Chapter 128: The Desolate Heaven Emperor Daoist True Immortals who owe earth-shattering gambling debts are all masters of the universe and can cross space.

Didn’t let Shi Hao wait long.

The subordinates sent by Shi Hao sent Shi Hao to exchange some immortal materials for immortal wine.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tip: group member Desolate Sky Emperor sends red envelopes to group member Wisdom Goddess Akuya.)

(Group tip: Group member Wisdom Goddess Akuya has received a red envelope sent by group member Emperor Desolate.)

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Wow, so many fairy wines!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “This has to be… Dozens of barrels, right?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor is so generous!”

I’ll try this fairy wine.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Can you let me taste it?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Can’t.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “I am the future Immortal Emperor Meng Tianzun!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Akuya, give me face.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Can’t, get out, want empty gloves for my fairy wine, hum, impossible.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “…”

Using the future “Meng Tianzun identity” to try to set benefits from Akuya failed!

This made Meng bald a little disappointed.

But then Meng bald his head and thought that Akuya was mentally retarded, and it was normal to ignore him.

It is impossible for a normal group member not to care about his future Meng Tianzun’s identity!

Meng bald head was in spirit at once… Desolate Sky Emperor @ Goddess of Wisdom Akuya: “Akuya, don’t rush to drink, that immortal wine, people with poor strength drink it, they will be drunk for a long time.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “How can I say that I am also the goddess of water, it is impossible to get drunk.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you can rest assured.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I’ll drink it and try it.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “This wine is so sweet and sweet, so sweet feeling…”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hoohoohoo.”

Ray Movie: “Akuya? How can wine be sweet?”

Thunder Movie, the god of the “Original God” world, his favorite food is sweets… However the goddess of intellectual retardation Akuya did not respond to the Ray movie.

Ray Movie: “Akuya?”

Emperor Desolate: “Probably drunk.

This Akuya.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor save me!”

Wild Pikachu: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor save me!”

Undefeated Demon Emperor @ Wild Pikachu: “Little thing, you’re an elf, right?” Don’t make trouble.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor save me!”

I really sincerely ask for help.


Wild Pikachu: “Help!”

Wild Pikachu: “I was caught by humans.”

Wild Pikachu: “What to do?” What to do?”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Is this really in danger?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Don’t come to the group to shout for help.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Undefeated Demon Emperor, His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor really wants to help you, he has long replied, His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor did not reply, the meaning is obvious!”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “But I can only grasp the life-saving straw of His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor @ Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Athena may be able to defeat the Heavenly Dao of your world.

Just don’t come to me.”

Emperor Desolate Heaven: “If you want to find me, you have to wait until I have free time.”

Wild Pikachu: “Help!

Help me!

Didn’t anyone save me?”

Ray Movie @ Wild Pikachu: “How to save you?”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head @ wild Pikachu: “How to save you?”

Thor: “Pikachu, you open a group live broadcast, let’s see your situation.”

Thor: “If you are really dangerous, I think there should be many group members in the group, who can save you through the past through the crossing function.”

Wild Pikachu: “Okay!”

Undefeated Demon Emperor @ Athena, Goddess of Wisdom: “Lord Athena, can you help me?” His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor said, you may be able to defeat the evil heavenly path of my world.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Undefeated Demon Emperor, you group of names… It’s really not suitable for you at all.”

Because where is the undefeated demon emperor? It was clearly an instigator, seeing that Athena could help him eliminate the Evil Heavenly Dao and relieve his life and death crisis, the Undefeated Demon Emperor immediately called “adult”.

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “What can I do?” I just want to live!”

(Group tip: Group member Wild Pikachu has started group live broadcast.)

At this time, the wild Pikachu opened a group live broadcast.

Shi Hao thought for a while, entered the group live broadcast room of the wild Pikachu, and looked at the situation of the members of the wild Pikachu group.

Pokémon world.

Wild Pikachu, caught in a cage, transported to the “Elf Breeding Center”.

You can see the picture of the group live broadcast showing that the “wild Pikachu” is a small Pikachu.

Pikachu, who has not yet grown into adulthood… Shaolin Temple Meng bald head sent a barrage: “Pikachu, you are not dangerous!”

After entering the Elf Cultivation Center, you will be able to eat and drink well in the future, and you can become a stronger Pikachu through training.”

Group leader Li Daxian sent a barrage: “Let’s all disperse!”

This little Pikachu was caught by the people of the Elf Cultivation Center, and it will only be cultivated into a more powerful Pikachu, and it will not be dangerous.”

Liu Peiqiang sent a barrage: “This elf cultivation center looks very formal, it is still open, and people can come in and select elves.”

Liu Peiqiang sent a barrage: “Pikachu, you can rest assured, there is no danger.”

Ray Movie sent a barrage: “That yellow thing is Pikachu, right?” Sure enough, it’s a bit like a mouse.

Listen to Meng bald head said, it will also discharge.

It’s an electric consumer.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sent a barrage: “I think little Pikachu looks cute.”

A misunderstanding.

The group members wild Pikachu did not encounter real danger.

It was just captured and sent to the Pokémon World Spirit Breeding Center.

Shi Hao took a look and went offline to the chat group.

“Next, I have to send the things I prepared to Li Fang and Linton personally.”

SHI Hao prepares.

Came to the door to give a gift and thanked you.

This is as it should be… This Linton and Li Fang really helped Shi Hao a lot.

Especially Li Fang, if it weren’t for Li Fang’s help, Shi Hao wouldn’t have gone so smoothly at all!

If it weren’t for the leadership of Li Fang, Shi Hao had worshipped the statue of Yuan Shi Tianzun and became a disciple of the Interpretation Sect.

How can it be in the Heavenly Court of this flooded world, after so many days, and I haven’t encountered a little trouble!

Chapter 128: The Desolate Heaven Emperor Daoist who owes earth-shattering gambling debts (2) In this high-end flood world.

The identity of a disciple of the Sage Sect is easy to use as a thief.

Under normal circumstances, only disciples of the Sage Sect find trouble for others.

Who would take the initiative to provoke the disciples of the Saint Sect? Becoming a subordinate of the sect helped Shi Hao a lot!

If not.

It is impossible for Shi Hao to be so leisurely.

Shi Hao sent Linton the gift he had prepared.

Linton happened to be in the Heavenly Court office.

Shi Hao gave him a gift.

Linton thanked and took it.

Linton’s teacher is an exposition of the Golden Immortal, and Linton is not a “named disciple” like Li Fang, he is an official disciple.

Therefore, Linton faced Shi Hao only because Shi Hao’s cultivation was too high, and he called him “Senior Brother” for the time being, but he was not restrained.

And Shi Hao personally gave Linton a gift of thanks and left.

Tianting Office.

Linton opened what Shi Hao sent him and looked at it.

“So many Immortal Dao cultivation resources? It’s enough for me to improve several 9th orders of cultivation in the True Immortal Realm!”

“Yes, this powerful reincarnated Shi Hao… Very generous!”

Linton felt that Shi Hao was generous and could continue to make deep friends.

The other side.

Shi Hao came to Li Fang’s Bow Ma Wen Mansion.

Shi Hao found that Li Fang seemed to be in trouble.


There are several true immortals, blocked outside Li Fang’s Bow Ma Wen Mansion.

A bad look.

Shi Hao asked, “What’s wrong with this?” How many of you, why are you blocking the door of Li Fang’s Daoyou?”

As Shi Hao spoke, a Xuanxian Immortal Light appeared on his body, and a thousand laws were united in his hands.

If these few true immortals answer badly, although in the Heavenly Court, Shi Hao will not kill people, but he will also teach a lesson!

A few true immortals who blocked Li Enlarged the door also saw that Shi Hao was a Xuan Immortal.

One of the kind-faced elderly true immortals arched his hands and said, “I have seen this Xuan Immortal senior in the next place… This Li Fang owes us money from the Heart Moon Palace, and we are here to ask him for it.”

Shi Hao asked, “Li Fang Daoyou owes you money from the Heart Moon Palace?” What’s going on? Can you elaborate?”

Shi Hao also felt strange.

Li Fang is a disciple of the Interpretation Sect, or a named disciple of Huanglong Zhenren, in the Heavenly Court official residence Zhengjiupin, he himself is only a first-order true immortal, and he can get the immortal feng, which is enough for his cultivation!

The true immortal of the Heart Moon Palace explained: “That was last night’s incident, this Li Fang, came to our Heart Moon Palace, ordered several female immortals as companions, gambled for another night’s money, lost miserably, and finally owed our Heart Moon Palace more than ten billion immortal crystals, our Lord Heart Moon Fox of the Heart Moon Palace, allowed him half a day to raise money, no, after half a day, we came to ask Li Fang for an account.”

The Heart Moon Fox is one of the twenty-eight stars of the Heavenly Court.

Shi Hao’s common sense is still there.

In terms of cultivation, the famous Heart Moon Fox in the Heavenly Court is the Taiyi Immortal Monarch.

And the Xinyue Fox also has the background of Nuwa Palace… It may be that the Xinyue Fox is not widely known, but the Xinyue Fox was once reincarnated as a human in the Nether and served as a generation of empress Wu Zetian.

This Heart Moon Fox, who also has a background in the power of saints and has strong own strength, is a Taiyi Immortal Monarch, so he is not afraid of offending such a true immortal as Li Fang.

And Shi Hao knew that this Li Fang owed money because he ordered a few fairies in the Xinyue Palace and lost money in gambling, and he suddenly felt speechless.

“.“ On weekdays, I didn’t expect Li Fang Daoyou to be this kind of immortal!

I actually went to the Xinyue Palace to eat, drink and gamble…”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.

Immortals in the Heavenly Court naturally have entertainment.

The Heart Moon Palace opened by the Heart Moon Fox is one of the “entertainment” places.

Shi Hao heard about it slightly, but didn’t pay attention to it, because he didn’t gamble well, he was only three years old in this life, and things like a fairy to accompany him were too far away from him… At least it will have to wait for more than ten years.

And hearing that Li Fang had done something improper and therefore owed money, Shi Hao’s face was a little strange.

Seeing that Shi Hao’s face was a little strange, the True Immortal of the Heart Moon Palace said, “This Xuan Immortal senior… Please don’t embarrass a few of us, we are also following the orders of Lord Shingetsu Fox.

These gambling debts of more than 10 billion immortal crystals must be received!”

Another Heart Moon Palace True Immortal added: “That’s right!

Li let this guy go, ordered a few fairies to accompany him, and in the end, he didn’t even pay the fees of those fairies, so he ran to raise money!”

Also give money to prostitutes… Shi Hao was speechless: “… Debt repayment, rightly so.

In this way, Li Fang Daoyou owes money, I will pay him back!”

The True Immortal of the Heart Moon Palace said, “That’s great!

We are here to force him to pay back, and it is also troublesome.

Thank you to this Xuan Immortal senior… It’s just that I don’t know, Senior Xuanxian, what is the relationship between you and that Li Fang?”

Shi Hao said: “Don’t care about our relationship, just say it!”

How much does Li Fang Daoyou owe you, report a specific amount, and, is there an IOU or something?”

The true immortal of the Xinyue Palace said: “Yes, Li Fang made a written contract, and owes us a total of 18.2 billion immortal crystals to the Xinyue Palace.”

This 18.2 billion immortal crystals!

For high-level true immortals, it is not a small number!

Shi Hao has just taken office as the Shanhai Xingjun, and in the Shanhai Xingchen World, he has fiercely fished out a bunch of immortal resources, but he, the newly appointed Shanhai Xingjun, has a total net worth of about five or six billion immortal crystals.

You know, Shi Hao is a Xuan Immortal!

Xuan Immortals are many times stronger than first-order true immortals!

It is no exaggeration to say that Shi Hao can kill a first-order true immortal like Li Fang with a breath.

But Li Fang actually owed the immortal crystal that made Shi Hao feel quite a lot… Shi Hao still decided to pay off the debt for Li Fang, because the batch of gifts he wanted to give Li Fang was also worth about 20 billion immortal crystals, helping Li Fang pay off the debt.

Don’t give gifts.

At this time, Li Fang came out of his Bow Ma Wen mansion!

Li Fang said indignantly: “Daoist Shi Hao, don’t pay my debts for me!”

I, Li Fang, is not without money, it’s that this Xinyue Palace is too shameless!

Actually put me a jacket!”

Li Fang said: “Just last night, I went to the Xinyue Palace to relax, but I was drunk by a few fairies they sent, and then I sat on the gambling table in confusion and owed this 18.2 billion immortal crystals!”

It’s really hateful!”

The True Immortal of the Heart Moon Palace said: “Li Fang, don’t be ignorant, have we forced you?” You drank immortal wine and sat at the gambling table yourself, right? During this period, we didn’t use any magic and magical powers, you did it yourself!

Who can blame yourself for getting drunk?”

Another heart Moon Palace True Immortal said: “We still have yesterday’s video record in our hands, recording you Li Fang drunk and going to gamble for money, we didn’t do anything, do we want to see the video record?”


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