Chapter 136 If I buy beast milk in the high-end flood world, I may already be dead… Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: hammer Thor: “It’s a trivial matter that I can’t be the god king of Asgard.”

Hammer Thor: “My father Odin is young again, don’t have to die of old age, this is the big deal!”

Hammer Thor @ Goddess of Wisdom Athena: “Athena, do you still have that immortal spring?” Can you give me another drink?”

Hammer Thor: “I want to give a glass to my mother.

My mother is old too.”

Thor, Thor: “???”

Thor @ Hammer Thor: “Will the gods of your world still die of old age?”

Thor, the god of thunder: “This is really too inferior, the lower god of my world has never died because of the end of life.”

Goddess of wisdom Athena @ hammer Thor: “It’s okay to provide you with a cup of spring water.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Now that I am in charge of the Temple of Olympus, this “zero ninety-three” spring can produce a lot of water every day.”

(Group tip: Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members, sends a red envelope to group member Hammer Thor.)

(Group tip: Group member Hammer Thor has received a group red envelope from Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members.)

Hammer Thor: “Thank you Athena!”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “No thanks.”

Thunder God Thor @Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I provided you with 51.2 billion pounds of beast milk today.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I did it.”

Undefeated Demon Emperor: “The amount of beast milk I provided you today is 20.5 billion jin.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan @ Liu Peiqiang: “Today I provided His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor with 3.6 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Liu Peiqiang: “I know.”

Supergirl Kara: “I provided 2.3 billion pounds.”

Emperor Desolate Heaven: “Don’t report the number in the future.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “How much beast milk have you provided.

I’ll know when I receive the group red envelope.”

Super Saiyan Sun Gohan: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I have to tell Mr. Liu Peiqiang.

Because the money I paid for animal milk was provided by Mr. Liu Peiqiang.”

Supergirl Kara: “Me too.”

Butterfly Shinobu: “And me.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Then you three can talk.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “Don’t count the others.

When I receive the red envelope, I will know the specific amount.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Speaking of which, Akuya, you haven’t sent beast milk to His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor today?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom @ Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I just gave you a hundred artifacts yesterday, don’t look for stupid excuses like running out of money, drinking and making mistakes today.”

But Akuya did not respond.

Ray movie: “It feels like Akuya said she drank and made a mistake, not an excuse.”

Ray movie: “Akuya, the goddess of intellectual retardation, drinking and making mistakes is normal.”

Ray movie: “Maybe now, she’s still asleep.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Akuya is really unreliable.

She deserves to be a famous goddess of intellectual retardation.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “It’s not like me Xiao Meng.

Even if my little Meng is in an ancient background, it is difficult to collect animal milk.

I also took Athena’s artifact, went to the current emperor for friendly consultation, and got more than 100 million pounds of animal milk.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Although I get little beast milk, my fist heart will definitely make His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor feel.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “On the contrary.

Akuya took out a lot of animal milk, but this guy’s attitude is problematic!”

What leader can like a guy like Akuya? Group leader Li Daxian @ Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Uh, Xiao Meng, you are too…”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Too what?”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Group master, my little Meng is a sincere person.”

Wild Pikachu @ Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Sycophants, sycophants.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Lean!”

My future Meng Tianzun, you call me a sycophant?”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald: “Electric consumer, are you itchy?”

Wild Pikachu: “Sycophants, huh.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Power consumer, hum!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “…”

Desolate Heaven Emperor @ Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “That guy from Akuya has responded to inform me.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Okay.

Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Lei movie: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, the goddess of mental retardation has appeared, and I will also tell her.”

Shi Hao received the group red envelope sent to him by the members of today’s chat group, and then took down the thousands of world chat groups.

“It’s just… Akuya’s animal milk has not yet been provided.”

“Just Akuya, you can provide hundreds of billions of pounds of animal milk….”

This made Shi Hao have to pay attention!

And Shi Hao counted it.

“The animal milk provided by the members of today’s group… Well, Akuya hasn’t provided it to me yet.”

“But the total amount of animal milk provided by other group members is 125.8 billion jin.”


Shi Hao felt satisfied.

The members of this group provide more and more animal milk every day.

In order to keep it secret, Shi Hao did not dare to get a large number of animal milk in the high-end flood world.

The universe in his own body is also unable to cultivate living beings.

It’s not that the universe in Shi Hao’s body can’t give birth to living beings.

It’s that Shi Hao improved his cultivation too quickly.

Every time Shi Hao improved his cultivation, the basic universe in his body would experience a “cosmic explosion”, which would instantly double to more than ten times!

Shi Hao would improve his cultivation several times almost every day.

In this “Big Bang” environment, a creature that can raise a fart.

In fact, the act of cultivating beings in the universe within oneself… That’s what only the Lord of the Universe with no future would do.

Because the immortal path cultivators of the high-end flood world, every time they improve their cultivation, it is an enhancement of their own universe, which will cause earth-shaking changes in their own universe; If there are living beings in the universe in their own bodies, they will not live at all.

Unless you don’t promote your cultivation to… All the masters of the universe who have no future will cultivate living beings in their own bodies to relieve boredom.

“The animal milk provided by the group members in the chat group is my main source of animal milk in 2.8.”

“Secrecy can be guaranteed.

If you don’t get the power of the high-end flood world, you will find that I am wrong when you pinch your fingers…”

“At most, I’ll get some animal milk in the world of mountains, seas and stars under my control.

And you can’t show an attitude that you value those animal milks very much.”

“You can only pretend that you like to drink.”

Shi Hao knew it in his heart.

In this high-end flood world, stability is the first element.

Otherwise die.

That’s nothing.

With Shi Hao’s (animal milk system) ability, as long as he does not die, he will reach the peak sooner or later.

The difference is only in the length of time.

And Shi Hao’s strength improvement speed is not slow, a hundred, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times a day… This speed of strength improvement is even faster than the reincarnation of the “Golden Immortal Power” to restore cultivation!


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