Chapter 159: Arbitrariness!

Terran Desolate Heaven Emperor joins the war!!

The End of the World!

The Nine Immortal Emperors fought against twenty or thirty innate demon gods with “Immortal Emperor level” combat power.

It’s terrible.

The universe is like dust, and billions of people are exploded!

The big world has been punched out of one crack after another, and this crack in the sky does not know how many billions of billions of billions of light years have spread… Correct.

One emperor alone fights several emperors.

After all, it is difficult to support.

Even if the Wangu Immortal Emperor tried his best, he could only stop four innate demon gods with “Immortal Emperor-level” combat power in a short period of time.

The Wangu Immortal Emperor also wanted to stop the fifth innate demon god, stop those more innate demon gods, and slaughter the human race in this world.


Can’t stop it at all!

“Even if it’s death!

I’m going to drag an innate demon god down today!”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor’s inner conviction was extremely firm, and he raised his hand and used his own fighting technique to burn his own life!

Terran Immortal Emperor, why is he afraid of a battle!

See the Wangu Immortal Emperor so!

The rest of the eight immortal emperors of the human race also burned their lives!


The strength of the nine immortal emperors of the human race has skyrocketed dozens of times!

The Nine Immortal Emperors stopped dozens of Innate Demon Gods!

And the aftermath of this “Immortal Emperor Level” war is even more terrifying, and the immeasurable life will be destroyed, even if it is a strong person who can destroy the universe, in this “Immortal Emperor Level” war, it is like an ant, which will be overturned by 620 more waves.

Group live broadcast room.

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head sent a barrage: “It’s terrifying!”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head sent a barrage: “Is this the Immortal Emperor?” I feel that the universe on one side, in their great war, is a grain of dust under the feet of mortals, how long has it been a big war? How many universes have been destroyed?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sent a barrage: “It’s terrifying!”

Even if I am the king of the gods, I will die in an instant in such a terrifying battle of the strong.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sent a barrage: “I don’t even have the qualifications to survive in this kind of battle… I have seen that in the group live broadcast screen, several Terran immortals who can destroy the universe were destroyed by the aftermath.”

Lei Movie sent a barrage: “Seeing the might of this innate demon god… I realized that in the past, I sat in a well and watched the sky…”

Hades sent a barrage: “Unimaginable strong, is this the Immortal Emperor?”

Hades sent a barrage: “The universe… Like a grain of dust, no, it is a dusty foam, and with a roar, the Wangu Immortal Emperor burst billions of universes!”

The Desolate Sky Emperor sent a barrage: “I’m going to war.”

Group leader Li Daxian sent a barrage: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

Group leader Li Daxian sent a barrage: “You want to join the war? This…”

The Desolate Sky Emperor sent a barrage: “The false Immortal Emperor is not worth mentioning.”

The Desolate Sky Emperor sent a barrage: “But the innate demon god who has thoroughly mastered hundreds of laws.

I’ll kill it at the snap of my fingers.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sent a barrage: “Shhh…”

Thor, the god of thunder, sent a barrage: “His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor is mighty!”

Group leader Li Daxian sent a barrage: “False Immortal Emperor? Could it be that with a roar and shattering billions of universes, is this still a false immortal emperor? How strong should a true Immortal Emperor be!”

Group leader Li Daxian sent a barrage: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, it is really unimaginably strong…”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head sent a barrage: “It is worthy of being the Heavenly Emperor of the Eternal Ancient Human Race, His Majesty the Desolate Heavenly Emperor!”

Shi Hao received the task of eliminating the group of eighty-one Innate Demon Gods in the End Realm.

Shi Hao observed through the group live broadcast, and he found that the eighty-one innate demon gods of the End Realm and the nine immortal emperors of the human race all possessed the Xuanxian level combat power of the high-end flood world!

The most powerful innate demon god, in Shi Hao’s opinion, has even thoroughly mastered nearly a thousand laws!

And the power of that innate demon god’s body is comparable to a super universe.

“And yet.”

“That’s all.”

“The low-grade Immortal Emperor is undoubted.

It is not a fantasy world immortal emperor who truly transcends all time and space and preaches eternal leisure.”

Shi Hao Assessment.

It’s just an Immortal Emperor with Xuanxian level combat power… This can only be regarded as a low allocation.

Not even transcending all time and space.

When Shi Hao was still in the Xuanxian Great Perfection realm, it was no problem to kill those innate demon gods who appeared in the group live broadcast.

“Not to mention, I’m still Taiyi Immortal-kun!

Comprehended the Hongmeng Avenue handed down by the ancestors of the Hongjun Dao of the two high-end Hongjun Worlds!”

Shi Hao is very confident.

Because the group live broadcast is an immersive feeling!

Shi Hao realized the strength of those innate demon gods in the End Realm and the strength of those nine Terran Immortal Emperors.

It’s no exaggeration.

Shi Hao can kill indiscriminately!

Shi Hao received the group task.

Didn’t let Shi Hao wait long.

Shi Hao was sent to the End Realm by thousands of world chat groups!

Shi Hao was surrounded by Taiyi Immortal Light, and the supreme law of the unity of the three thousand laws was palmed, and as soon as he appeared in the End Realm, he used the Avenue of Hongmeng Gold!

The endless sharp qi directly wiped out the innate demon gods present!

Shi Hao snapped his fingers!

The dozens of Innate Demon Gods present died cleanly!” Wangu Immortal Emperor!

I, the Desolate Heaven Emperor in the group, are here.”

Shi Hao said.

The Wangu Immortal Emperor was overjoyed, and he said: “All of you are fellow Terrans!

This is His Majesty the Desolate Heaven Emperor among the human races of other worlds, to help us deal with the eighty-one Innate Demon Gods!”

The Wangu Immortal Emperor roared: “The humans of our world have hope to counterattack, and the Innate Demon God has been killed by His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

We no longer need to be enslaved by those Innate Demon Gods, and we are no longer a lower race under the Innate Demon Gods!”

In the final realm, Lin Immortal Emperor, Han Immortal Emperor, Jiuhao Immortal Emperor and other Terran Immortal Emperors are all great joys!

In the End Realm, all the Terran powerhouses who participated in the war also showed joy!

I thought that this battle would be the desperate sound of the Terrans.

I never thought that there would be Terran Supreme Desolate Heavenly Emperors from other worlds, coming across the border, with a snap of the fingers, to put it mildly, directly killing most of the innate demon gods!

But it’s too early to rejoice!

The next moment.

The innate demon gods killed by Shi Hao have been resurrected one after another!

Eighty-one Innate Demon Gods appeared at the same time on the battlefield of the End-End Realm, the battle between the Terran and the Innate Demon God!

These eighty-one innate demon gods… But there were eighty of them, saluting one of the innate demon gods.

“The powerhouse of the otherworldly Terran who crossed the border, the Desolate Sky Emperor… You intervened in the race wars of our world, in that case, have you ever been prepared to face the consequences of our liquidation?”

The Innate Demon God King, who was saluted by eighty Innate Demon Gods, stared at Shi Hao coldly and threatened.

Shi Hao said solemnly: “Don’t talk nonsense, let’s see the real chapter under your hands!”

Shi Hao is really solemn!

Because this Innate Demon God King who suddenly appeared, was respected by eighty Innate Demon Gods… He even has the power of the same personality as Shi Hao!

Other words!

This Innate Demon God King is at least comparable to a first-order Taiyi Immortal Monarch!

This is the battle of the same rank!


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