Chapter 158: Shi Hao Lingxiao Treasure Hall Sees the Jade Emperor and Immortal Emperor Battle Begin!!

The news that Shi Hao became the Fourth Rank Star Monarch of the Heavenly Court has begun to spread.

Huang Weng also knew that Shi Hao had become a Taiyi Immortal Monarch and a Fourth-Rank Star Monarch.

Even if it is Xuanxian Xingjun, Huang Weng has to look up.

Not to mention Taiyi Immortal-kun!

Huang Weng obediently put away the animal milk and retreated.

And Shi Hao checked the beast milk that his subordinates got from the world of mountains, seas and stars today.


Swallow it in one bite.

Shi Hao looked at the number of skill points on his system panel: (skill points: 2019,111,200)

“That’s right.

It’s this number.”

Shi Hao was sure that the animal milk collected by his subordinates from the world of mountains, seas and stars today was indeed “real beast milk”, not fake beast milk.

Then look away.

Shi Hao has just taken up the post of Shanhai Xingjun of the fourth rank, and in addition to the Shanhai Star World, there are also twenty-three Star Worlds under his command… Shi Hao wanted to go on a round, let’s take a look first!

However, at this time, there was a special envoy sent by the Jade Emperor Taibai Jinxing, and the order came, directly into Shi Hao’s Mountain and Sea Star Monarch’s mansion: “Haotian Golden Que Supreme Supreme naturally has Miluo to the True Jade Emperor God, Xuanshan Sea Star Monarch Shi Hao, to Lingxiao Treasure Hall to meet, Mountain and Sea Star Jun Shi Hao, please come quickly!”

Shi Hao was surprised!

This is also too fast!

Doesn’t it mean to wait a day? But the day has not yet arrived, Shi Hao has just become a four-pin mountain sea star monarch, but half a day is small.

The Jade Emperor then ordered him to go to the audience.

Although surprised in the heart… But Shi Hao had already known that there would be a trip to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall to meet the Jade Emperor.

Shi Hao responded: “Chen then came to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall to meet the Supreme Supreme of Haotian Golden Que naturally has Miluo to the True Jade Emperor God.”

Haotian Golden Que Supreme Supreme naturally has Miluo to the True Jade Emperor God, which is the full name of the Jade Emperor.

In order to show respect for the Jade Emperor, when he went to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall to meet the Jade Emperor, he had to say the full name.

What made Shi Hao very speechless was… This title is also too long.

Haotian Golden Que Supreme Absolute naturally has Miluo to the True Jade Emperor God, this title, ordinary mortals, have to write down well in order to remember.

Like Ziwei the Great, his full name is Zhongtian Ziwei Arctic Emperor.

The full name of the Antarctic Emperor is the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

In the Heavenly Court.

Only the Jade Emperor called it so long… This also represents the unique status of the Jade Emperor.

It is the symbol of Haotian Emperor in the Heavenly Court.

Although the full name of the Jade Emperor is long, not a single word is superfluous.

Shi Hao followed Taibai Jinxing to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, met with the Jade Emperor Great Tianzun, and reported his duties.

Shi Hao did what Linton taught him, saluted, reported his duties, and then waited quietly for the Jade Emperor Great Tianzun to speak.

When Shi Hao came to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, he didn’t dare to look at it indiscriminately… The immortal gods who can face the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, Taiyi Immortal Jun is just idle, and there is no shortage of golden immortal power, and even the existence above the golden immortal… The Jade Emperor did not mean to embarrass Shi Hao, this is just routine.

The Jade Emperor said: “Shanhai Xingjun, your new appointment as the Fourth Rank Xingjun needs to be diligent, and you are worthy of this position” ~.”

Shi Hao responded, “Chen will do his best to contribute to the Heavenly Court.”

The Jade Emperor said, “But.

Shanhai Xingjun, you will retreat!”

Shi Hao saluted, “Yes.”

It’s that simple.

Shi Hao finished the meeting.

This is normal!

Because the Jade Emperor’s body, Haotian Heavenly Emperor, is a supreme existence beyond the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Even if it is the doppelgänger of the Jade Emperor, it will not be inferior to any Da Luo Jinxian.

The Jade Emperor would talk a few more words with Shi Hao, and then he met, all for Shi Hao’s sake, who had just become a four-rank star monarch, and summoned Shi Hao to meet him.

Only when he becomes the power of the Golden Immortal can he truly enter the eyes of such an existence as the Jade Emperor.

The power of the Golden Immortal, in the high-end flood world, there are also noodles!

It can be called a strong one.

Shi Hao withdrew from the Lingxiao Treasure Hall and breathed a slight sigh of relief in his heart.

In the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, the atmosphere was too serious and depressing.

And in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, compared to Shi Hao’s strong man, it was impossible to count on two hands.

“It’s better to stay in my Mountain and Sea Star Monarch’s Mansion… Later, it became stronger and became a supreme power that no one dared to ignore.

Only in a place like the Lingxiao Treasure Hall can you also occupy a place!”

Shi Hao thought in his heart.


Shi Hao shortened the space, stepped out in a few steps, and returned to the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch Mansion where he was.

Shi Hao was about to take a few of his subordinates to the remaining twenty-three star worlds he got after he became a fourth-rank star monarch to take a tour… But!

Thousands of world chat groups, there is a prompt tone!


Group member Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor opened the group live broadcast.”

Shi Hao also sensed that among the thousands of world chat groups, someone @ him.

This explains!

In the Eternal Realm where the Wangu Immortal Emperor is located, the Wangu Immortal Emperor and the other eight Immortal Emperors have already started a great war with eighty-one innate gods and demons!

“This has to be seen.”

Shi Hao didn’t care about patrolling the other twenty-three star worlds that he controlled.

You can do it anytime.


In the final realm, the nine human race immortal emperors fought against eighty-one “immortal emperor-level” innate demon gods, this one is not good, maybe the human beings in that world will have to be completely destroyed.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tips: group members of the human race Wangu Immortal Emperor have opened the group live broadcast.)

Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “It’s started!”

Sooner than I thought!”

Shaolin Temple Meng baldhead: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, it’s begun!”

Here we go!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Immortal Emperor battle!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Are you still there, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor?”

Emperor Desolate: “In.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I’ll watch the group live broadcast.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Immortal Emperor War… It’s terrifying!”

In the group live broadcast screen opened by the Wangu Immortal Emperor.

The Wangu Immortal Emperor and the other eight immortal emperors of the human race have already started a big war with twenty or thirty innate demon gods!

In this battle, the strong of the Terran race are out!

In addition to the Wangu Immortal Emperor and the rest of the eight immortal emperors of the human race, there are countless strong people above the immortal level of the human race, and the descendants of eighty-one innate demon gods have been fought in a great war!

Rumble…… Wangu Immortal Emperor is an innate demon god who fights four “Immortal Emperor level” alone.

The great war between them, in a snap of his fingers, shattered the billions of universes attached to the Great Realm!

Even the great realm of the world they are in is shaking and searching.

Immortal Emperor War… Just the aftermath can destroy immeasurable beings!” Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

“Can you see it?”

“This innate demon god, but that’s it!

Help the humans of our world!”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor roared, he cast his self-created Eternal Invincibility Method, and with just a loud roar, he shook hundreds of millions of universes and shattered immeasurable time and space!


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