a place to lie down and rest for half a day!”

Shi Hao muttered to himself.

He met Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and ruined his interest in looking at the scenery of the flower world.


The next day came.

The flower world is only daytime.

No night.

Shi Hao is waiting for today’s beast milk red envelope… Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group prompt: group leader Li Daxian sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Araga!”

(Group tip: Group member Lei Movie sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Dagu sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Harry Potter sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Xiongba sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member First Emperor sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Liu Peiqiang sends a red envelope to group member Emperor Desolate Heaven.)

(Group tip: Group member Butterfly Ninja sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

Bei Liang Shizi: “I have it too.”

(Group tip: Group member Bei Liang Shizi sends a red envelope to group member Emperor Desolate.)

Chapter 105 Becoming the Lord of the Seventh-Order Universe!

Trillion light years of true immortal body (2) There is nothing to do in the thousands of world chat groups.


And as usual.

This time, Shi Hao also received today’s beast milk red envelope, spoke casually, and went offline to chat group.

“Today, the group leader Li Xiang gave me 800 million pounds of animal milk.”

“Dagu gave me two billion pounds of animal milk.”

“Sun Gohan used the gold given by Liu Peiqiang to buy three three billion pounds of animal milk for me on the earth of the Dragon Ball world, with the help of Boomer’s relationship.”

“Harry Potter, his parents, godfather and Dumbledore also scraped together more than 200 million pounds of animal milk for me today…”

“Plus the animal milk given by other group members.

Today’s portion is about 6.4 billion pounds of animal milk.”

Shi Hao simply calculated it.

He drank all of the roughly 6.4 billion animal milk.

(Animal milk system), instantly converted these animal milk into skill points: (Skill points: 77,999,254) More than 70 million skill points.

It is enough to raise the “Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” to one level.

Shi Hao’s heart moved, and he immediately improved the “Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” (Jade True Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method Sixth Stage (can be promoted))

(The seventh order of the Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Creation Method (which cannot be upgraded)) consumed more than 55 million skill points.

The Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method has been upgraded to the seventh level!

Shi Hao’s strength skyrocketed by at least ten times!

The universe in his body has reached ten billion light years!

If it is to use the Dharma Heaven and Earth of the Great Perfection Realm, then.

Shi Hao’s True Immortal Body will be able to reach a trillion billion light years in size!

Trillions of light years, how big is that? Even if it is the Milky Way, compared to a trillion light years… It’s just like dust.

Let alone.

Shi Hao is a true immortal body of a trillion billion light years!” I’m afraid I can easily destroy the universe.”

Shi Hao was stunned.

He is only a seventh-order true immortal, and he has the power to destroy the universe at will!

You know, True Immortalland, but there are eighteen orders… The improvement of each level of cultivation is at least a tenfold increase in strength!


It is the horror of the practice of the high-end Honghuang World Immortal Dao Realm!

Shi Hao was familiar with the strength of his seventh-order True Immortals.

In the flower world, Shi Hao didn’t have to be careful.

Because this flower world is a thousand worlds.

The Middle Thousand World is a world that is enough to give birth to “True Immortals” and even “Xuan Immortals”.

Shi Hao’s seventh-order cultivation of the True Immortal, don’t look at the fact that he can easily destroy the ordinary universe.


Want to destroy the world of Zhongqian? Can’t find it at all!

… This flower world is almost vast and endless, even if Shi Hao uses the Dharma Heaven and Earth of the Great Perfection Realm, it has become a trillion light years in size, but compared to this flower world, it is still a drop in the ocean.

You know, the Xuan Immortal Xingjun above the true immortals is qualified to rule the middle thousand worlds.

In the high-end flood world, the Immortal Heavenly Court, the true immortal, just has some status and status.

Xuan Xian can be regarded as entering the middle level.

Generally, if you become a Xuanxian Xingjun, you are qualified to go to the “Lingxiao Treasure Hall” and meet the Jade Emperor.

And the true immortals… If there are no special circumstances, you will not even be qualified to meet the Jade Emperor.

“But this flower world is so big, I was able to meet Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the flower world before.”

“It’s really not an ordinary obscurity.”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.

Shi Hao has been playing in this flower world for two or three days, but he is actually a little tired of playing himself.

But no way.

Who makes the high-end flood world too terrifying.

Shi Hao only dared to use the traversal function of the Thousands of Worlds chat group if he stayed in other worlds other than the high-end Honghuang world.

If you are in the high-end flood world… Shi Hao will be restrained, and if something happens in thousands of world chat groups, he can’t deal with it in time.

At least, don’t dare to use the traversal feature of chat groups at all.

Shi Hao looked for a sea of neon flowers and stayed.

The sea of neon flowers in the flower world has a calming effect.

Shi Hao was just sitting in a sea of neon flowers.


Thousands of world chat groups, but there was a “ding” sound.” Bite!

The group task has been released.”

is the prompt tone published by the group task.

Shi Hao was idle and had nothing to do, so he entered the thousands of world chat groups and checked it out.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tips: group tasks are issued, please destroy the old universe)

(Mission introduction: The old universe is full of absurdity and weirdness, the old dominator is coming, the human race is completely destroyed, the living and souls are dead, please destroy the old universe…)

(Mission Requirement: Destroy the Old Universe)

(Mission reward: one trillion group points) Group leader Li Daxian: “Huh? Destroy a universe?”

Lei Movie: “Group leader, what are you so surprised for?”

Liu Peiqiang: “… Lord Thor, I’m afraid you don’t know the concept of the universe, right?”

Chapter 105: The Desolate Heaven Emperor is about to destroy the universe!!

(3) Thousands of world chat groups and chat interfaces: Liu Peiqiang: “The diameter of my universe that can be observed is at least 93 billion light years!”

And the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light.”

Liu Peiqiang: “One light year is equal to about ten trillion kilometers.

At a distance of 93 billion light-years, this is only the diameter of the universe… Moreover, this is only the minimum guess, the universe may be bigger and vast!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Yes…”

Group leader Li Daxian: “As far as the earth is concerned, the diameter of the earth is only more than 12,000 kilometers in diameter.

Not even a fraction of a light-year distance.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Don’t talk about the earth, the solar system is only one or two light years away.

Universe of 93 billion light years…”

Group leader Li Daxian: “The chat group actually publishes this kind of group task, and in this chat group, except for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, no one can destroy the universe.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “The group mission actually asks to destroy the universe?”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “I just previewed a few books, I saw the chat group post group tasks, and hurriedly came up to check it.”

Super Saiyan Son Gohan: “Destroy the universe… This is really beyond human reach, right? My dad couldn’t do it either.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “People can destroy the universe.

His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor can.”

Lei Movie: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, are you there?”

Emperor Desolate: “In it.

I’m busy with my business for the time being, and I’ll be free in the next few days.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, look, do you want to take this group task?”

The leader of the group, Li Xiang, hopes that the “Desolate Sky Emperor” can take over the group task.

Because if three consecutive group missions fail, his position as group leader will be canceled.

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’ll think about it.”

Shi Hao was thinking, what good can be done to destroy this old universe? The benefits seem to be only group integrals.

But…… It’s a trillion group points!

“Destroy a universe and get trillions of group points.”

“Get a million billion group points, then I won’t lack group points in the future, right?”

“And destroying a universe, for me, is quite simple.”

“The old ruler in the old universe, I am not afraid.

Old Dominators or something, isn’t it a high-energy alien?”

Shi Hao groaned.

Shi Hao’s strength is actually terrifying!!

High-end flood world, that’s because there are too many strong people!

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