Chapter 119: Emperor Ziwei’s Edict Seals Shi Hao as the Shanhai Star Monarch!

In the heavenly court, there are many immortals.

How many immortals are there exactly? Shi Hao didn’t know.

But just the imperial horse supervisor where Li Fang is located, there are millions of Heavenly Immortals, managing hundreds of millions of Heavenly Horses.

The imperial horse supervisor is only a small department of the Heavenly Court.

There are many immortals, and there are many Heavenly Court offices.

The main office of the Heavenly Court is the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

And Linton is the ninth quality steward of a small office in the Heavenly Court.

Shi Hao had followed Linton and went to the Heavenly Court office where Linton was located.

Now he is familiar with the road and comes here.

Shi Hao successfully found Linton.

Linton is on duty at the Heavenly Court office.

Seeing Shi Hao, Linton greeted him warmly: “Daoist Shi Hao, come and drink a cup of immortal tea.”

Own Linton’s subordinates poured tea.

Linton said with a smile: “Daoist Shi Hao, how did you come out of the flower world so quickly?” It’s a nice place to relax!

Especially a place called Sunflower Land, where you can get the essence of the sun, which is very suitable for naps.”

Shi Hao cut to the chase and said, “Daoist Linton, I have become a Xuan Immortal, I want to ask you, I have become a Xuan Immortal, if I want to become a star lord of the Heavenly Court, what process should I take?” Are there any additional requirements?”

If it is too troublesome to become a Heavenly Court Star Monarch… Shi Hao will choose to give up.

Because it’s not worth it.

Linton was shocked: “Shi Hao Daoyou, have you become a Xuan Immortal?”

Shi Hao’s surrounding body emitted Xuan Immortal Light, which was a fairy light formed by the fusion of a hundred laws, and it couldn’t be fake!

Linton also knew what Xuan Xian was, and his face was full of shock, and he said, “This is too fast!”

A few days ago.

When Linton saw Shi Hao.

Shi Haocai is only a third-order true immortal… After a few days, it became a Xuan Immortal.

Even if it is the reincarnation of the “Golden Immortal Power”, it is too fast and too fast!

Shi Hao said: “Don’t be surprised, don’t be surprised, you see, I have become a Xuan Immortal, this should be possible to be a Heavenly Court Star Monarch, right?” If it’s too much trouble… Then forget it.”

Linton took a sip of fairy tea and calmed down.

Realizing that Shi Hao could go from a third-order true immortal to a Xuan Immortal in just a few days… Linton became even more enthusiastic and said, “Senior Brother Shi Hao, do you want the Heavenly Court Xingjun 057?” This is very simple, Senior Brother Shi Hao, you have Xuan Immortal cultivation, human origin, and we are people in the sect, you only need to go to Emperor Ziwei and ask for an edict to become the Heavenly Court Star Monarch.”

Ziwei the Great is the second emperor of the Heavenly Court after the Jade Emperor.

Zhongtian Ziwei the Great, aka: Lord of the Stars.

Emperor Ziwei has the qualifications to be the Edict Star Monarch.

At this time, Emperor Ziwei of the Heavenly Court was from the human race, and had the identity of a disciple of the Interpretation Sect, and was a disciple of Yuan Shi Tianzun who was later accepted.

Shi Hao was a little confused about this Linton’s enthusiasm, and said: “Daoist Linton, why do you call me Senior Brother? Just call Daoist friends… Then how to ask Emperor Ziwei for an edict?”

Linton said: “Senior Brother Shi Hao, your cultivation has reached the realm of Xuan Immortals, it is time for me to call you Senior Brother.

On the immortal road, the master is respected.”

Linton thought about it again and said, “As for asking Emperor Ziwei for the Star Monarch’s edict, this is simple!”

Emperor Ziwei is our uncle, my master and Emperor Ziwei also have a relationship, I will take Senior Brother Shi Hao to Ziweitian and ask for an edict from the Star Monarch.”

Disciples of the Interpretation Sect, there is really a network of relationships all over the Heavenly Court… Shi Hao said: “Then trouble Linton Daoist.”

Linton smiled: “It’s not troublesome.

Just take a walk.”


Shi Hao drank a cup of tea, and was taken by Linton to the Immortal World Ziweitian.

There are thirty-three heavens in the immortal world.

Lin Dun, Li Fang, Chen Sha, etc., all served in Ling Xiaotian, where the Jade Emperor was located.

And the Immortal Ziwei Heaven is the territory of the Zhongtian Ziwei Emperor.

Emperor Ziwei lives in Ziwei Heaven all year round.

Linton took Shi Hao to Ziweitian.

Linton just took Shi Hao and visited several Taoists in Ziweitian, and met with an uncle who explained the teacher.


Waited for a little half a day.

Shi Hao got a copy of the Ziwei Emperor’s edict.

This edict of Emperor Ziwei is an edict that seals Shi Hao as the “Lord of Mountains and Seas”.

Shi Hao was a little confused and said, “Daoist Linton, it’s that simple, I have become the Heavenly Court Star Monarch?”

Linton said, “Yes!

There are more than eight trillion Heavenly Court Star Monarchs, and we explain to our disciples, as long as they cultivate enough to become Heavenly Court Star Monarchs, that is just a matter of one word from our elders.”

Shi Hao was shocked and said, “More than eight trillion Heavenly Court Star Monarchs? There are so many Xuan Immortals in the Heavenly Court?”

Linton said: “There will only be more Heavenly Court Xuan Immortals than this, and there are many Heavenly Court Xuan Immortals, who are not in the position of Star Monarch.”

Shi Hao immediately felt that the words that this Heavenly Court Xuan Immortal was a “Great Immortal Family” was very watery.

Linton said with a smile: “Senior Brother Shi Hao, you have taken the edict of the Star Monarch, come with me to the Heavenly Court Office again, and receive the official seal and official uniform of the Heavenly Court Star Monarch, and you will be able to take up the post of the Shanhai Star World and become the official Heavenly Court Star Monarch.”

Shi Hao asked, “Daoist Linton, do you have any duties to become the Heavenly Court Star Monarch?”

Linton mused, “Duty… It’s probably just about taking care of your star world.

This duty generally does not cause accidents, because there are three hundred and sixty-five trillion star worlds in the immortal world, of which only more than eight trillion star worlds have masters, and there are Heavenly Court Xuanxian Xingjun sitting in the town.

Those star worlds that do not have Xuanxian Xingjun sitting in are also good.”

Shi Hao nodded.

Linton said again: “Senior Brother Shi Hao, you have become the Star Lord of the Heavenly Court, and you will have to select some subordinates to manage the Star World for you, but remember… Try not to choose monster-born celestial immortals and true immortals as your subordinates.

We expound… Do you understand?”

Expounding is that the red fruit looks down on the monster.

Yuan Shi Tianzun played a leading role.

Immortals who have always looked down on youkai shots.

This is certainly a good thing for the Terrans!

After all, people and demons have always had blood feuds.

Therefore, the talented people of the human race often join the teachings.

The Terrans who entered the Interception Sect are generally not very qualified, so they go to the Interception Sect and call them brothers and brothers with a group of monsters.

However, the immortal path is not a good talent, so it will definitely be able to go far.

Among the sects, there are also Terrans who are not very talented and have become powerful people.

Shi Hao had read many books introducing the common sense of the high-end flood world, and understood that the interpretation of the sect looked down on monsters, which was a very good characteristic.

Shi Hao said: “Don’t worry, Daoist Linton, I will not choose an immortal from a monster as an immortal official under my command.”

Chapter 119 Shanhai Xingjun is idle, staying in Shanhai Xingchen Mansion (2) Shi Hao followed.

He followed Linton and went to the Heavenly Court Office, and received the Immortal Official Uniform and Immortal Official Seal of the Heavenly Court Xingjun.

“That’s done.”

“After that, Senior Brother Shi Hao, you are the Heavenly Court Mountain Sea Star Monarch, if Junior Brother I have something to ask you in the future, don’t prevaricate!”

Linton took Shi Hao for most of the day, and finally had to be idle at this time, he took a sip of fairy tea and said.

Shi Hao understood that Linton did these things for him, which can be regarded as he owed Linton a favor, and he said: “Daoist Linton, I will not forget your favor, then I am… So you can go to the Mountains and Seas Star Realm to take office?”

Linton thought for a while and said, “You can go to the Mountains and Seas Star Realm to take office!”

Senior Brother Shi Hao, look at the Immortal Official Seal in your hand, this is an immortal artifact, and it will have control over the Heavenly Court Mountain and Starfish.”

Linton said again, “However, Senior Brother Shi Hao, after you take office as the Lord of Shanhai Xingjun, wait for a month or two, and His Majesty the Jade Emperor (BCFA) will summon you.

You have to go to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall to show up.”

Shi Hao said: “… This Heavenly Court Star Monarch, more than eight trillion, His Majesty the Jade Emperor, still have time to see me?”

If you don’t know, it’s just that.

But Shi Hao knew that the Heavenly Court Xingjun was not worth anything at all, more than eight trillion!

The Jade Emperor still has more than eight trillion star monarchs to spare? Nonsense, right? Linton said with a smile: “Senior Brother Shi Hao, don’t underestimate the Heavenly Court Xingjun, this is a six-rank immortal position.

Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, I will summon you once, and then I will feel free after that.”

Shi Hao nodded.

After chatting with Linton again, figuring out all the duties of the Heavenly Court Mountain Sea Star Monarch, Shi Hao left.

“Unexpectedly, the special Heavenly Court Mountain Sea Star Jun turned out to be idle!”

“No, it should be said that in addition to the three hundred and sixty-five True God Star Monarchs, it involves the solar term operation of the high-end flood world…”

“All the rest of the Heavenly Court Star Monarchs are idle.”

“Heavenly Court Star Monarch, although it is a six-rank immortal position, but except for being able to control a star world, there is no real power.”

“No wonder it was sealed for me so easily.”

Shi Hao pondered in his heart… After a conversation with Linton, Shi Hao clearly understood that the Star Monarch of the Heavenly Court, except for “three hundred and sixty-five True God Star Monarchs will be involved in the operation of the Honghuang World”, the rest are all idle.

Since it is an idle position, then naturally, if the cultivation is in place, it can be arranged casually.


“Idle office is idle post.”

“I am in charge of the mountains and seas, and with the control of the star world, I can be regarded as occupying a place in this high-end flood world.”

“The power of the Heavenly Court or something… It’s important to have your own strength.”

“With the Shanhai Star World, I can enter the Shanhai Star World, silently improve myself, and then come out when I become a Xuan Immortal of the Great Perfection Realm!”

“Huh? No, according to Linton.

In a month or two, the Jade Emperor will summon me… I have to go to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, this is a bit troublesome.”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.


Shi Hao walked and already came to Li Fang’s Bow Ma Wen Mansion.

Li Fang is not at home!

Still working in the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

Shi Hao left a letter to Li Fang, saying that he had become a Xuan Immortal, relying on the relationship of Linton’s Taoist friends, he was now a “Mountain and Sea Star Monarch”, so he went to the world of Mountain and Sea Star.

If Li Fang has anything to do, he can come to the world of mountains and seas and stars to find him.

He told Li Fang about becoming a Shanhai Xingjun.

Shi Hao went to the Tianting Mountain Starfish.

In the immortal world, there are about three hundred and sixty-five trillion stars!

Inside every star, there is a thousand worlds.

Mountain and sea star is a slightly remote star in the fairy world.

“Although it is slightly remote, this mountain and sea star, among which the Middle Thousand Star World, is not bad, not weaker than the flower world opened up by the Hundred Flower Fairy, or even stronger.”

Shi Hao took the official seal of the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch and entered the World of Mountain and Sea Stars to check it out.

Seeing that in the world of mountains, seas and stars, the environment is very good, there are many creatures living, and tens of thousands of trillions of human beings live, and I suddenly feel a little satisfied.

It seems that Linton’s network is still reliable.

How to say it is also to explain the disciples.

It is normal to expound this sect of saints, and the network of relationships is layer by layer.

It’s like during the God Sealing War, the relationship network over there… Cough, being dragged into the water by a Shengong leopard.


This star has the Star Monarch Mansion.

But in the Star Monarch Mansion, there are only a few Heavenly Court True Immortals sitting in the town.

Shi Hao went to the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch Mansion, showed his Mountain and Sea Star Monarch official seal, plus did not hide it, and bluntly stated his identity as a disciple of the sect.


Shi Hao successfully took over the Shanhai Xingjun Mansion.

Those few true immortals also became Shi Hao’s subordinates.

Shi Hao looked at several true immortals in this Mountain and Sea Star Monarch’s Mansion, all of them were Terran true immortals, so he let them stay… If they are true immortals of the demon clan, then they will definitely be let them go!

“Shanhai Xingjun, is a six-rank immortal official, there can be nine eight-rank immortal officials and eighty-one nine-rank immortal officials under his command.”

“As for the position of Immortal History, this can be given casually, and the number does not exceed 10,000.”

Shi Hao entered the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch Mansion.

When he first took office as the Lord of Shanhai Xing, there were only a few Terran True Immortals who originally sat in Shanhaixing.

But Shi Hao did not mean to recruit his subordinates.

“Recruiting subordinates… It’s a headache to think about, forget it, the world of mountains, seas and stars is just a jump platform for me.”

“It’s just a matter of living here for a while.

It’s too troublesome to recruit subordinates, how was it managed here before, and how will it be managed in the future.”

“Anyway, Shanhai Xingjun is idle, and there is nothing for me.”

Shi Hao planned so.

Other than that.

Shi Hao thought of Yun Qingsu and helped him a lot when he was in the world of “Liaozhai”.

It was already preparing to transfer Yun Qingsu to his world of mountains, seas and stars.

The world of mountains and seas and stars is a thousand worlds, of which there are many “oil and water”.

At least for true immortals, a thousand worlds in one side can completely provide them with what they need to practice.

Shi Hao is preparing to transfer Yun Qingsu so that Yun Qingsu can reap the benefits in the world of mountains and seas.

It can also be regarded as repaying Yun Qingsu for helping him in the world of “Liaozhai”.

“And the matter of my parents, my parents are still in the world of “Liaozhai”.”

“But how long have I soared!

Surely my parents don’t want to come to this flooded world yet, right? Forget it, wait a few more days, and then go to the world of “Liaozhai” to see.”

Shi Hao decided.

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