Chapter 118: One Billion Skill Points!

Achievement of Yuqing Xuanxian!!

Li Fang is indeed very tired.

Originally, he was going to talk to Senior Brother Nezha, and he would be able to obtain the “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Practice Method”.


Who knows if Nezha is not at home!

Li Fang didn’t know many great immortal families, and Li Fang was also worried that Shi Hao, the “powerful reincarnation”, would be poached by others… Thereupon.

Li Fang thought about it for a while, simply troubled himself, ran to the ancestral court of the Honghuang Kunlun Mountain, and took the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method”.

Li Fang handed the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” to Shi Hao, talked with Shi Hao, and went to work in the imperial horse prison.

According to Li Fang, the imperial horse supervisor has given birth to little Tianma recently, and if he doesn’t look at it, he can’t take care of it with just a few small histories of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

“This Li Fang is not bad.”

“No matter what, at least, the “Jade Qing Zhen Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” and the current “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Practice Method” were given to me by him.”

Shi Hao wrote down Li Fang’s favor.

Shi Hao showed Li the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” that Li gave him.

For this “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method”, whether there are any errors or omissions, Shi Hao has his own verification method.

That is… Just look at the system panel (of the veterinary milk system).

Exercises with errors and omissions will not be displayed on the system panel (of the veterinary milk system).

And Shi Hao read the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method”, and then looked at his system panel: (animal milk system)

(Host: Shi Hao)

(Skill points: 480129,105)

(Exercise skills: Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method is not introduced (cannot be promoted), Yuqing Zhenxian Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method Eighteenth Order (cannot be promoted), Dapin Tianxian Duel 36th Rank Tianxian (non-promotional)…)

Above…”Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” appeared on Shi Hao’s system panel.

“There are no mistakes.”

“This means that the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” is complete and can be improved…”

“But I still have more than 480 million skill points left, but I can’t improve the Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method? This adds the skill points required to improve the “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method”, which is much higher than the “Jade Qing Zhen Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method”, right?”

Shi Hao was a little speechless.

He looks at his system panel.

On the system panel, the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” did appear.


However, it shows that the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” cannot be improved for the time being.

What does this mean? Representation skill points are not enough!

“Jade Pure Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method”, consuming more than 50 million skill points, you can improve by one rank.

But this “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method”, more than 480 million skill points, is not enough to upgrade it to the beginning.

“Forget it.

If you don’t have enough skill points, then wait.”

“The members of the group will provide me with a large amount of animal milk every day.”

“No rush.”

Shi Hao’s heart was calm.

After all, the skill points are not enough to improve the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method”, then Shi Hao can’t do it.

I can only wait for tomorrow’s animal milk to arrive.

Shi Hao temporarily lived in Li Fang’s Bow Ma Wen Mansion.

In a blink of an eye.

The flood sun star sets.

A day passes.

By the next day.

Shi Hao received red envelopes sent to him by many group members.” Today’s animal milk has arrived!”

Shi Hao’s spirits are lifted!

To know.

Now the exercises are in place.

Shi Hao just lacks skill points, and he can become a Xuan Immortal in this high-end flood world!

Shi Hao’s consciousness sank into thousands of world chat groups!

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tip: group member Thor sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group leader Li Daxian sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Super Saiyan Sun Gohan sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members, sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

(Group tip: Group member Dagu sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Heavenly Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Supergirl Kara sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

Supergirl Kara: “2.1 billion pounds of animal milk~”.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Liu Peiqiang: “Three billion pounds of animal milk.”

Butterfly Ninja @ Liu Peiqiang: “2.32 million pounds of animal milk.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Got it.”

Thor @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!!”

My Father, Odin, is thankful that you have made me what this normal god should be!”

Thor @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “My father God Odin launched the Northern God System and collected 50 billion pounds of beast milk for you, thank you for this.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I am 7.8 billion pounds of beast milk here today, and for the time being, this data is probably the limit.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “But I have ordered that pastures be established all over my world, and more animal milk will be provided to you in the future.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Today is still 800 million pounds of animal milk.

However, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, how much animal milk do you need, the animal milk we provide to you is hundreds of billions of catties.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “I practice an Immortal Emperor-level treasure art, and I need a lot of beast milk, how much I need, I don’t know.

When I finish cultivating, I won’t need it.”

Shi Hao casually made up excuses to deal with it.

Group leader Li Daxian: “Immortal emperor-level treasure technique? Hiss.

Then if you need to consume animal milk, you should need a huge amount of animal milk…”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’m temporarily offline from the chat group.

I’ve been very busy these days.”

Dagu: “Today it is still two billion pounds of animal milk.”

Dagu: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, when you are busy, see if you can…”

Emperor Desolate: “Yes.”

Shi Hao received all the beast milk red envelopes for today and went offline to the chat group.

Shi Hao calculated it.


Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, sent him a group of red envelopes, is a big head!

Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, gave Shi Hao a full 50 billion pounds of beast milk today!

It’s amazing!

As for the rest of the group members, most of the animal milk given today is still the amount given.

“But Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world, did not send me red envelopes today!”

“Don’t provide me with animal milk? Thanks to me yesterday that he was sensible.”

Shi Hao pouted.

Thor, the thunder god of the “Marvel” world, can provide Shi Hao with not much beast milk, and yesterday he provided 23 billion pounds of beast milk!

“I have to think of a way to let Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world, continue to provide me with animal milk.”

Shi Hao took this matter to heart.

For Shi Hao, the harvest of more than 20 billion pounds of animal milk every day is not too little.

Because more than 20 billion pounds of beast milk, that is 2.3 billion skill points!

Chapter 118 Become a Xuan Immortal!

The strength has skyrocketed a hundredfold!


“And today, the animal milk obtained is about 63.5 billion catties.”

“Of these roughly 63.5 billion beast milks, a very small part of them are divine beast milk and fierce beast milk.”

“The divine beast milk and the fierce beast milk are both contained in the beast milk given by Athena or Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world.”

Shi Hao counted today’s animal milk.

Then, in one gulp, he swallowed all of today’s about 63.5 billion pounds of animal milk into his stomach.

(Animal milk system), instantly converted these 63.5 billion pounds of animal milk into skill points.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 1,248,966,724) More than 1,248 million skill points!” So many skill points…”

Shi Hao looked at the exercise skill column on the (animal milk system) system panel: (Exercise skills: Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method is not introduced (can be promoted), Jade Qingqing True Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method Eighteenth Order (cannot be promoted), Dapin Tianxian Duel 36th Rank Tianxian (cannot be promoted)…)


“The Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method can be improved a little!”

Shi Hao was a little excited.

Shi Hao immediately moved his mind and improved the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method is not introduced (can be improved))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method First Stage (not Upgradeable)) “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method”, never started, promoted to the first level!

This is enough to consume Shi Hao’s billion skill points!

But, it’s worth it!!

Because Shi Hao achieved the realm of Xuan Immortal in the high-end flood barren world!

The Xuan Immortals of the high-end Honghuang World have a total of thirty steps, and each level must be thorough

(Subscribe for…) Enlighten a hundred laws… When he reached the thirtieth level, the Xuan Immortal of the Great Perfection level would completely master the Three Thousand Laws, and could combine the Three Thousand Laws to form the Supreme Law Immortal Light!


Don’t look at the Xuan Immortal Realm of the high-end Honghuang World, there are thirty orders, and you think that the Xuan Immortal Realm has improved its cultivation by one order, and the strength of improvement is less… In fact.

It’s the same as the true fairyland of the high-end flood world… The Xuan Immortal Realm of the high-end Honghuang World also skyrocketed in strength by at least ten times every time he improved his first-order cultivation!

“This is… Xuan Immortal Realm.”

Shi Hao raised the “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” to the first level!

He became a Xuan Immortal, thoroughly comprehended a hundred laws, and incorporated them into his own universe.

Shi Hao felt… His strength has increased by about a hundred times!

From the Great Perfection of the True Immortal Realm to the first stage of the Xuan Immortal Realm, it is about a hundredfold increase in strength!!

And the reason why the Xuan Immortal realm is strong.”.” It’s a thorough understanding of the law.”

Shi Hao snapped his fingers, and at his fingertips, a hundred laws appeared!

Law is the foundation for building everything!

And after a thorough comprehension of the law.

“I can fuse a hundred laws into one!”

“This is the Xuan Immortal Realm.

It is the foundation of all things and the ruler of the three thousand laws!”

“A Xuan Immortal, with just a single movement of his mind and the mobilization of the law, can destroy the foundation of all things… One thought can shatter the world.”

Shi Hao dispersed the hundred laws of his fingertips.

The first level of the Xuan Immortal realm is to thoroughly comprehend a hundred laws in order to achieve it!

After becoming a Xuan Immortal, the universe in Shi Hao’s body also became much stronger under the blessing of a hundred laws that he had thoroughly comprehended.

“And there is… Xuanxian Immortal Light!”

Shi Hao’s heart moved, and around him, a faint layer of law fairy light appeared.

This immortal light is formed by the fusion of the power of a hundred laws, and is provided by Shi Hao’s basic universe.

Under Xuan Immortal, even if it is the attack of the eighteenth-order Great Perfection Realm True Immortal, it will definitely not be able to break this layer of law immortal light on Shi Hao’s body.

“Xuan Xian is very strong!

Enlighten the three thousand laws and merge them into one.

It is the great consummation of the Xuan Immortal realm.”

“But in the Xuan Immortal realm, there are many skill points consumed!”

“To become a Xuan Immortal, it took about a billion skill points.”

Shi Hao adapted to his strength after becoming a Xuan Immortal, so he looked at the system panel: (Animal milk system)

(Host: Shi Hao)

(Skill points: 247,999,164)

(Exercise skills: Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method First Stage (non-promotionable), Jade Qingzhen Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method Eighteenth Stage (non-promotionable), Dapin Tianxian Duel 36th Rank Tianxian (non-promotionable)…)


Before adding points to upgrade the “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method”, Shi Hao had more than 1,248 million skill points.

After adding points to upgrade the “Jade Qing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” to the first level, there were only more than 247.9 million skill points left.

The approximate consumption of adding points to improve the first order of the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” is about one billion skill points.

“Do the math, every level of the Xuan Immortal Realm must thoroughly comprehend a hundred laws.

The consumption is about a billion skill points.”

“That is, about ten million skill points, and understand a law.”

“Huh? So count.

I feel that if I completely comprehend a law, it only takes about 10 million skill points, which is quite cheap.”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.

Now that he has become a Xuan Immortal, Shi Hao thinks about becoming the Heavenly Court Xuan Immortal Xingjun of the high-end Honghuang World.

The Heavenly Court Xuanxian Xingjun, who can occupy a star world, is a great immortal family, ranking in the fifth and sixth rank immortals.

“If you become the Heavenly Court Star Monarch, you will occupy a star world in this high-end flood world.”

“Then, I can also be regarded as having a place in this high-end flood world!”

Shi Hao Xiu is enough.

Now he is a first-order Xuan Immortal.

But the question is…”How do I become the Heavenly Court Star Lord?”

“Xuan Immortal cultivation is enough? Or do you have to ask for something else?”

Shi Hao doesn’t know this, this is not common sense.

The Heavenly Court Star Monarch of the high-end Honghuang World is a great immortal family, and he can enter and exit the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, meet the Jade Emperor, and make a small report with the Jade Emperor.

It is difficult for ordinary Heavenly Court Celestial Immortals to intersect with Xuanxian Xingjun.” Let’s go ask Linton Daoist!”

“Daoist Linton, I am the steward of the Heavenly Court Office, he should know how to become the Heavenly Court Star Monarch after I become a Xuan Immortal.”

Shi Hao thought slightly, and decided to go to Li Fang’s friend Linton to ask Yong.


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