Chapter 135 There will always be stupid creatures, dare to challenge His Majesty the Supreme Desolate Sky Emperor Thousands of World Chat Groups, chat interface: Group Leader Li Daxian: “Good.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Since His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor can kill Xiao Za through the Great Ancient World.

Then I’ll ban Xiaoza.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “I didn’t expect Xiao Za to be such a fool.

Oh, I welcomed him into the group before.”

Hades: “In the world, there are always more stupid people than smart people.”

Hades: “Normal.”

Dark Zaki: “Shh

Noah, your means are useless to me.”

Hades: “… Like this dark Zaki, it’s particularly stupid.”

(Group tip: Group leader Li Daxian banned group members from darkness ~ Zaki permanently.)

Group leader Li Daxian: “—It’s done.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “This dark zaki reminds me of the Heaven-Abandoning Emperor who once joined this chat group.”

Lei movie: “There will always be stupid creatures who dare to challenge His Majesty the Supreme Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Emperor of the Desolate Sky: “I’m offline from the chat group.

I’ll go live later.

There are some things to deal with for now.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you are busy.”

High-end flood world.

Immortal Heaven.

Li Fang’s “empty burial” funeral ended soon.

Just put a fairy monument for Li, you can come here to remember him in the future.

Li Fang died too thoroughly.

Even the true spirit in the soul is devoured.

This “empty burial” is really an empty burial… Chen Sha said: “I’ll go and take Li Fangdaoyou’s niece to my mansion to take care of it, and I’ll arrange a position tomorrow.”

Linton said: “Some of Li Fang’s disciples, I will take care of them.”

Shi Hao said, “Li Fang Daoyou’s remaining disciples are all arranged to come to my Star Monarch Mansion!”

Xuanxian Xingjun, in the Heavenly Court of the high-end Honghuang World, is also the number one person.

Shi Hao has 10,000 immortal history places under his hands, and he has already given 7,000 places to the seven true immortals under him.


Shi Hao still has three thousand places left and can be arranged.

Li Fang had many disciples, and Linton took some of them.

Shi Hao also took hundreds of them.


There are three hundred and one Li Fang disciples who are Heavenly Immortals and two hundred and nineteen who are Sanxian Immortals.

“This Li Fang Daoist also loves to accept disciples too much.”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.

But, just more than five hundred immortals.

Regardless of scattered immortals and heavenly immortals, Shi Hao has arranged the immortal history of his Star Monarch Mansion.

Follow Shi Hao… For these Li Fang disciples, maybe it is still a big opportunity……. Deal with things on this side of the high-end flood world.

Shi Hao was ready to clean up the “Dark Zaki”.

Just right.

Shi Hao was very angry in his heart because of Li Fang’s death, and he could take the guy Dark Zaki to calm the injustice in his heart.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Desolate Sky Emperor @ Dagu: “I will travel to your world.”

Dagu: “Okay.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hahahaha!

I looked at the chat history.

That dark Zaki, how is he stupider than me!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “No, I’m not stupid, I’m smart.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “It’s all to blame for you, often calling me the goddess of mental retardation, I almost think I’m stupid.”

Wild Pikachu: “Ah!

I’m so tired!”

Wild Pikachu: “I’m so tired that I’m paralyzed.

Why do the trainers in these elven cultivation centers train me like this every day?”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Pikachu don’t complain.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Sit and wait for the news of Xiao Zha’s death.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Let me make a statement here, have the group members who entered the group in the future seen this statement?” You must maintain respect for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Ray Movie: “…”

Lei movie: “Except for fools, no one will not disrespect His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor who can destroy billions of universes with a snap of his fingers.”

Lei Movie: “Xiao Meng, there is no point in your speech.”

Shi Hao traveled to the world of Ultraman Digga through the one-time crossing function of thousands of world chat groups.

Shi Hao’s heart moved, and he resurrected Dagu’s dead teammates Lina, Xincheng, Yerui and others.

Shi Hao, who was already an eighteenth-order Xuan Immortal Realm, resurrected a few ordinary people and moved his consciousness.

“And then… Zaki!”

Shi Hao’s heart moved, and his perception spread towards other parallel universes outside the universe of Ultraman Diga!

Shi Hao sensed that although the Ultraman universe is a multiverse, there are not many more.

“It’s just a hundred Ultraman universes.

Hundreds of Ultraman universes constitute a multiverse-level Ultraman world.”

“But this multiverse composed of hundreds of universes, I can destroy it all with a breath!”

Shi Hao was speechless.

In the world of “Ultraman”, Shi Hao can blow his breath and destroy it all.

It can well be imagined……… So how strong can the dark Zaki in the world of Ultraman be? Shi Hao was not interested in talking to Dark Zaki anymore.

The gap between Shi Hao and Dark Zaki is many millions of times larger than the gap between a human and a cell.

“Such an existence… Not even a true multiverse level.”

Shi Hao was no longer interested, he thought about it, and just used his consciousness to wipe out the dark Zaki of the “Ultraman” world.

“What a waste of my time!

This kind of goods.”

Shi Hao pouted.

And Shi Hao is also embarrassed to steal animal milk in this “Ultraman” world, on the one hand, he is too strong and wants face.

Also, there is a limit to the amount of animal milk that can be stolen.

It’s not as good as the amount that the group members in the group give him in a day.

There’s no need to do that kind of humiliating thing for some animal milk.

How embarrassing it was to be found out.

0 next moment.

Shi Hao took the initiative to return to the world of mountains and seas and stars under his control through the crossing function of thousands of world chat groups.

A day passes.

Early in the morning, Shi Hao received group red envelopes sent by various group members in thousands of world chat groups.

This is a group member in the chat group, and the beast milk provided to him today has arrived.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tips: group member goddess of wisdom Athena sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Supergirl Kara sends a red envelope to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

(Group tip: Thor, a member of the group, sends a red envelope to the group member Emperor of the Desolate Sky.)

(Group tip: Group member Hammer Thor sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Undefeated Demon Emperor sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Sky Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Shaolin Temple Meng Bald Head sends red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate.)

Hammer Thor: “I provided 40 billion pounds of beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor today.”

Hammer Thor @ Goddess of Wisdom Athena: “Also, thank you Athena for what immortal spring water did you give before?” That cup of spring water, I gave my father Odin to drink.”

Hammer Thor: “My father, Odin, actually returned to youth with this.

Lifespan restored.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Then you can’t be the king of the gods of Asgard?”

Ray Movie: “Then aren’t you the king of the gods of Asgard?”

Thor, Thor: “Then you can’t be the king of the gods of Asgard?”

Hammer Thor: “…”


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