Chapter 127: Achieving a Tenth-Order Xuan Immortal!

The strength has skyrocketed 10,000 times!

Think of the universe as dust!

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Liu Peiqiang: “That’s right.”

Liu Peiqiang: “I know that the Undefeated Demon Emperor is not a bad person, and you have never done anything crazy.

Just want to live.”

Liu Peiqiang: “But whether it saves you or not, it is the matter of His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, and you should not deceive you with words.

You should tell the truth.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “To tell the truth…”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “What else am I telling the truth?” You should know, you all know.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “You all said it too.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “That’s right, I just want to live, I have never fought with an existence of the same level, and I have always been cautious.

So it was jokingly called: Undefeated Demon Emperor, the weakest in history… Emperor-level powerhouse.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Alas.

I just want to live.

I want to live well.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, sincerely say… I hope you can help me solve the evil heavenly path of my world.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “In the future, I will do my best to provide you with beast milk, one or two billion catties a day is just the foundation!”

Gritting my teeth, I can make three to four billion pounds of animal milk a day!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “You won’t want to squeeze the Terrans of your world, will you?”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “How so.

I’ll make a lot of money.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “It’s good that I am also an emperor-level powerhouse who survived millions of years ago… There is still some net worth.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “But Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you only need beast milk… I guess you can’t look at my net worth.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Beast milk?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Are you talking about animal milk?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom, @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!!”

I can give you a huge amount of animal milk today!”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “How huge?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “It won’t be tens of thousands of catties, it’s a huge amount, right?”

Ray Movie: “Akuya don’t make trouble.”

Lei movie: “The Desolate Sky Emperor chats with the new group of 12 members of the Undefeated Demon Emperor.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Akuya, don’t show your IQ in the group.”

Emperor Desolate: “Thank you Akuya, you.

No matter how little animal milk is, it is also a wish.”

Shi Hao was not disgusted with Akuya.

This goddess of intellectual retardation is actually very good in heart.

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Damn!

Except for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!

Do you all look down on me?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Humph!

I still look down on you!

Just some animal milk!

You give His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor little by little all day, and you don’t dislike shabby!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom, @ Emperor Desolate Sky: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

The animal milk you need later!

I’m all inclusive!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “This will provide you with 400 billion pounds of beast milk!”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “…”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Akuya, you’re not bragging, are you?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Underestimate me, right?” I’ll give it to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “It’s just 400 billion pounds of beast milk, it’s a little meaning.”

(Group tip: Group member wisdom goddess Akuya sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Desolate Sky Emperor has received a red envelope from Akuya, the goddess of wisdom of group members.)

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?” This Akuya didn’t fool you, did he? Is it showing off her intelligence again?”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “No, it’s really 400 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Akuya, where did you get so much beast milk?”

Shi Hao was also surprised.

Because it is Akuya, the goddess of retarded water, her status in the world of Suqing and the heavenly realm is not high.

How can you get so much animal milk? This is hundreds of billions of pounds!

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “It’s just some ordinary beast milk!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you don’t know, these ordinary beast milk is not worth anything at all.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hundreds of billions of pounds of ordinary beast milk are not worth a jar of divine beast milk.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “The heavenly realm where I am located connects many worlds!”

And I, Akuya, know a lot of gods!

I’m Akuya, a senior goddess!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I talked to those gods and asked them to bring me some ordinary animal milk… After talking to dozens of gods, they brought me 400 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I just paid some fruits and praised them a few words, and I got so much animal milk.”

Akuya is very honest.

I will be the experience of how I got these animal milk, all said.

It’s not because Akuya is a sincere person, this goddess of mental retardation tricks people into not blinking.

It’s because Akuya has lived in the heavenly realm for many years and understands a truth, don’t fool the “Lord God”.

Akuya felt that with the “Desolate Sky Emperor”, his status in the chat group was at the level of the Supreme God… Nature does not fool.

Desolate Sky Emperor @ God of Wisdom Akuya: “Thank you!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Akuya, you provided me with so much beast milk, what do you want?” I can provide you with an immortal weapon that can destroy the universe, or I can provide you with some immortal medicine that can become stronger.”

Akuya gave so much animal milk at once.

Shi Hao couldn’t help but reward it.

Four hundred billion pounds of beast milk, which can make Shi Hao Xuanxian-level cultivation… Up four levels!

The realm of Xuan Immortals, one order and one level of heaven, the difference in cultivation of each order, the strength is more than ten times different!


It is no exaggeration to say that the strength has risen by four levels!

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Envious!”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Akuya!

You can actually get a reward from His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!!

Immortal medicines and immortal weapons that can destroy the universe!”

Looking at that immortal medicine, it can be compared with the immortal weapon that destroys the universe, and you know that it will definitely not be bad!

Lei movie: “Akuya is going to rise by the reward of His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

In the opinion of Ray Movies.

Akuya, you will definitely choose an immortal weapon that can destroy the universe, right? Then, Akuya, the power at hand, in the group, is only under His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom, @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Eh, hey, does His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor want to reward me?” I… I want to drink senjiu!

The level of wine you drink!”

In the world of “Suqing”, it is known that Akuya, the goddess of intellectual disability, has three major hobbies: drinking, banquet performances and enjoying life.

Chapter 127: Achieving a Tenth-Order Xuan Immortal, his strength skyrocketed ten thousand times!

Think of the universe as dust!


Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Your Majesty the Emperor of the Desolate Sky, do you have a good immortal wine?” If not, I will choose an immortal weapon that can destroy the universe and use it to protect myself.”

Lei movie: “A good immortal wine is more precious than an immortal artifact that destroys the universe??”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I like to drink!”


Ray movie: “It’s over, look up to Akuya’s IQ again.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Normal, this is normal, Akuya, the goddess of mental retardation, has always been like this.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “What!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “You are discriminating against my hobby!”

Is it discrimination, do you know?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I don’t like to fight and kill.

I just like to enjoy life.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “The immortal weapon that destroys the universe!”

If I could get one, wouldn’t I be directly invincible!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Envy!”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Don’t say Xiao Meng, I want it too.”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Goddess of Wisdom Akuya: “You want fairy wine, right?” I’ll wait a little while and I’ll give you a few big jars, which are definitely delicious fairy wine!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Amazing!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’m temporarily offline from the chat group.”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ God of Wisdom Akuya: “Wait for a while to go online and give you the fairy wine.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Okay, I’ll wait.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Huh? Have you forgotten me?”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Is my sense of existence so weak?”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Desolate Sky Emperor save me!”

However, Shi Hao has already taken the chat group offline.

Shi Hao drank all the 400 billion pounds of beast milk that Akuya gave him!

Then, Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (Skill points: 4,998,223,620)

“More than 4.9 billion skill points… It’s almost five billion!”

“It’s a pity that it’s a little worse, otherwise you can directly improve the fifth-order cultivation!”

Shi Hao was delighted.

It’s also very good to be able to directly improve the fourth order!

Shi Hao’s heart moved, and he immediately improved the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Sixth Order (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Seventh Stage (can be promoted))

(The eighth level of the Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Ninth Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Tenth Order (Non-Promotionable)) in one thought.

Shi Hao added points to improve four times!

“Yuqing Xuan Immortal Three Thousand Law Practice Method” to the tenth level!

This consumes about 4.1 billion skill points!

On Shi Hao’s system panel, there are about 900 million skill points left.

Whereas…… With the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method”, it was promoted to the tenth level!

Shi Hao, who also thoroughly comprehended a thousand laws, became… Tenth-order Xuan Immortal!

Shi Hao’s strength has skyrocketed by more than 10,000 times compared to when he was still a sixth-order Xuan Immortal!!

“A thousand laws are combined and condensed into Xuanxian Immortal Light, I am afraid that it can shatter tens of billions of ordinary universes in a snap of your fingers!”

Shi Hao sensed his own strength, and he was secretly shocked in his heart!

As a tenth-order Xuan Immortal, he can shatter trillions of universes with a snap of his fingers… Not tens of thousands… Not tens of millions… And tens of millions, billions!

Thousands of trillions of universes!

Shi Hao can be broken with a snap of his fingers!

This is the tenth-order Xuan Immortal!!

This is the fairy path of the high-end flood world!

The ordinary universe of hundreds of billions of light years is like dust and dust in front of Shi Hao, who is a tenth-order Xuan Immortal!!

“And the tenth-order Xuan Immortals are at least a billion times stronger than the first-order Xuan Immortals!”

Shi Hao was also amazed in his heart.

This high-end Honghuang world, the Xuan Immortal realm, is also a one-order cultivation difference, and there is a tenfold difference in strength!


“The strength of my tenth-order Xuan Immortal can easily kill many first-order Xuan Immortals.”

“The gap is too big!

At least a billion times!

How to resist?”

Shi Hao thought in his heart, he 390 himself also felt frightened.


If there is a stronger person in the high-end Honghuang World to make a move against him Shi Hao… Then he Shi Hao, can he have the power to resist?

“A matter of strength.”

“If you want to live in peace, you can only become stronger than anyone else.”

“Otherwise… In this kind of world where strength is respected, whether or not you can live in peace or not is actually pinned on the thoughts of others.”

Shi Hao was very touched in his heart.


His strength has improved fast enough!

Shi Hao was not prepared to be too eager… If you are too eager, you may have problems!

For example, if Shi Hao wantonly went to get animal milk in the high-end flood world, making everyone know, it would definitely be unlucky.

The matter of beast milk involves the secret of Shi Hao becoming stronger.

Shi Hao would rather be more stable and only get beast milk from the star world and the thousands of world chat groups he controls.

Fourth-order cultivation has been improved, and his strength has skyrocketed by tens of thousands of times!

Shi Hao, who became a tenth-order Xuan Immortal, did not forget that among the thousands of world chat groups, the mentally retarded goddess Akuya wanted the immortal wine.

To be honest, the goddess of intellectual retardation, Akuya, asked for fairy wine, which was a little unexpected for Shi Hao.

Shi Hao also thought that the goddess of intellectual retardation, Akuya, would ask him for an immortal weapon that could destroy the universe.

True Immortal Artifact, you can destroy the universe!

And the True Immortal Weapon, as long as there are Immortal Dao materials, Shi Hao can easily refine it.

The world of mountains and seas and stars controlled by Shi Hao, but the world of immortal resources, there is no shortage of this true immortal artifact material…” “But it is not very difficult to ask for immortal wine.”

“I’ll take the immortal materials produced by my Mountain, Sea, and Star World, and exchange some with other immortals.”


I don’t need to change it myself, can’t I just let my hands go down and change it? Aren’t your subordinates here to summon them?”

“I’m very kind enough to turn a blind eye to their embezzlement of some Immortal Dao resources.”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.


Shi Hao summoned a true immortal subordinate and gave him some immortal materials to exchange for delicious immortal wine.

Immortal wine is not rare in the Heavenly Court.

Many immortals like to drink immortal wine.

Immortal wine is also extremely delicious.

Shi Hao was in Li Fang’s Bow Ma Wen Mansion and tasted several immortal wines.

Drinking the fairy wine will produce an extremely pleasant taste.

But if the cultivation is insufficient, it is also easy to get drunk.

“Also, give gifts to Li Fang and Linton, thank you.”

Shi Hao thought of this again.

But to send this thank you, it is better to go in person.

Shi Hao thought about it, but still didn’t let people do it for him, and was ready to go personally later.

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