Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Everyone was happy when they saw that the master was full of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, yeah," Yuzhu said, "we've been bored in the palace all day long. You can tell us to relieve boredom when the story is told."

"Yes," Magnolia said.

Xiaoxiong is the most clever in eating. He has already run to fetch the seeds. He first gave a homage to the master, and then gave everyone a share. Finally, he left himself to eat the seeds while enjoying the happiness.

Ye Liuli pinched the melon seeds to eat, but was robbed by Magnolia. "Do n’t take the melon seeds by yourself, slaves come and peel them for you. The master is still in the confinement, just because the teeth are loose."

Ye Liuli rolled his eyes, "Oh, anyone who knows knows I'm confinement, and those who don't know think I'm terminally ill."

"Well, the master can't talk nonsense, not auspicious!" Yuzhu was unwilling.

Ye Liuli rolled his eyes, "Yes, but you still can't do it? Magnolia you peel the seeds, Chu Chu began to talk."

Nalanchu nodded and said, "The first example is recorded in the" Famous Doctors' Case ". The famous doctor Wang Haizang once healed a patient who suffered from the ethical illness and vomited while eating. He was thin. Wang Haizang He was asked to take the Wanzi Zizhi Pill. After the patient took it for 20 days, five or six pieces of toad-like meat and many white pus were discharged, and healed. "

"..." Xiao Yan listened and fantasized. When he heard the meat and white pus, his stomach rolled and he couldn't eat the seeds.

Magnolia was stunned, she was peeling the seeds, and stopped unconsciously.

"Later, another patient vomited after eating, and became blind and deaf. He also took Wang Mingyi's Wanzi Pills, which caused many green snakes and many pus, and healed." Nalanchu continued to explain.

Ye Liuli drew the corners of her mouth, "Toad-like meat? Green snake? My mother, which is a parasite, is it clearly a midge?" Tucao returned to Tucao, but she did not dare to despise these messages. One patient's symptoms are vomiting and thinness, the second patient's symptoms are vomiting and blindness and deafness. Both are diarrhea. In other words, parasites in the digestive organs, especially the intestine, temporarily exclude the possibility of schistosomiasis and tapeworms. Others There may be hookworms, tapeworms, tapeworms. But these three parasites are not toad-like? Even the ancients exaggeratedly described them as "green snakes", but what is blindness and deafness? Can they enter the brain? It ’s schistosomiasis and tapeworms. Even if tapeworms enter the brain and cause blindness and deafness, the parasites in the brain can't leak out, let alone be cured easily? "

Ye Liuli mumbled for a long time, but finally found no clue, "Hey, the ancient records really can't believe it or not," and then looked up, "You Chu Chu continue to talk about other legends."

Nalanchu nodded and continued, "The History of Ming Dynasty records that the royal doctor Dai Yuan treated a case, and the patient liked to eat raw celery. Dai Yuyi prescribed a medicine for him, and the patient had a lot of small locusts that night. More. "

"Spit!" Finally, Magnolia couldn't bear it, ran out and vomited.

Yuzhu and Xiaoyan also had bad complexions.

Ye Liuli drew his mouth and said, "Little locust? What a joke! The imperial doctor meant that the patient had eaten raw celery with locust eggs, so the little locust oozed? Would you please kill someone? Come on and continue I want to hear how strange these medical legends are. "

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